His Red Eye

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Revision as of 20:35, 30 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[20:40] * Joins: Maxwell (Project755@755.755.755.755)
[20:41] * Araetha freezes where she is, unmoving this time.
[20:42] * Selarep basically kisees Ara.
[20:42] <Selarep> (kisses*)
[20:43] <Maxwell> right..
[20:43] * Araetha is still at first, only to return it unsurely a few moments later.
[20:43] * Elaith looks up from his seat on the stairs. "Hello, Maxwell. Long time no see."
[20:43] * Joins: Lkeas (Lkeas@The.Archivist)
[20:43] * Abode sets mode: +ao Lkeas Lkeas
[20:44] * Damsel smiles as well. "Aye, it is good to see you."
[20:44] * Durroth nods politely to maxwell
[20:44] <Durroth> Good to see you again sir
[20:44] * Daniel smiles. "Good indeed."
[20:44] * Damsel clears her throat softly. "Ma'am."
[20:45] <Maxwell> Not many people call me sir.
[20:45] < De`thion > looks up
[20:45] <Durroth> ((Erm))
[20:45] * De`thion looks up
[20:45] < De`thion > hi
[20:46] * Selarep kisses Ara more deeply, caressing her back as he does so.
[20:46] < Daniel > How fares Little Stoneforge? I have not heard much of him in ages.
[20:46] <Maxwell> Is this some sort of kissing party I have walked in on?
[20:46] <Durroth> (their in a backroom)
[20:46] <Durroth> (they're*)
[20:46] * Selarep and Ara can't be seen kissing by Maxwell or any of the others (Unless Max can hax like that)
[20:47] <Damsel> "Kissing party?"
[20:47] <Maxwell> Ah, sorry sometimes walls appear to be missing..
[20:47] * Araetha opens her eyes in slight surprise, her hands coming up to his shoulders but not doing much else.
[20:48] <Durroth> (yeah, especially the fourth one, that happens alot)
[20:48] <Maxwell> Yes, I can see you.
[20:48] * Maxwell points to the glowing red eye
[20:48] * Selarep continues kissing her as he firmly wraps a hand around the back of her neck.
[20:48] * Joins: rovien (blood_lord@Caelestia-F8BFA182.hsd1.ct.comcast.net)
[20:48] * Damsel blinks in mild surprise. "And... what are you seeing?"
[20:49] <Maxwell> Nothing I can not see on late night television.
[20:49] < De`thion > Nice eye, kinda makes you look like Tatsumi Saiga
[20:49] * Lkeas pads downstairs, slowing her pace as she notices Maxwell is visiting.
[20:49] * Damsel appears obviously confused, but shrugs it away.
[20:49] <Elaith> Who is it, Maxwell?
[20:50] <Durroth> gee
[20:50] <Durroth> take a wild guess
[20:50] <Maxwell> Who is who?
[20:50] * Joins: Lizard (Laughing@Lizard.Is.Might)
[20:50] * Abode sets mode: +v Lizard
[20:50] * Araetha gasps slightly but is unable to move given the current position of his arms, still for the moment seeming to along with it.
[20:50] <Elaith> Who is it that's filling in for late night TV?
[20:50] * Lizard is now known as Zeltan
[20:50] <Durroth> if you really need to ask that
[20:51] * Lyoko gets up, walking to the door where to two are smooching and stepping in, closing the door behind her. For a second, she does nothing.
[20:51] * Zeltan is still leaning against the wall.
[20:51] * Selarep continues the caressing and massaging as he slowly eases his tongue in.
[20:51] * FrogPlushie reappears. "...... Sooooo. Has the second war started yet?"
[20:52] * Selarep doesn't notice Lyoko.
[20:52] * Lyoko appears to be just observing the two, but it's apparent the rage is boiling up.
[20:52] <Maxwell> Children and their hormones.
[20:52] <Durroth> I would advise
[20:52] <Durroth> that everyone get behind something and brace for impact
[20:52] <Durroth> I predict an explosion
[20:52] * Elaith sighs.
[20:53] * Dale looks up, and shakes his head slightly before sighing. "Amateur."
[20:53] <Durroth> figuratively speaking
[20:53] * Araetha feels the last draw and puts her hands up against his face, pushing him away and breaking the contact, in that same swift moment she pulls a dagger to her palm, pressing the tip against his neck. She pants slightly with sharp eyes on him, "What was *that* about?"
[20:53] < Daniel > At least there is still more studying to do I suppose.
[20:53] * Lyoko is silently chewing on her tongue now.
[20:54] * Selarep shakes his head. "I...don't know..."
[20:54] * Lkeas looks towards the door that Lyoko entered with some confusion, as several others are also gazing at it. "Did I miss something?"
[20:54] * Daniel heads up the stairs, poking the prophetess on the nose as he passes out of sight into the library.
[20:54] * Selarep turns around and notices Lyoko. He freezes as if he's just been sentenced to death, and he's looking at the executioner.
[20:55] * Araetha glares at him sharply, "You damn well better know or you won't be touching anyone again with that tongue."
[20:55] <Zeltan> Your guess is as good as mine, Archivist.
[20:55] <Araetha> (( Turned with a knife to his throat? v.v ))
[20:55] <Selarep> WHat have I done...
