The Watcher?

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[23:16] *** TheWatcher has joined #755.
[23:16] Formerly_Somebody: Then you must pre-empt him, Jeice.
[23:16] Formerly_Somebody: Eh?
[23:16] *** TheWatcher is (TheWatcher)
[23:16] *** TheWatcher is on: #755
[23:16] *** TheWatcher is using Caught in the dazzling lights of the Aurora
[23:16] *** End of /WHOIS.
[23:16] * LordBarrius tilts his head, confused.
[23:16] Formerly_Somebody: This...rings a bell.
[23:17] Formerly_Somebody: Must be my imagination...
[23:17] TheWatcher: My presence does not concern you.
[23:17] * LordBarrius closes his eyes for a moment, then reopens them.
[23:17] Formerly_Somebody: Oh, but it does.
[23:17] Formerly_Somebody: It concerns me greatly.
[23:17] * Lkeas pauses on her way out the door at the arrival of the newcomer
[23:18] Formerly_Somebody: Whom do you presume to watch, then?
[23:18] Lkeas: curious...
[23:18] Damsel: Curious indeed.
[23:18] Jeice: How do you propose I preempt him FS?
[23:19] TheWatcher: All games need rules.
[23:19] * LordBarrius forms a mixed look on his face. "Hope..."
[23:19] Lkeas: quite true, Watcher, quite true...
[23:19] Formerly_Somebody: Find him, Jeice. Before he acts.
[23:19] Formerly_Somebody: Confront him on your terms, before he gains the upper hand...
[23:19] TheWatcher: If the balance is to become twisted by your actions, balance must be forced.
[23:19] * Lkeas frowns
[23:19] Formerly_Somebody: And you presume to be able to do so?
[23:19] Jeice: He will flee or fight. He is unlikely to be saved FS.
[23:20] Lkeas: we were trying to maintain balance...
[23:20] Formerly_Somebody: No, Lkeas.
[23:20] Formerly_Somebody: Indeed we aren't.
[23:20] Damsel: Oh, no...
[23:20] * LordBarrius ponders that for a moment.
[23:20] Formerly_Somebody: We work for unity amongst ourselves...
[23:20] Formerly_Somebody: But for those opposing us?
[23:20] Formerly_Somebody: Jeice, you must try regardless.
[23:20] Jeice: ((*coughkickingscough*))
[23:21] Lkeas: we tried to reason with them, FS...
[23:21] TheWatcher: The world will never be in balance.
[23:21] Formerly_Somebody: Wrong.
[23:21] * LordBarrius shakes his head. "We need to tolerate them all."
[23:21] Formerly_Somebody: It was in balance in the beggining...
[23:21] TheWatcher: But we try, don’t we.
[23:21] Formerly_Somebody: I know not of any "we", Watcher.
[23:22] Formerly_Somebody: As I know not of you.
[23:22] * Damsel studies TheWatcher carefully. "Who are you?"
[23:22] Jeice: ((I need to ask Falerin something...))
[23:22] TheWatcher: I am peace, I am your Hope.
[23:22] Jeice: ((Hm... how to get ahold of him...))
[23:22] Formerly_Somebody: Oh indeed?
[23:22] * LordBarrius nods. "Yes, Hope...."
[23:22] Lkeas: how can there be peace in a world of imbalance?
[23:23] TheWatcher: I am war, and I am your Omega.
[23:23] * Lkeas frowns
[23:23] Lkeas: Omega?
[23:23] TheWatcher: The great trinity, bound by my actions.
[23:23] Lkeas: how can that be...
[23:23] * Damsel 's brow furrows. "And what balance are you trying to enforce?"
[23:23] Formerly_Somebody: So. What have we done to disturb balance?
[23:23] Jeice: Both Hope and Omega?
[23:23] TheWatcher: The fate of all worlds, all being watched by one eye.
[23:24] Formerly_Somebody: If anything, an inforcer of balance should side with us, the underdog.
[23:24] * LordBarrius smiles.
