Maxwell's Last Clue

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Revision as of 02:53, 30 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[03:31] * Maxwell has joined #755
[03:31] * Aria sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
[03:31] <Leo> Greetings Maxwell.
[03:31] <Maxwell> hey
[03:31] <Elaith> Hello Maxwell!
[03:31] <Bloodly-Shiva> Hi.
[03:31] <Blaster> Hail Maxwell
[03:31] <Leo> More hail?
[03:31] <Maxwell> has anyone seen it?
[03:31] <Blaster> Fine greetings then
[03:32] <Blaster> Seen what ?
[03:32] * Damsel_sleeping shifts, bumping into a stack of books, and

knocking them over. The resulting thud causes her to raise her head and peer about blearily.

[03:32] <Maxwell> greetings and salutations :P
[03:32] <Useless> Seen that which you had hidden in a period, of all things,


[03:32] * Damsel_sleeping is now known as Damsel
[03:32] <Elaith> Hello Damsel!
[03:32] * Damsel yawns.
[03:32] <Useless> Greetings to thee both, Maxwell and mi'lady Damsel.
[03:32] <Cruorin> Hello
[03:32] <Bloodly-Shiva> Evening.
[03:32] <Damsel> Morning, everyone.
[03:32] <Blaster> Welcome back Damsel
[03:33] <Maxwell> has anyone actually figured out what the video means?
[03:33] <Maxwell> just wondering
[03:33] <Elaith> The letters arrangement video?
[03:33] <Blaster> Story of Cor-dem ?
[03:34] <Leo> We haven't had much discussion on it, Maxwell.
[03:34] <Damsel> I'm afraid I have not yet to had time to analyze it.
[03:34] <Maxwell> well you should, it is your last clue
[03:34] <Maxwell> from me anyways
[03:34] <Blaster> Aww
[03:34] <Blaster> As usual....
[03:34] <Elaith> :o( Your clues are fun.
[03:34] <Blaster> How will it help us ?
[03:35] <Maxwell> it will help you greatly if you figure it out
[03:35] <Damsel> Can you tell me, am I on track at all with my speculation?
[03:35] <Maxwell> you would have to tell me what it is
[03:35] <Elaith> The one you replied to.
[03:35] <Bloodly-Shiva> It will help us greatly, but with what,


[03:36] <Damsel> It is entitled "On the Nature of Aliens and Runes"
[03:36] <Maxwell> I reply to many speculations
[03:36] <Blaster> For some strange reason i see the Spynix
[03:36] <Maxwell> ahh
[03:36] <Maxwell> your doing good so far
[03:36] <Maxwell> good at gathering that is
[03:36] <Elaith> Maxwell, which video is it that is our last clue? (the

title of the video, that is)

[03:36] <Damsel> I see
[03:36] <Blaster> The grey alien seems to come up often
[03:36] <Maxwell> 7 5 5
[03:36] <Useless> Should we have instantly recognized a key to decipher the

video quickly, Maxwell?

[03:37] <Maxwell> I suggest digging deep into the video and watching the

story unfold piece by piece

[03:37] <Maxwell> and putting it back together, of course
[03:38] <Useless> That would suggest, Damsel, that your frame by frame

analysis is of use.

[03:38] <Damsel> I will attempt to compile an image which shows those frames

in order

[03:38] <Maxwell> every frame matters I might add
[03:38] <Maxwell> but they are not, in any correct order
[03:38] <Useless> Ah, so they are meant to be rearranged then?
[03:39] <Maxwell> brothers and sisters maybe, but the story from start to

finish, no

[03:39] <Maxwell> the chapters are not in order, but the words are
[03:39] * matrox has joined #755
[03:40] <Useless> Very helpdul indeed, I think
[03:41] <Maxwell> if you want to open the door, you better learn the story
[03:42] <Maxwell> the white rabbit does not trust those who do not

understand their true purpose

[03:42] <Maxwell> the Truth is far from the Lies, but the Lies are what

keeps us going day after day

[03:42] <Useless> The white rabbit chooses well not to trust those who do

not understand. It is a wise path for the white rabbit to follow.

[03:42] <Maxwell> To live you must have Lies, but with no Truth Lies would

be void

[03:43] * matrox has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[03:43] <Bloodly-Shiva> And what would you say our 'true purpose' IS? Many

people just play in the world for fun. Are you saying they're in the wrong?