[20:55] <Selarep> Erm...Ly...ok...o?
[20:56] <Dale> "Aside from Sel trying to get into Araetha's pants? Not much, Archivist."
[20:56] <Durroth> not a very surprising development
[20:56] * Durroth sighs disgustedly
[20:56] <Dale> "I know, Durroth. He went about it all wrong."
[20:56] * Lkeas frowns. "You'd think people would be a bit more focused around here, what with all the trouble brewing on Lore."
[20:56] * Damsel shakes her head appearing greatly disapproving.
[20:56] * Lyoko draws the sword she always keeps at her waist nowadays and points it at him. She slashes at his head, intending for a superficial cut, a large scar on his left cheek.
[20:57] * Zeltan shakes his head.
[20:57] <FrogPlushie> "I should talk to Ivan about reattaching that shirt."
[20:57] * Selarep stands and takes the punishment.
[20:57] <FrogPlushie> "Ooh, and Lkeas. Unity ish winning!"
[20:57] <Durroth> people like him...
[20:57] <Maxwell> When is Lore not in trouble?
[20:57] * Selarep sighs, seemingly relieved that the injury was so small.
[20:57] * Araetha watches Lyoko before hissing sharply, "No. Let me have at him first."
[20:57] * Isper greets Daniel as he enters the library, as he has been in the library for some time catching up on the seekers' adventures.
[20:57] * Durroth simply shakes his head
[20:57] * Lyoko sheathes it, and returns to the main room.
[20:57] <Lkeas> Well, things seem to be heating up with the Devourer's forces invading Paxia and all..
[20:57] * Selarep then turns to Lyoko and widens his eyes a bit.
[20:58] <Lkeas> That's good to hear, though, Frogplushie
[20:58] <Maxwell> One must always find time for the simple things in life, even when there is danger all around you.
[20:58] <Lkeas> Some Hope may exist on that island after all.
[20:58] * Lyoko completely ignores everyone, just taking her seat and saying nothing.
[20:58] * Selarep isn't thinking straight right now, so he can't defend himself.
[20:58] * Lkeas sighs lightly. "I suppose you're right, Maxwell.."
[20:58] <Zeltan> ((His mind is on getting his hands into her pants.))
[20:58] <Lyoko> (That scar isn't going to heal either.)
[20:58] <Zeltan> Time.
[20:59] * Selarep backs away slowly.
[20:59] * Lyoko looks at the groud as Selarep's new scar begins to burn, seething dark energy.
[20:59] <FrogPlushie> ((Ew. Lyoko, you have just made a mockery of Rurouni Kenshin.))
[20:59] * Araetha steps towards Selarep slowly, "You are the exact reason I despise nobles and this proves why I cannot trust others..."
[20:59] <Lyoko> *ground
[20:59] <FrogPlushie> ((I cannot forgive you.))
[20:59] <Lkeas> Although I'm not sure with your history that you'd be the best role model about spending free time..
[20:59] <Lyoko> (Really now?)
[20:59] <Lyoko> (Considering I haven't watched it?)
[20:59] * Selarep holds his cheek and steps into the main room and glances at Lyoko with sorrow and regret.
[20:59] <Lyoko> (Interesting.)
[21:00] * Selarep shakes his head. "I'm sorry...I must return to hell..."
[21:00] * Dale can't help but wonder if Araetha will be okay.
[21:00] * Selarep vanishes at these words in what seems to be a twilight inferno.
[21:00] * Araetha glares sharply at Selarep, "Don't you dare walke away from me!
[21:00] <Maxwell> How much of my history do you really know of?
[21:00] <FrogPlushie> "Only what you've said?"
[21:00] <Lkeas> Well... three daughters, two women.. different time periods?
[21:01] <Zeltan> It would be three women technically.
[21:01] * Selarep 's inferno is still there. Ara, Lyoko and anyone else who might want to follow would be able to follow.
[21:01] <FrogPlushie> "I have to see this."
[21:01] <Lkeas> Three? I thought there were only two mothers.
[21:01] * Araetha snarls at the vanishing of Selarep, letting out a growl and swiftly following after Selarep.
[21:01] * Lyoko silently begins to cry, making no noise, but tears are streaming down her face.
[21:02] <Zeltan> ((No thank you, I wouldn't want to enter Sel's dirty world of flying panties >_>))
[21:02] <Maxwell> Speaking about my life as if you were there, at least you know of my daughters I suppose.
[21:02] * rovien appears in the abode "greetings"
[21:02] <Zeltan> From different timeline but I see them as two seperate entity.
[21:03] * Lkeas flushes a bit. "Sorry, I guess it's odd to think your life story is so public, but we try to gather as much information about the Anunnaki as possible.."
[21:03] <Maxwell> From what I have been told Emma is quite adorable...
[21:03] <Lkeas> You haven't seen her?
[21:03] <Maxwell> No, not yet.
[21:04] * FrogPlushie floats over to the window ledge and recovers its postcard, tossing it into the inferno.
[21:04] * Zeltan looks at Maxwell.
[21:04] <Lkeas> How come?
[21:05] <Maxwell> As you know, Atlas Maxwell had quite an adventure all in an attempt to get home.
[21:05] <Maxwell> Back to my wife and child..
