E for Edward

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Revision as of 01:46, 31 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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* TheSojurner enters the room through a side door that was not there before.
<Jeice> Darn it, I shouldn't have made so many elixirs at once...
* Nicholas nods, "Of course I do."
* Zeltan has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
* Daniel phases in : * "Greetings Sojurner."
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((SOJURNER SIR!))
<Jeice> Sojourner? What is going on? What just happened; who did that to me?!
* TheSojurner did what?
* maieo smiles back. "Okay." : *
<TheSojurner> did what?
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((/me stands uup in a millitary salute))
<Jeice> I was grabbed and thrown across the room!
<Bill_Hinch> Why can everyone else move in and out of here but me?
* TheSojurner gestures and closes his eyes....
<TheSojurner> What were you doing immediately prior to the effect....
* Jeice stumbles to his feet.
<Jeice> I don't know. I was helping Useless last I remember before being flung.
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((flang!))
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((randmperson:FLong!))
<TheSojurner> Helping him how?
<maieo> ((gtg bye all))
* maieo has quit IRC (Interred: )
* SplinterClaw continues to be attacked
<Jeice> I carried him over to Damsel.
<TheSojurner> Did he desire your help?
<Jeice> He appreciated the carrying I thought.
<TheSojurner> The effect... came from Talo-Toecan himself
<Jeice> I offered trying to heal him, and he didn't like that, so I didn't try.
<Jeice> I thought he did want to be brought to Damsel though...
<Nicholas> He wanted to do it himself...

-> : *TheSojurner: * May I ask you a question?

<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((thank tye nick))
<Bill_Hinch> I need to talk to Falerin, or Morgan. They at least pay attention too me.
* Daniel whispers to Sojurner : *
<TheSojurner> None the less the origin of the effect was Talo-Toecan
<Jeice> Useless, you could of let me know or something.
<Daniel> Sojurner, may I ask you a question?
<TheSojurner> The telekinetic signature is readily traceable back to him by following the residual energy trail
* Jeice walks over near Useless, but still at a small distance. "Sorry friend."
<Azerkail> Sounds a bit like CSI...
<Jeice> I didn't realise it bothered you so.
* Useless is unresponsive in sleep to Jeice's comments.
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((whooooo are you who who who who I REALLY WANNA KNOW whoooo are you who who who whowhowho))
<Daniel> Sojurner- What was E's purpose?
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((E?P right)0
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> : <Mobuis> ((only in the UK style chess))
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> : * Nicholas looks away from Maieo, "I hurt you, didn't I?"
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> : <Bill_Hinch> ((Unless they get owned by a knight, now go somewhere okay?))
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> : <Bill_Hinch> ((Like play in Traffic))
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> : <Jeice> ((Jeice has little power to channel. He needs what he has for the warping to the room and back.))
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> : <maieo> Yes. You did.
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((err))
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((ignore tthat))
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((hw that happend i dont knw0))
<Azerkail> ((Err, ftw Kraken?))
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((wtf does ftw mean??))
<TheSojurner> I am quite sure I do not know what you refer to
<Nicholas> ((For the win.))
<Daniel> I talked to Maxwell a day or so ago, and he said E had lost his purpose.
<Azerkail> ((I just like to say instead of wtf because of the connotations. =P))
<Daniel> That it had been forgotten due to a great evil.
<Daniel> I was wondering what his purpose might have been.
<Kraken|Sleep|logger> ((no i think i hit smething)
<TheSojurner> Well you might ask Maxwell then. I am sure that even did I know I would be forbidden to tell
<Daniel> Ok. Thank you.
* Kraken|Sleep|logger is now known as Kraken
<TheSojurner> As it happens theres little danger as I never encountered E in my journeys.. though I am suprised Maxwell did not say Edward
<TheSojurner> As he has resisted to now confirming E is Edward
<SplinterClaw> Edward?
<Daniel> Well, when I asked I called him E, so Maxwell responded in kind I suppose.
<Azerkail> What kind of evil would cause someone like E to forget his purpose?
<Jeice> The avatar of Death SC.
<TheSojurner> Well I am being pulled aside
<Daniel> Fare well.
<SplinterClaw> bye sojurner
<Jeice> Wait, Sojourner!
<Azerkail> Adios.
<TheSojurner> Beware the Jabberwock
<Jeice> Falerin, the god... has an avatar that has been visisting us!
* TheSojurner gestures and vanishes
<Jeice> Darn!
<SplinterClaw> I thought it was called the Jabberwocky...
<Bill_Hinch> Jabberwock?
<Nicholas> ((I'm going back to playing Twilight Princess...))
<Jeice> He needed to know!
<Nicholas> ((Later.))
* TheSojurner speaks voice only "It is not an avatar"
<Jeice> ((oops)
<Kraken> ((bbut an analog))
<SplinterClaw> oro...
* TheSojurner speaks voice only "I am aware of the Analog"
<Jeice> ((Typo... I was trying to get it typed fast))
* TheSojurner speaks voice only "Goodday"
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