[23:24] TheWatcher: One eye consisted of many Agents.
[23:24] Jeice: Why has The'Galin gone unchecked then?
[23:24] Damsel: You say you are Hope and Omega?
[23:25] Jeice: ((Are you Falerin? I have an important question for him.))
[23:25] Lkeas: but Omega heads the network...
[23:25] TheWatcher: Which side do I belong to? None, for you see this is my game.
[23:25] Damsel: Are you the center of the triquertra?
[23:26] TheWatcher: I am all, and I am nothing.
[23:26] Formerly_Somebody: And you are cryptic. Let's not forget that...
[23:26] Jeice: ((I need an OOC discusion with Falerin...))
[23:26] * Damsel nods slowly.
[23:26] * LordBarrius closes his eyes again, content to listen to TheWatcher's words.
[23:26] Formerly_Somebody: What is your purpose?
[23:27] Formerly_Somebody: What could we POSSIBLY have done to attract notice?
[23:27] Jeice: It is sounding like the being above Lorithia...
[23:27] Formerly_Somebody: It makes no sense.
[23:27] TheWatcher: To make sure all sides play fair.
[23:27] Damsel: Are you the one who prevents creation from creating too much? The devourer from destroying too much?
[23:27] Jeice: Watcher, is The'Galin "playing fair" then?
[23:28] Formerly_Somebody: And how is this war "fair", may I ask?
[23:28] Formerly_Somebody: We are grossly outmatched!
[23:28] Formerly_Somebody: It is anything BUT fair!
[23:28] TheWatcher: You could say I am the one that enforces the rules that many feel they are above.
[23:28] * Lkeas frowns
[23:28] Formerly_Somebody: To which rules do you refer?
[23:29] Formerly_Somebody: What unknown limits do we play within?
[23:29] * LordBarrius chuckles. "Of course. There are always rules....and they need to be enforced."
[23:29] TheWatcher: When the balance becomes corrupt from your foolish actions, I will clean your mess swiftly, be assured of that.
[23:29] Lkeas: am i in trouble again...
[23:29] Formerly_Somebody: OUR actions?
[23:29] Damsel: So this is a warning?
[23:30] Formerly_Somebody: Compared to what The'galin's forces are doing, we have done nothing in this war!
[23:30] Formerly_Somebody: Absolutely nothing!
[23:30] Jeice: ((I'm thinking that this is a IC way of saying that Lkeas has been abusing her power...))
[23:31] * LordBarrius opens his eyes and smiles. "Then I shall try to make sure that we remember the balance in the future, Watcher."
[23:31] TheWatcher: You are all to blame, not one.
[23:31] Formerly_Somebody: ((Nah. Falerin just LOVES screwing with our heads.))
[23:31] Jeice: (( O.o ))
[23:31] * Lkeas nods slowly
[23:31] Formerly_Somebody: And what have any of us done, alone OR together, to attract such attention
[23:31] Formerly_Somebody: ?
[23:31] Lkeas: indeed... we have been divisive, just as Falerin warned us not to be...
[23:31] TheWatcher: The king will awaken, and bring a new reign the world of Lore.
[23:32] * LordBarrius looks over to Lkeas and nods.
[23:32] TheWatcher: And because of this, I must do something, to keep you all in balance.
[23:32] Formerly_Somebody: And that something is?
[23:32] Lkeas: the king... he is the 8th?
[23:32] * Damsel looks at her companions, her face slightly worried.
[23:32] TheWatcher: It is up to you, to stop the threat.
[23:33] TheWatcher: Many Cor-Dem have spoke of the actions, you know what will soon happen.
[23:33] * Damsel quietly mutters, "a new reign... and the reign of fire..."
[23:33] Jeice: ((Can anyone remember anything i did to upset balance? I can't remember anything of that nature, but with my memory, it is very possible that I simply forgot.))
[23:33] Lkeas: what will you do?
[23:34] * LordBarrius looks back at Damsel and lays a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
[23:34] Formerly_Somebody: So...what happens now?