[21:05] <Maxwell> I'm not there yet.
[21:06] * Maxwell holds a strange cloth in his hands tightly as he sighs
[21:06] * Lyoko disappears.
[21:06] <Zeltan> Time travelling is a pain in the ass.
[21:08] <Maxwell> I suppose your right.
[21:08] <Maxwell> But good did come from it, I have two beautiful children.
[21:08] <Maxwell> And they are safe, away from me.
[21:08] <FrogPlushie> "Yeah, I blew up half a planet traveling back 10 seconds... 'Twas messy."
[21:10] <Maxwell> But I have seen many great things, many worlds and many people.
[21:10] * Joins: Little_Brown_Box (Little_Bro@Caelestia-C79DE4D2.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net)
[21:10] * Abode sets mode: +v Little_Brown_Box
[21:10] <Maxwell> They even made a television show about my adventures back on Earth.
[21:10] <Maxwell> Of course it is loosely based upon it.
[21:10] <Zeltan> Perhaps so. I've never supported time travelling.
[21:11] <Maxwell> It was never my plan, it was a mistake.
[21:11] <Lkeas> Why would you say your children are safe away from you?
[21:11] <Maxwell> I would do anything to just return home.
[21:11] <Lkeas> Shouldn't a father be with his kids?
[21:11] <Maxwell> They will always be with me.
[21:12] <Zeltan> ((Quick Lkeas, ask what show is it >_>))
[21:12] <Zeltan> Mentally but not physically.
[21:12] <Lyoko> ( XDD )
[21:12] <Lkeas> ((why do i have to ask?))
[21:12] <Maxwell> But it is not safe to be with me, not like this.
[21:12] <Zeltan> ((Cos Zel asking is breaking character :p))
[21:12] * Lkeas glances towards Maxwell's face. "You mean the eye?"
[21:13] <Maxwell> The eye is a gift from an old friend, it is no danger to anyone.
[21:13] <Zeltan> A gift?
[21:14] <Maxwell> ...
[21:15] <Lkeas> Have we met your friend before?
[21:15] * Dale walks towards the inferno thingy
[21:15] <FrogPlushie> "Eyes are rather fashionable on some worlds."
[21:15] <Maxwell> I hope not.
[21:15] <Zeltan> Sounds unfriendly.
[21:15] <Maxwell> You could say that.
[21:15] * Lkeas tilts her head. "When Truth revealed himself to us during the future war, he had red eyes. Is that the connection?"
[21:16] <Maxwell> You have seen Truth then.
[21:16] <Zeltan> Lorians have.
[21:16] <Lkeas> Just once, I believe.. he had been controlling Makkisar.
[21:17] <Maxwell> The poison that flows in my veins, that is Truth.
[21:17] * Dale examines it a bit
[21:17] <Damsel> "Poison..."
[21:17] <Zeltan> How...interesting in your describing Truth.
[21:17] <Maxwell> I have talked with Matthew about the condition, he claims I was a rare case.
[21:18] <Lkeas> Mmm. We have heard Truth was corrupt before.
[21:18] <Maxwell> Yes, but you never heard why.
[21:18] <Zeltan> Was or still is?
[21:18] <Lkeas> Indeed..
[21:18] <Maxwell> Only that he must return, become one again.
[21:19] <Maxwell> I am afraid that can never happen.
[21:19] <Lkeas> How come? Would that affect your daughters? Make them forsaken or something?
[21:19] <Maxwell> I'm sure they would live.
[21:19] * Maxwell grins
[21:20] <Zeltan> Or a split annunaki can never be whole?
[21:20] <Maxwell> Like I said, I am a rare case.
[21:20] <Maxwell> He will never be whole.
[21:21] <Lkeas> Because of you?
[21:21] <Zeltan> ((doh, i was about to type that >_<))
[21:21] <Lkeas> ((sorreh))
[21:21] <Zeltan> ((jinx :p))
[21:21] <Maxwell> To have the power of an Avatar, with no obligations at all.
[21:21] * Selarep reappears in the silver inferno which is still there.
[21:22] * Zeltan shifts slightly but never move from his position ever since Dan took away his wife, the couch.
[21:22] <Maxwell> He helped create his Executioner
[21:22] * Selarep walks out of it and sits on the couch, still humming a happy tune.
[21:22] * Selarep notices Maxwell from the corner of his eye. "Ah! Maxwell, so good to see you!"
[21:22] <Lkeas> Executioner? But I thought all 8 Anunnaki had to work together, or something. If he dies, what then?
[21:22] <FrogPlushie> "Selarep, go back to the Abyss."
[21:22] * Damsel turns towards Selarep and her eyes narrow.
[21:23] <Maxwell> Then I will still be here, living as I always will.
[21:23] * Lyoko appears, still sort of crying. She sits in a chair far away from Selarep.
[21:23] * Selarep turns to the frog. "Hmm? The Abyss?"
[21:23] <Maxwell> And Truth will be no more.
[21:23] <Selarep> What do you mean, dear Frog Plushie?
[21:23] <FrogPlushie> "... Okay, who broke Selarep?"
[21:23] * Selarep seems to be suspiciously low on hormones.
[21:23] <Zeltan> No more?
[21:23] * Lkeas frowns. "Why do you want him to die?"