[03:44] <Maxwell> wrong is a of point of view
[03:44] <Maxwell> I know what your fate is
[03:44] <Maxwell> if you accept it, or not
[03:44] <Maxwell> it accepts you, that is all that matters
[03:45] <Useless> Is that to say that fate is immutable?
[03:45] <Bloodly-Shiva> Well, I'd hope that fate includes 'Finding a job'.
[03:45] <Maxwell> you will not find any jobs were you are going I am afraid
[03:46] <Bloodly-Shiva> ...That's depressing.
[03:47] <Useless> Hmmm
[03:47] <Bloodly-Shiva> Fate accepts you. Strange.
[03:48] <Bloodly-Shiva> For it to accept you, it'd have to know you in the

first place, and immutale forces of the universe are not known for personality.

[03:48] * Namegduf_Live has joined #755
[03:48] * Aria sets mode: +v Namegduf_Live
[03:48] <Bloodly-Shiva> Immutable, rather.
[03:48] <Useless> Maxwell has yet to say that it is truly immutable,


[03:48] <Useless> Not explicitly so.
[03:49] <Bloodly-Shiva> 'If you accept it or not, it accepts you, and that's

all that matters'.

[03:49] <Useless> Further, the more I hear of Fate, the more Fate seems to

be the unusual mistress.