[23:35] TheWatcher: Rebirth of the great flame is in order.
[23:35] Jeice: ((Unless he was reffering to stuff in AQ with those earlier statements...))
[23:35] Jeice: (( O.o ))
[23:35] TheWatcher: To balance the storm.
[23:35] Jeice: ((I want to say odd coincedence, but Falerin doesn't believe in them.))
[23:36] * Damsel nods, her body trembling slightly. "We shall try to create that balance."
[23:36] Formerly_Somebody: I don't we have to, Damsel...
[23:36] TheWatcher: Fool, you will do nothing but make me have to create balance by killing many.
[23:36] Formerly_Somebody: It has said that balancing is IT's job.
[23:36] Formerly_Somebody: See?
[23:36] Formerly_Somebody: What'd I tell you?
[23:36] * LordBarrius frowns.
[23:36] Lkeas: killing...?
[23:37] * Damsel winces. "But we can prevent further imbalance."
[23:37] TheWatcher: Yes, death is a part of life.
[23:37] Formerly_Somebody: To what end?
[23:37] Lkeas: but killing whom?
[23:38] Formerly_Somebody: How can death restore balance?
[23:38] TheWatcher: If I do not balance the world of Lore, all will become corrupt.
[23:38] * LordBarrius closes his eyes, starting to dislike what he is hearing. "Killing to keep a delicate balance...."
[23:38] * Lkeas turns to FS
[23:38] Lkeas: death is part of balance...
[23:38] Lkeas: birth, life, death
[23:38] Jeice: Fire was weakened because of us. If it comes back into power and we weaken ice with this war, then we keep an imbalance going.
[23:39] Lkeas: weaken ice? but we are collecting fragments of the ice orb... we must maintain balance
[23:39] Formerly_Somebody: No, Lkeas. That is a doctrine of apathy that I will not accept.
[23:39] LordBarrius: Fire was weakened....?
[23:39] Formerly_Somebody: The Great Fire War.
[23:39] Lkeas: then you do not understand the trinity, FS.
[23:39] Formerly_Somebody: Akriloth's death...
[23:39] * Damsel swallows with difficulty. "Is that why you have come here tonight? To cause us to come into balance?"
[23:39] TheWatcher: Ahh yes, but fire has become stronger over the years human.
[23:39] * LordBarrius frowns. "I'm not native to Lore, you know."
[23:39] TheWatcher: It has become much of the same strength as it was once before.
[23:40] Formerly_Somebody: So, what has gone wrong?
[23:40] TheWatcher: It must be stronger.
[23:40] Formerly_Somebody: So, you suggest what? That the mass-slaying of Ice creatures will solve everything?
[23:40] Jeice: So we are now weakening ice, or strengthening it? And whould we stop?
[23:40] Jeice: should*
[23:41] TheWatcher: Or a great imbalance will take the land.
[23:41] TheWatcher: You do not listen to my words?
[23:41] Formerly_Somebody: And what will this imbalance do?
[23:41] Jeice: I'm just trying to clarify.
[23:42] Formerly_Somebody: So, Fire must be made stronger. Does that include the weakening of Ice?
[23:42] * LordBarrius stays quiet, trying to think of what to say. He glances briefly over at Damsel to offer her a smile, and keeps his hand on her shoulder.
[23:42] TheWatcher: See for yourself, the fire war was nothing compared to what Frost will do.
[23:43] Jeice: So ice should be weakened I'm guessing. Should we not reform the orb then?
[23:43] Formerly_Somebody: You suggest that Frostvale is now showing signs of this imbalance?
[23:43] Lkeas: the rain of fire... will that be our chance to strengthen it?
[23:43] Jeice: ((reign*))
[23:43] TheWatcher: The rain of fire will be my doing.
[23:43] LordBarrius: In order to keep the balance....yes, of course.
[23:43] Formerly_Somebody: But then the world will be covered in ice. It is written...