[21:23] * Araetha returns as well, but heads immediately for the door, still angry and leaves within moments.
[21:24] * Selarep glances at Ara and Lyoko. "Oh my. is something wrong?"
[21:24] <Dale> ((LOOK OUT! ITS A TRAP!))
[21:24] * Quits: Araetha (Valedia@Aurora.Caelestia.net ) (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
[21:24] <Dale> ((I tried to warn her ;_;))
[21:24] <Maxwell> I want him to die for what he has done to me, I want him to die ten thousand deaths, I want him to feel it as he breaks apart into nothing.
[21:25] <FrogPlushie> "Erm... Can that wait 'till after we own Omega?"
[21:26] <Maxwell> My mission is no concern to you.
[21:26] * Joins: Necro (ultrapower@Caelestia-3C329417.austin.res.rr.com)
[21:26] <Damsel> "Why... do you hate Truth so?"
[21:26] <FrogPlushie> "You need a reason to hate something?"
[21:27] <Dale> "Not really, but there normally is a reason."
[21:27] <Maxwell> Our history is complicated.
[21:27] <Maxwell> I have been the servant of Truth on many occasions.
[21:27] * Selarep suddenly pulls out a book from his robes, seemingly a Bible of some sort, and swears an oath of celibacy.
[21:27] <Zeltan> He is known to be....manipulative.
[21:28] <Lkeas> But didn't you say you were an Avatar with no obligations?
[21:28] <FrogPlushie> "... Selarep. You're going to scare away the children."
[21:28] <Durroth> ((dont make oaths you cant keep selarep))
[21:28] <Damsel> "We will listen, if you would tell us, Maxwell."
[21:28] <Selarep> Hmm? What's the matter, frog plushie?
[21:28] * Lkeas nods in agreement with Damsel.
[21:28] <Maxwell> I am now, I was once just a servant to Truth.
[21:28] * Selarep is making it in this state. Of course he's going to break it when he returns to normal. <<
[21:28] <Maxwell> That was of course, until was my daughter was born.
[21:29] * Quits: Dale (Dale@Operator.Caelestia.net ) (Drowned: )
[21:29] <Maxwell> not sure why I said was, pardon that
[21:30] <Lkeas> You mean Rosa? Or a different daughter?
[21:30] <Maxwell> Must be the heat in here, I keep telling Robert it is too hot.
[21:30] <Maxwell> That kid has always hated being cold.
[21:30] * Selarep glances at Lyoko and tilts his head.
[21:30] * Lkeas frowns. "Robert Twain?"
[21:31] <Maxwell> Yeah, I am living with the Twains for a while.
[21:31] <Maxwell> Just until my next jump.
[21:31] * Damsel glances at Lkeas, alarmed.
[21:31] * Lkeas 's face turns a few shades paler. "Why are you staying with him?"
[21:31] * Selarep turns to Maxwell and raises an eyebrow at this comment.
[21:31] <Lkeas> I mean... them?
[21:31] <Maxwell> I had some catching up to do with my father.
[21:32] * FrogPlushie turns a pale white. Literally.
[21:32] <Selarep> Ah. Family is a wonderful thing.
[21:32] <FrogPlushie> "Wait... Wait... You're staying with Fartwright?"
[21:32] * Selarep smiles and continues humming.
[21:32] <Maxwell> He knows better than anyone what I have become and why.
[21:32] <Damsel> "Your father? Is Robert or...?"
[21:32] <Maxwell> Of course not, he is just a child.
[21:33] <Maxwell> Of course, with time travel anything is possible..
[21:33] <Maxwell> No, my father is the man who gave me my life back.
[21:34] * Zeltan frowns.
[21:34] <FrogPlushie> "Erm... Could we bribe you to like... Stab him? Ya'know, so he stops trying to kill us?"
[21:34] <Zeltan> He gave your life back?
[21:34] <Lkeas> Matthew?
[21:34] <Selarep> Jacob is your father?
[21:34] <Maxwell> I would never kill a defenseless child.
[21:34] <FrogPlushie> "He's a master of the Cold, he's just hiding it."
[21:35] <Zeltan> Defenseless...child?
[21:35] <FrogPlushie> "Wait... Erm. Feene wouldn't like me to want that."
[21:35] <Maxwell> Jacob?
[21:35] <FrogPlushie> "Nevermind, no killing baby Cartwrights."
[21:35] <Maxwell> Not sure who this Jacob is.. but no he is not my father.
[21:35] <Selarep> Erm...Okay then.
[21:36] <Maxwell> I was raised to be believe my father was king of Stonerule.
[21:36] <Maxwell> Of course, you discover many things when you travel.
[21:36] <Maxwell> Many people find themselves.
[21:37] <Maxwell> My body contains Anunnaki cells, Truth cells to be precise.
[21:38] <Maxwell> This process came as a surprise, and I was unaware of it at the time.
[21:39] <Maxwell> My wife died, and I took my own life.
[21:39] * Selarep frowns. "I'm terribly sorry..."
[21:39] <Maxwell> But I did not stay dead, I was awoken by a man who named himself Twain.
[21:39] <Lkeas> How did he have such powers?
[21:40] <Maxwell> Oh, the power was not from him.