[03:49] <Bloodly-Shiva> I'd say that says 'You can't escape fate'.
[03:50] * Lkeas has joined #755
[08:52] Bloodly-Shiva: Oh? I'd like to hear your thoughts, Useless.
[08:52] Useless: Greetings Archivist
[08:52] Lkeas: morning everyone
[08:52] Blaster: Greetings Lkeas
[08:52] Maxwell: hi
[08:53] Leo: The logs are on there way, Lkeas.
[08:53] Damsel: Good Morning, Lkeas
[08:53] Blaster: Any clue to dicipher the video, Maxwell?
[08:53] Lkeas: hiya Maxwell, long time no see :)
[08:53] Maxwell: I hear there is a secret pedia
[08:53] Elaith: Hey Lkeas.
[08:53] Maxwell: is this true?
[08:53] Lkeas: lol
[08:53] Blaster: I don't know
[08:53] Lkeas: if i told you, it wouldn't be very secret, would it?
[08:54] * Blaster glances around nervously
[08:54] Useless: Regardless if there is or isn't, why would you choose to ask Maxwell?
[08:54] Maxwell: NOVA seems to know of it
[08:54] Blaster: umm..
[08:54] Lkeas: well then, it doesn't matter whether it's secret or not
[08:54] * Lkeas shrugs
[08:54] Maxwell: I never seen it >>;
[08:54] Lkeas: i would not want an incomplete archive
[08:54] Leo: Hmm, best erase my name off the lastest six logs I sent then.
[08:54] Maxwell: what was so secret about the information?
[08:54] Useless: Stop being the coward, Leo.
[08:55] Lkeas: heh. it was mainly made secret because of the threats from Dragon
[08:55] Leo: I was kidding.
[08:55] Lkeas: he wanted me to shut down the pedia all together
[08:55] Lkeas: so i instead chose to hide
[08:55] Maxwell: huh, good job
[08:55] Useless: Meanwhile, are you suggesting that NOVA is going to take measures against the Archives or the Archivist again?
[08:55] Maxwell: they scared you they should feel good
[08:55] Lkeas: heh. that was long ago
[08:56] Maxwell: I updated my myspace page...
[08:56] Maxwell: took 3 hours
[08:56] Maxwell: I learned myspace hates flash
[08:57] Lkeas: lol
[08:57] * Blaster refers to Damsel's thread
[08:57] Lkeas: ooh i like the new look
[08:58] Maxwell: the character is random
[08:58] Maxwell: out of about 8 options
[08:58] Maxwell: I might have them switch every 100 frames or so
[08:58] Maxwell: not sure
[08:58] Useless: I feel as if there is no coincidence that there are 8 options.
[08:59] Useless: Even though I have yet to make my way to veiw the page.
[08:59] Lkeas: well, so far i've seen two tenshi characters and one from Lore
[09:00] Maxwell: I think it is Aya,Sakura,Leiko,Roland,Tasha
[09:00] Maxwell: so only 6 I think
[09:01] Maxwell: I had about 10 but I got rid of some
[09:01] Lkeas: ah ok
[09:01] Maxwell: anyways.. last clue from Maxwell has been spilled out
[09:01] Maxwell: a video clue
[09:01] Blaster: Does the inverted pictures have the same meaning as the original ?
[09:01] Maxwell: ahem
[09:02] Maxwell: the LAST clue
[09:02] Lkeas: the last clue? why is it the last?
[09:02] Blaster: Alright
[09:02] Maxwell: sorry, but the rest is up to you
[09:02] Elaith: I will have finished converting them all to jpegs soon enough for easy rearrangement.
[09:02] Useless: Because he has decreed it so.
[09:02] Lkeas: do you expect we will have enough information from that to discover the whole truth?
[09:02] Maxwell: I am going to watch the players
[09:02] * Lkeas laughs
[09:02] Lkeas: Useless, he has said "last clue" more than a few times :D
[09:02] Lkeas: in fact i remember him saying that way back when we still didn't know anything about 755
[09:03] Maxwell: yes, but this is the very last clue from me period
[09:03] Useless: I know, therefore, it is only the "last" by his decree Archivist
[09:03] Lkeas: hmm
[09:03] Lkeas: what makes this clue so important?
[09:03] * Useless hops up to perch in a high corner of the room, where he can see all...
[09:03] Lkeas: it seems an amalgamation of previous clues, does it really give us any new information?
[09:03] Maxwell: for one, the white rabbit will ask you questions from the story
[09:04] Maxwell: and thats all I have to say since you were not in here when I said it before
[09:04] Maxwell: I am pretty bad at keeping secrets... just like Haggrid if you poke me enough ill spill the beans ><;
[09:04] Lkeas: lol i see; so you are being silenced then, before you say too much?
[09:04] Maxwell: yes
[09:05] Maxwell: I am not in control, never was
[09:05] Lkeas: in control of what?
[09:05] Maxwell: the game..
[09:05] Elaith: Maxwell, can you at least say how many images are in this audio video interleave?
[09:05] Maxwell: no
[09:06] Maxwell: how would I know? I did not make it
[09:06] Maxwell: I only uploaded it on my server
[09:06] Lkeas: why is it hosted on teamtenshi?
