Meeting Place

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Revision as of 04:02, 30 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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* DavidViara has joined #755
<DavidViara> ... Is this thing working ....
<KingK> comeon david...just get the message out before it goes dark agai
<KingK> again: *
* DavidViara turns and looks at King
<DavidViara> "It is working..."
<KingK> oh you can hear me this time?
<DavidViara> "I am not greatly reassured by you being the only person I am receiving tho... my recollection of you is not stellar"
<KingK> im sorry i am the one you met from monmouth U?
<KingK> i am KingK
<KingK> but i am ot important
<KingK> not: *
<DavidViara> "I am boosting output in violation of numerous laws. I have the help of the Senator and Gil.

DavidViara> "

<KingK> what brings you here?
<DavidViara> "I know whom you are...."
<KingK> well that reasures me. but please before you get arrested or the transmission is disrupted what is your reason of being here?
<DavidViara> "I am here because of my Analog. There has been an emergency. I am working with others to open a doorway but I need to know where to fix it in Manhattan. For some reason I cannot actually scry manhattan itself directly and that forest was empty. I was able to trace some of you to this part of the same world that Forest is on... so here I am..."
<KingK> i see.....
<DavidViara> "The... (static) ... but thats besides the point..."
<KingK> the what?
<DavidViara> "I am pretty sure that there is an entity in Manhattan blocking my scrying... but a portal is a different matter so if I can find out where in manhattan to open the do...."
<KingK> i have some magic abilities can i assist in anyway?
<KingK> an entity perhaps cartwright?
<DavidViara> "....(Static)... and whatnot ..... (static) ... would be a major problem .... fortunately .... (static) ... so that will work better"
<KingK> your begining to break up david
<DavidViara> "Wait you have actually MET that being from the visi....(static)... is real?!"
* DavidViara flickers
* DavidViara blinks out
<KingK> yes i believe so....
<KingK> david!
<KingK> damn are there no others here?
<DavidViara> Voice only scratchy and loud "Need a location and time to open the portal too....!"
* DavidViara falls silent
* DavidViara has quit IRC (Interred:
* KingK punch's a rock wall and makes it crumble in his anger
<KingK> if only we could get to his universe!
<TheSojurner> I might recommend rather then destroying property as a group you figure out the information David needs so the next time he returns you can provide it to him.
<KingK> but how?
<KingK> and excuse my manners good morning sojurner
<TheSojurner> He said he wants to open a portal to you in manhattan. Useless is in communication with Hadin. Select a time and place that is innocuous and go from there....
<TheSojurner> At anyrate I am being called to Betelgeuse so good luck
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