[21:40] <Maxwell> No.. the power was from me.
[21:40] <Maxwell> He simply found me, he witnessed by body heal over night.
[21:41] <Maxwell> When I awoke, my eye glew faintly of red and my skin was as pale as a ghost.
[21:42] <Maxwell> You are aware of what a Forsaken is, when the host is found unfit it is left to rot.
[21:42] <Maxwell> Well, I am here, and I am rotting.
[21:42] * Zeltan frowns again.
[21:42] <Maxwell> Of course, this process is very slow.
[21:43] <Maxwell> And I am a very rare case.
[21:43] <Selarep> Well then...Do you have any idea how long you have until the process is complete?
[21:43] <Maxwell> You see, the body dies because it needs the Anunnaki present to live.
[21:43] <Maxwell> I will always have an Anunnaki present..
[21:44] <Maxwell> And I will never truly die until my body turns to dust.
[21:45] <Damsel> "How can that be?"
[21:45] <Maxwell> This is why I wish to kill Truth.
[21:45] * Isper enters the main room from the library
[21:45] * Quits: Lkeas (Lkeas@The.Archivist ) (Iced: Keep Hope within. )
[21:45] <FrogPlushie> "Erm... So you want to kill Truth so you can die too?"
[21:45] <Isper> Because you were cursed with immortality?
[21:45] <Maxwell> I want to kill Truth for what he has created.
[21:46] <Maxwell> Killing Truth will never kill me I am afraid.
[21:46] <Maxwell> I just want my revenge.
[21:46] <FrogPlushie> "Well... I'm rather glad I was created."
[21:47] <Zeltan> Revenge.
[21:47] <Selarep> I'm glad you were too, frog plushie.
[21:47] * Selarep smiles at the frog.
[21:47] * FrogPlushie ignites on fires. "Nonono. madness!
[21:48] <Damsel> "I believe I understand."
[21:49] <Maxwell> It is rather brilliant Danny could band a group of humans together like this I must say.
[21:49] <Maxwell> Your all heroes in your own way, even if you do not see it yet.
[21:49] <FrogPlushie> "Er... Wha...?"
[21:49] <Zeltan> Humans?
[21:49] <Selarep> Humans?
[21:49] * Zeltan chuckles softly.
[21:50] * Selarep merely smiles and blinks.
[21:50] <Zeltan> I suppose humans is a broad term.
[21:50] <Maxwell> I suppose you hate being called human, I am very sorry..
[21:50] <Maxwell> Humanoids
[21:50] <Zeltan> Indeed.
[21:50] * Zeltan swishes his tail. "But I don't find the term offensive. I appologise if I sounded that way."
[21:51] <Selarep> Oh. It's quite alright.
[21:51] <Maxwell> I hate being called an Avatar as much as you hate being called human I suppose.
[21:51] <Maxwell> I would never be an Avatar for a corrupt being.
[21:52] <Maxwell> Not ever again..
[21:52] <Damsel> "Even if that is our hope?"
[21:52] <Damsel> "The Avatars in this seem so important..."
[21:53] <Maxwell> I am not your hero, and I am not your "Hope".
[21:53] * Damsel appears faintly saddened. "I see."
[21:53] <Zeltan> Then I suppose your daughters will be.
[21:54] <Maxwell> That is the plan.
[21:54] * Elaith continues to listen in silence.
[21:55] <Maxwell> Do you know what I find quite funny about all of this?
[21:55] <Damsel> "What is that?"
[21:55] <Maxwell> Being sent to Lore to protect over the Avatar by the one group you all wish to bring down.
[21:55] <Maxwell> Of course, I know what NOVA becomes in the future.
[21:56] <Damsel> "I do not believe we have an issue so much with the group as... a single individual within it."
[21:56] <Maxwell> I just find it ironic they are now your enemy.
[21:57] <Maxwell> They have set the events in motion long before Carnax stepped foot on Lore.
[21:57] * Quits: Necro (ultrapower@Caelestia-3C329417.austin.res.rr.com ) (Vanished: )
[21:58] <Maxwell> They know what must be done, and I am afraid your single individual knows what must be done.
[21:58] <Maxwell> All things that have been planned, are slowly not coming to pass.
[21:58] <Maxwell> Your hope in everything going according to plan, is slowly fading away.
[21:59] <Maxwell> I have walked among the world that fell at the hands of Omega.
[21:59] <Maxwell> The world where you all failed.
[22:00] * Damsel frowns grimly.
[22:01] <Damsel> "Then we will simply have to do what we can to make certain that world does not come to pass..."
[22:01] <Maxwell> I sure "hope" so.
[22:02] * Selarep laughs rather loudly at Maxwell's pun.
[22:02] <Zeltan> Hope is a rather fragile thing no?
[22:03] <Maxwell> You could say that.
[22:03] <Maxwell> Only the Cor-Dem have a true concept of what Hope is.
[22:03] <Zeltan> But it can be a powerful force.
[22:03] * Damsel does not appear greatly amused by the pun, though she continues to listen.
[22:04] <Maxwell> Instead of hearing my life story, perhaps I can ask you all something.
[22:04] * Selarep normally wouldn't laugh at such a bad pun, but is acting funny and such.
[22:04] <Maxwell> You are aware of the rule of 755.