[09:06] Maxwell: because it is mine?
[09:06] Elaith: Oh well, 11 done and uploaded as jpegs so far.
[09:06] Lkeas: but the other videos have all been on public media sites
[09:06] Lkeas: why this one in particular?
[09:07] Maxwell: it is much bigger, and has to be edited
[09:07] Maxwell: to understand it
[09:07] Lkeas: edited?
[09:07] Maxwell: indeed
[09:07] Lkeas: how?
[09:07] Maxwell: why dont you ask how they are getting the images?
[09:07] Maxwell: I am sure they are editing the movie in some way
[09:07] Bloodly-Shiva: ....How many people have the means to edit VIDEO?
[09:08] Lkeas: how who are getting the images? the Cor Dem?
[09:08] Elaith: Me,
[09:08] Elaith: <_<
[09:08] Maxwell: I can not tell you that, like I said
[09:08] Maxwell: no clues
[09:08] Maxwell: ask mr seeker, he knows more than you think
[09:08] Bloodly-Shiva: Well, at least that means we have a slight chance.
[09:08] Maxwell: or ask the messenger
[09:08] Lkeas: Seeker seems to have gone missing
[09:08] Maxwell: I hear he is back to his old ways
[09:09] Lkeas: is that so?
[09:09] Blaster: he's missong right now so...
[09:09] Lkeas: may we expect to see him?
[09:09] Lkeas: he's been gone a long time
[09:09] Elaith: If you have Windows Media Player and Paint you can edit the video that way.
[09:09] Elaith: That is probably why it is avi.
[09:09] Blaster: I can't
[09:09] Lkeas: Lisa said he had run off with Robert
[09:09] Maxwell: is that so?
[09:09] Maxwell: what would Lisa know
[09:09] Elaith: Use the enhancements to play around with speeds, colors, everything.
[09:09] Lkeas: why wouldn't Lisa know?
[09:10] Lkeas: Robert's her brother, isn't he?
[09:10] Maxwell: I dont trust NOVA suits
[09:10] Blaster: ((everytime i press prtscr the previous pic chages))
[09:10] Lkeas: you know, in all this time we have made NO headway in who or what NOVA is
[09:11] Bloodly-Shiva: Well, it's not like we've had the means to interrogate one of them.
[09:11] Maxwell: indeed, you will not know unless they want you to know
[09:11] Lkeas: we've had plenty of opportunities, but they never give answers
[09:11] Lkeas: it's like they're machines, all programmed to say the same speech
[09:11] Bloodly-Shiva: And that's pretty much what it would take.
[09:11] Maxwell: how can you not know what NOVA is?
[09:12] Maxwell: I mean.. if seek the clues it is pretty clear
[09:12] *** Shock has joined #755.
[09:12] Maxwell: they do not have to tell you
[09:12] *** Mode change "+v Shock" for channel #755 by Aria.
[09:12] Bloodly-Shiva: Well, that's not surprising. Don't most companies only do automated responses to most enquirries?
[09:12] Shock: Hello all.
[09:12] Lkeas: it is just unclear which clues to follow
[09:12] Bloodly-Shiva: STANDARD enquiries?
[09:12] Maxwell: NOVA is a company?
[09:12] Blaster: Hello Shock
[09:12] Maxwell: what do they make?
[09:12] Maxwell: evil?
[09:12] Lkeas: they could be the network, they could be a technocracy, they could be anything, it could be one person or many
[09:13] Bloodly-Shiva: From the info they gav out they're some company/religious group type-thingy.
[09:13] Blaster: brain-washes people?
[09:13] Lkeas: we don't even know if they're from earth, LORE, or Zeta Reticuli
[09:13] Maxwell: I can tell you this, NOVA is a mask of Lies
[09:13] Shock: I wouldent call them evil, they HAVE helped a few people.
[09:13] Maxwell: nothing is the Truth
[09:13] Lkeas: NOVA is an avatar?
[09:13] Maxwell: I would suggest learning what NOVA stands for
[09:13] Bloodly-Shiva: Who hgive out nothing on what they I have no idea how they started up.
[09:13] Maxwell: that could explain a few things
[09:14] Lkeas: so it stands for something... N.O.V.A.? like that?
[09:14] Maxwell: mmhmm
[09:14] Elaith: Would N be network?
[09:14] Bloodly-Shiva: No means to contact them, no information given out on their official do you propose that?
[09:14] Lkeas: hang on hang on..
[09:14] Shock: ((when was spam a registerd channel...darn it there goes my op for channel spam...))
[09:14] Leo: Never Openly Verify Anything?
[09:14] Lkeas: a mask of lies? Truth said Carnax was a mask of lies :P
[09:15] Lkeas: but then again, it wasn't capitalized..
[09:15] Maxwell: Sounds like a clue to me
[09:15] Bloodly-Shiva: Nova is some...setup of Lies?
[09:15] Blaster: A false front ?
[09:15] Lkeas: I am but a mask of Lies
remove my mask of lies and show my Truth  
create my fate 
or break your destiny 
[09:15] Bloodly-Shiva: A false company like in spam mail or some such?
[09:16] Maxwell: indeed, was that really Carnax speaking
[09:16] Maxwell: or was he being used?
[09:16] Lkeas: well, Carnax was a pawn, apparently