[23:44] Formerly_Somebody: So, why?
[23:44] Jeice: Should the ice orb be reformed or not?
[23:44] TheWatcher: There is nothing you can do Avatar.
[23:44] Formerly_Somebody: If the rain of fire restores balance, why will it be disrupted again?
[23:44] TheWatcher: If the shards form, it is because Hope has formed them.
[23:44] * Lkeas nods
[23:44] Formerly_Somebody: I see.
[23:44] Lkeas: the orbs must all be formed...
[23:45] Lkeas: that is the way to achieve balance once more
[23:45] TheWatcher: The true orbs
[23:45] Lkeas: yes
[23:45] TheWatcher: Some are already formed.
[23:45] Formerly_Somebody: The others?
[23:45] Lkeas: that is true...
[23:45] TheWatcher: But you know this.
[23:45] Lkeas: but we do not know where they are
[23:45] Lkeas: one has been stolen
[23:46] Jeice: I think the Fire Orb may still be intact.
[23:46] TheWatcher: I am sure if you search your feelings you can find them.
[23:46] Lkeas: our feelings?
[23:46] TheWatcher: Once you awaken, that is.
[23:46] * Damsel continues to slightly tremble as she reguards the visitor, though she refuses to turn away. "The ninth orb. What is its alignment?"
[23:46] * Lkeas turns to Damsel. "Do you not know?"
[23:47] Jeice: How do we awaken?
[23:47] Jeice: Or do we simply wait for it?
[23:47] TheWatcher: The Orb of Balance?
[23:47] Lkeas: the orb of creation, does it also go by that name?
[23:47] TheWatcher: None can obtain that relic.
[23:48] * Damsel nods slowly. "That would be the one. An orb or creation would cause imbalance as there is no orb of uncreation."
[23:48] TheWatcher: If you think so.
[23:48] Lkeas: creation is balanced unto itself, though... isn't it?
[23:48] * LordBarrius frowns.
[23:48] Lkeas: uncreation is anathema...
[23:49] Damsel: Perhaps you are correct.
[23:49] Formerly_Somebody: Watcher. How do we awaken?
[23:50] Lkeas: but if the Orb of Balance is also the Orb of Creation, then indeed, none of us would obtain it as it is already obtained.
[23:50] TheWatcher: When the time comes for the Index to do the great task.
[23:50] Jeice: I thought so, but what is this "great task"?
[23:50] TheWatcher: You know.
[23:51] Jeice: ((Are the staff trying to program stackable shards?))
[23:51] Damsel: Yes, I think we might.
[23:51] * Lkeas frowns
[23:51] Lkeas: but we still do not have the key
[23:51] Lkeas: we cannot read what we are expected to write
[23:52] TheWatcher: Once the true world comes into view, I would look for the clues and find the door.
[23:53] TheWatcher: The door to the Outlands.
[23:53] TheWatcher: The only true way to restore any balance, is there.
[23:54] * Lkeas nods
[23:54] Formerly_Somebody: And when will this occur?
[23:54] Lkeas: we will try.
[23:54] TheWatcher: When you can travel to Cor-Demiaz VI.
[23:55] Lkeas: Cor-Demiaz VI, isn't that supposed to BE the Outland?
[23:55] TheWatcher: Indeed it is.
[23:55] Lkeas: ok, just checking.
[23:55] TheWatcher: Many names it has.
[23:55] TheWatcher: One other name, given to the realm by the humans of Lore.
[23:55] Formerly_Somebody: So, the Outlands will come into view when we are capapable of going there?
[23:55] Lkeas: Zeta Reticuli?
[23:56] * Lkeas chuckles. "I believe it was a roundabout way of saying it will happen when it happens."
[23:57] Formerly_Somebody: No, you think?
[23:57] Jeice: I'm wanting to say either the Void or the Moon...
[23:59] Formerly_Somebody: And where does Hope fit into all of this?
[23:59] TheWatcher: I must be going.
[23:59] *** TheWatcher has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
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