[22:04] <Maxwell> Trinity binds all Avatar in every aspect.
[22:05] <Maxwell> For example, if you look closely at the Avatar you will soon see the number three in many aspects of their life.
[22:05] * Damsel inclines her head slightly.
[22:05] <Zeltan> Three?
[22:05] <Maxwell> How many siblings they have, how many times they have done a certain event in their life. How many analongs they seem to have, or how many children they have.
[22:05] <Maxwell> Yes, it is always three.
[22:06] * Selarep is now known as Selarep-sleepy
[22:06] <Maxwell> They could even be small details, that do not get noticed.
[22:06] * Selarep-sleepy leans his head back and falls asleep.
[22:06] <Zeltan> This reminds me of 23 in numerology. The theory of which it appear in everything.
[22:07] <Maxwell> I would like you to tell me a few about the Atlas you know.
[22:07] <Maxwell> To better know my future.
[22:08] <Maxwell> That is if you know of any.
[22:08] * Zeltan brings up his scroll.
[22:08] <Maxwell> Your all speaking with the Cor-Dem still, perhaps you could post it on your forums.
[22:08] * Maxwell grins
[22:09] <FrogPlushie> "What the palooka is a forum?"
[22:09] <Zeltan> ((the fourth wall!!!))
[22:09] <FrogPlushie> "Like... A forumula?"
[22:09] <Zeltan> What is your age, pray I ask?
[22:09] <Maxwell> Ah right.. your not very keen on the concept.
[22:09] <Maxwell> I guess it is a bad time to tell you all, your speaking with a hologram.
[22:09] <Isper> Is it really wise to seek out information on your personal future?
[22:09] <Maxwell> Go ahead.. touch me your hand will pass right past.
[22:10] * Maxwell grins
[22:10] * Zeltan approaches Maxwell and attempts to touch his shoulders.
[22:10] <Elaith> Well, as long as it's you, leave Tasha with King Atlas Maxwell in 270.
[22:11] <Maxwell> If you wish to know what a hologram is, think of it as a crystal ball.. sort of.
[22:11] <Zeltan> Mildly amusing.
[22:11] <Elaith> You and her, in her timeline, will destroy Lore and portal jump in 287.
[22:12] <Damsel> "Elaith... is it wise to reveal this?"
[22:12] <Elaith> It is already publicly recorded on other occasions in the compilation of what we know.
[22:13] <Damsel> "Yes but he obviously either can not access it or does not wish to. I'm not sure of informing anyone of their future is... wise."
[22:13] * Zeltan glances at Damsel. "Someone once told me, knowing the future is a dangerous thing."
[22:13] <Maxwell> I learned much about holography on a world of large rhino like aliens by the way, anywho keep going.
[22:13] * Zeltan grins slightly.
[22:13] <Elaith> It may not be wise, but on the otherhand it also allows the person to make sure that the future stays the same.
[22:14] <Maxwell> If they follow my map, they should find Lore in a couple thousand years or so...
[22:14] <Maxwell> Please just tell me the information I wish to know.
[22:14] <Zeltan> What makes you sure they wouldn't attempt to change it, Elaith?
[22:15] <Elaith> His future is good for him. Great in fact.
[22:15] <Maxwell> Change is good.
[22:15] * Damsel shakes her head, frowning.
[22:15] <Isper> I still don't think its overly wise to play with time
[22:15] <Zeltan> I still don't agree.
[22:16] <Elaith> That comment, however, will dissuade me from sharing further.
[22:16] <Isper> It's not exactly the most stable thing, as you seekers have showen on some occasions.
[22:16] <Maxwell> If you wish to not tell me of my future, fine.
[22:16] <Maxwell> Perhaps I can tell you of yours.
[22:16] <Maxwell> Your future is the one where every last living thing is dead, or in the process.
[22:16] <Zeltan> No offence Maxwell. The future is not set in stone.
[22:17] <Zeltan> ...
[22:17] * Damsel frowns more deeply. "No... No, I think not."
[22:17] <Maxwell> Do you plan to change any of that?
[22:17] <Maxwell> Do you have any idea how to stop that?
[22:17] <Maxwell> Are you the time traveler?
[22:17] <FrogPlushie> "Aren't all living things in the constant process of dying?"
[22:17] <Maxwell> I expect a no from all three, so just tell me what I want to know.
[22:18] <Elaith> I would actually choose Yes and THEN two nos.
[22:18] <Isper> How can someone who wants to know his own future claim no know the future of others. Surely if you were capeable of seeing ours you could just as easily see yours.
[22:18] <Damsel> "We will do everything we can to change it even if we are as of yet unaware the exact way to do so. And I do not believe we need time travel to do what has to be done in order to prevent it."
[22:19] <Maxwell> Then tell me, how do any of you plan to stop Omega from turning your world into a factory of death.
[22:19] <Maxwell> Trust me, none of you will ever find peace when he is done with you all.
[22:19] <Maxwell> Your corpse is put to good use.
[22:20] <FrogPlushie> "I'm so glad I have no corpse."
[22:20] <Damsel> "We will stop him. Lore is coming together far better than any of us would have expected. Unity is winning and... We will find a way."
[22:20] <FrogPlushie> "Wait, does he recycle stuffed animals?"
[22:21] <Maxwell> Unity is winning in a small battle, not the war.
[22:21] <Zeltan> Have Hope.
[22:21] <Damsel> "Aye, but it is a start and an important one."
[22:21] <FrogPlushie> "I like the sound of Chaotic Unity. Has that nice fluffy ring to it."
[22:21] <Maxwell> Did you have unity when you killed Makkisar?
[22:22] * Damsel frowns faintly. "What do you mean?"
[22:22] <Maxwell> I am wondering why you chose to do it.
[22:22] <Maxwell> was it a group effort of unity to freeze to end him?
[22:23] <FrogPlushie> "Err... I think we went to stop him from sending those things to Lore via Temporial Paradox."
[22:23] <Maxwell> You have no idea what you caused by doing so do you.
[22:24] <Damsel> "I... I don't know."
[22:24] <Maxwell> I suppose your all to blame for why I am this way in the first place, all I ask for is some information and I can not even get that.
[22:24] <Damsel> "Information that could cause great temporal paradox!"
[22:25] <Maxwell> Or save your damn world from the coming storm.
[22:25] <FrogPlushie> "... Uuuuhhhhh... Feene wants me."
[22:25] <Damsel> "Then explain to me how giving you such information would do that."
[22:25] * FrogPlushie fades away.
[22:25] * FrogPlushie is now known as FP|GoneGoneGone
[22:25] <Maxwell> When Makkisar was frozen, you released a great evil.
[22:26] <Damsel> "Truth."
[22:26] <Maxwell> Oh my no, much greater than my old friend.
[22:26] * Damsel frowns. "Then what and how?"
[22:27] <Zeltan> The Darkness?
[22:28] <Maxwell> You still do not understand who I am do you.
[22:28] <Maxwell> I am a great danger to everyone.
[22:29] <Maxwell> That will never end.
[22:29] <Elaith> The great evil made sure the Avatar could not remember who they are, didnt it?
[22:29] * Elaith thinks back to comments of the True Edward.
[22:29] <Maxwell> The events that are coming to pass were never suppose to ever happen.
[22:30] <Maxwell> It all started when you entered the time portal and froze Makkisar in time.
[22:30] <Maxwell> You destroyed a whole timeline, to save your own.
[22:30] <Zeltan> Such as the Tytoa in Daniel's time?
[22:30] <Maxwell> The timeline was recreated.
[22:31] <Maxwell> You altered the plans of NOVA, and changed history.
[22:31] <Maxwell> It was never your place to enter the portals.
[22:32] <Maxwell> Now you have a chance to fix it, but you do not trust the man you killed.
[22:32] <Maxwell> I really don’t blame you.
[22:32] <Maxwell> I would have killed you.
[22:33] <Maxwell> I remember the feeling, the hate.
[22:33] * Damsel 's eyes go wide. "You... but..." She shakes her head.
[22:33] <Maxwell> It has been a long time, but oh I remember that like it was yesterday.
[22:34] <Damsel> "How?"
[22:34] <Maxwell> You have my father to thank for how.
[22:34] <Damsel> "Who is your father? What is his name?"
[22:35] <Maxwell> Does it matter? He is dead now..
[22:35] <Zeltan> It does.
[22:35] <Damsel> "Matthew... Was it Matthew?"
[22:35] <Maxwell> This will be the last time I ever see him.
[22:35] <Maxwell> A week before his death..
[22:37] <Maxwell> I am the 4th project...
[22:37] <Genoclysm> Why is it you would have killed us? I don't really understand a motive there.
[22:37] <Maxwell> If you knew who I was, you would understand.
[22:38] <Damsel> "By the Lady..."
[22:38] <Maxwell> I am not like any of you..
[22:38] <Genoclysm> How are you different from Jacob?
[22:39] <Maxwell> I am just a failed project, a failed attempt at making things right.
[22:39] <Zeltan> Fourth?
[22:39] <Zeltan> Who was the third?
[22:39] <Maxwell> I was..
[22:39] <Maxwell> I was the first and second also.
[22:40] <Elaith> Do you have the Alpha gene?
[22:40] <Maxwell> Same memory, same thoughts.
[22:40] * Zeltan shakes his head, still in disbelieve.
[22:40] <Genoclysm> Wait, I thought Carnax and Jacob were the first and second...
[22:40] <Maxwell> The thoughts of a mad man deep within my brain..
[22:41] <Maxwell> They are very different projects.
[22:41] <Maxwell> Created by Makkisar.
[22:41] <Maxwell> What you did not know, is he was also a project.
[22:41] <Maxwell> He was just following in his father's footsteps when he was consumed by Truth.
[22:42] <Maxwell> Turning his projects into an army.
[22:42] <Maxwell> I witnessed the events, I helped bring an end to his army.
[22:43] <Maxwell> He looked into my eyes, and I looked into his.
[22:43] <Maxwell> He knew who I was.
[22:43] <Maxwell> Things did not happen the way they should have.
[22:43] <Maxwell> You never should have helped me.
[22:43] <Genoclysm> Are you from the same generation as him? And what was his "father" trying to accomplish?
[22:44] <Maxwell> Makkisar is project 3...
[22:44] <Maxwell> When he was frozen in time, Jacob saved him.
[22:44] <Elaith> Are you... Sasha?
[22:45] <Isper> You have proof that what occured should have never happened? Or are you simply stating that it should not have happened because you disliked the outcome?
[22:45] <Maxwell> Of course not.. I am project four.
[22:45] <Maxwell> I am Atlas Maxwell, in the flesh.
[22:45] <Maxwell> The momment Makkisar was created, I was born.
[22:46] <Maxwell> I was implanted into a timeline, where things should have went according to plan.
[22:46] <Genoclysm> Who was your father and what was he trying to do?
[22:46] <Maxwell> I was never told what my mission was.. my father was killed.
[22:47] <Maxwell> And if I ask him now, I will do more damage.
[22:47] <Maxwell> What I can tell you is that I am no prince, or the son of a king.
[22:47] <Genoclysm> Doesn't Truth know?
[22:48] <Maxwell> I was only implanted into that position.
[22:48] <Maxwell> It was not until I looked upon Makkisar that I knew it was a lie.
[22:49] <Maxwell> Yes, I am in a sense Makkisar.
[22:49] <Zeltan> ...
[22:49] <Maxwell> He is what I would be... if I followed a certain path.
[22:49] <Elaith> What about your relation to Jess?
[22:49] <Damsel> "By the gods..."
[22:49] <Maxwell> She is of no real relation to me.
[22:49] <Maxwell> But it would break her heart to hear that.
[22:49] <Zeltan> Not even your step sister?
[22:50] <Maxwell> No, my blood is not of the same as hers.
[22:50] <Maxwell> Only a life I was forced to follow, for my own safety.
[22:51] <Maxwell> Not only do I have the memory of all past projects.. I will never really die.
[22:52] <Genoclysm> If you have their memory, why don't you know the purpose?
[22:52] <Maxwell> It is a heavy weight on my shoulders.
[22:52] <Zeltan> Is that why you are able to....heal, to come back from death?
[22:52] <Maxwell> No projects ever seemed to be aware of one.
[22:52] <Maxwell> We just... are.
[22:53] <Genoclysm> Do you know anything about the maker of the projects?
[22:54] <Maxwell> Only that he is Vespirian.. and considered us his children.
[22:54] <Maxwell> I know much of his personal life, but his work life is a closed book.
[22:54] <Damsel> "Ryuusei... is he a project too?"
[22:55] <Zeltan> Ryuusei? Why him?
[22:55] <Maxwell> He can wish I suppose.
[22:55] * Damsel shakes her head slightly.
[22:56] <Maxwell> him.. it is about time
[22:56] <Maxwell> my next jump is soon
[22:57] <Maxwell> If you ever see me again, be sure to look for the rock carved with a seven..
[22:57] <Zeltan> Be well.
[22:57] <Damsel> "...the Mark?"
[22:57] <Maxwell> I am told it is a sign.
[22:58] <Zeltan> Mark of Seven?
[22:58] <Maxwell> It is so strange getting e-mails from my daughter who I have never met..
[22:58] * FP|GoneGoneGone is now known as FrogPlushie
[22:58] <Maxwell> You have to love time travel..
[22:58] * FrogPlushie reappears.
[22:59] <Maxwell> ah.. I doubt any of you know what an e-mail is.
[22:59] * Isper mutters somthing about whibily whobily, timey whimey...
[22:59] <Durroth> ... yes we do
[22:59] <Zeltan> Electronic mail.
[22:59] <FrogPlushie> "Err... Those Spiderweb postcards?"
[22:59] <Maxwell> Ah good, so your not all cave men after all.
[23:00] * Elaith smiles.
[23:00] <Maxwell> If you ever wish to get a lesson on holography you should speak with Emma some time.
[23:00] <Maxwell> I have tought her everything I know.
[23:00] <Zeltan> Cavemen? Hardly.
[23:00] <Genoclysm> Is that those text electronic message transferences? I'm used to images and voice recordings.
[23:00] * Zeltan chuckles slightly.
[23:01] <Maxwell> She even knows how to use holo-cloth.
[23:01] * rovien is now known as not_rovien
[23:01] <Maxwell> Or she should by now.
[23:01] <FrogPlushie> ((How old does this Maxwell look? >>))
[23:01] <Maxwell> Alright, I am going to turn this hologram off now.
[23:02] <Maxwell> If you can, just leave the metal disk alone.
[23:02] <FrogPlushie> "Sayonara...~"
[23:02] <Isper> Take care of yourself Mawell.
[23:02] <Maxwell> If anyone touches it you could break it, it is fragile.
[23:02] <Durroth> Nice chatting with you
[23:02] <Elaith> We will do our best.
[23:02] <Damsel> "We'll be careful..."
[23:02] <Maxwell> Good luck with the coming storm..
[23:02] <FrogPlushie> "We'll find a lightening rod."
[23:03] <FrogPlushie> "No worries."
[23:03] <FrogPlushie> "Perhaps we'll use Epheel's legs."
[23:03] <Maxwell> I will be crashing in to visit soon.
[23:03] * Maxwell laughs
[23:03] <Durroth> please use the front door
[23:03] * Quits: Maxwell (Project755@755.755.755.755 ) (Vanished: )
** Maxwell has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
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