[09:16] Lkeas: being used by Truth/Makkisar
[09:16] Maxwell: indeed it was
[09:16] Lkeas: but where does Lies come into the picture?
[09:17] Shock: Pawn yes, but he truely was that strong.
[09:17] Maxwell: it would rather die than kill once again, something the master did not expect
[09:17] Bloodly-Shiva: Not that it's exactly 'dead'.
[09:17] Maxwell: if the soul of Caranx is alive, Carnax is alive
[09:17] Bloodly-Shiva: Just dispersed, and that in future time.
[09:17] Lkeas: hmm. his soul is spread among the Heart of Talados amulets
[09:17] Lkeas: how many of those are there?
[09:18] Bloodly-Shiva: As of now, he's still in the Reaper's realm.#
[09:18] Maxwell: I doubt it Shiva
[09:18] Shock: "It"? If your talking about Carnax...
[09:19] Bloodly-Shiva: Why do you say that, Maxwell?
[09:19] Shock: Carnax does not deserve to be called and "it". I wish i knew what sort of things he would have done if he was still alive and not under controll..Proboly would have helped us fight this agent of destruction.
[09:19] Lkeas: for him to be in the reaper's realm, he would have had to have died, now wouldn't he Shiva?
[09:19] Bloodly-Shiva: And it WAS.
[09:20] Bloodly-Shiva: The final opponent of the quest to freec Rinoa from the Reaper's reralm was to fight down the Ghopst of Carnax.
[09:20] Bloodly-Shiva: ...I need to type slower.
[09:20] Lkeas: Riona? that was a while back, did you miss the entire future war?
[09:21] Maxwell: yes, but that is in Lores time
[09:21] Maxwell: not my time
[09:21] Bloodly-Shiva: Was. He got pulled back, recreated.
[09:21] Blaster: By summoning/reseracting Carnax again, he's soul was pulled out
[09:21] Bloodly-Shiva: But that was IN THE FUTURE. As of NOW, he's STILL in the Reaper's realm.
[09:21] Blaster: his*
[09:21] Lkeas: Maxwell, is Anna still with you?
[09:21] Maxwell: no clues
[09:21] Lkeas: rawr.
[09:21] Maxwell: try to figure out the one I gave you
[09:22] Lkeas: the video?
[09:22] Maxwell: or try to break apart NOVA
[09:22] Elaith: Uploading the first 12 pictures now.
[09:22] Lkeas: break apart as in figure out what the name means? or break apart as in destroy it?
[09:22] Bloodly-Shiva: All sense says, if we want to find out more, we should try to speak with him.
[09:22] Maxwell: that is up to you
[09:22] Bloodly-Shiva: Anyone got a necromancer or ten?
[09:23] Lkeas: well we can't destroy something we have no clue about...
[09:23] Lkeas: we can't just go hacking up whatever we think could be NOVA
[09:24] Maxwell: vespiar
[09:24] Maxwell: is a moon
[09:24] Maxwell: I did not know that..
[09:24] Lkeas: vespiar? what?
[09:24] Bloodly-Shiva: ????
[09:24] Maxwell: I thought it was a star
[09:24] *** lightbringerlord has joined #755.
[09:24] Lkeas: hmm.
[09:24] Blaster: My brain is seriously going to overload
[09:25] Blaster: Greetings!
[09:25] *** Mode change "+v lightbringerlord" for channel #755 by Aria.
[09:25] Maxwell: humans would call it vesper
[09:25] Maxwell: but, it is vespiar or V755
[09:25] Lkeas: according to whom?
[09:25] lightbringerlord: Hi
[09:25] Maxwell: the network
[09:25] Blaster: Cor-dem maybe ?
[09:26] *** Shock has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[09:26] *** Shock has joined #755.
[09:26] *** Mode change "+v Shock" for channel #755 by Aria.
[09:27] Bloodly-Shiva: I'm looking up 'Vespiar' now. Not much yet.
[09:27] Shock: So...
[09:27] Shock: (Link:
[09:27] Shock: Greek stuff.
[09:28] Shock: OR
[09:28] Bloodly-Shiva: Closest thing is 'Vespiary'-Vespiary \\Ves"pi*a*ry\\, n. : [L. vespa a wasp.]
[09:28] Bloodly-Shiva: A nest, or habitation, of insects of the wasp kind.
[09:28] Bloodly-Shiva:  : [1913 Webster]
[09:28] Shock: It can me Roman
[09:28] Lkeas: Venus? that's not a moon OR a star.
[09:28] Shock: Be
[09:28] Shock: Meaning
[09:28] Shock: The devil
[09:28] Maxwell: Vesper is a planet, Vespiar is the moon
[09:28] Maxwell: reading information from The Messenger
[09:28] Maxwell: very good read
[09:29] Shock: oh
[09:29] Shock: ok..
[09:29] Shock: And you have that how?
[09:29] Lkeas: is that from his old site?
[09:29] Maxwell: the planet is a large gas giant.. it can not hold life
[09:29] Lkeas: or did he give you new information?
[09:29] Maxwell: no
[09:29] Maxwell: he sent it to me
[09:29] Maxwell: I would not doubt if he put it on the internet though
[09:30] Shock: Well, good to hear he is OK then.
[09:30] Maxwell: he escaped I would guess
[09:30] Maxwell: ok, I know I said no more clues
[09:31] Maxwell: but I thought you would like to know that there is a such thing as a Vespiarian
[09:31] Shock: Thanks (:
[09:31] Lkeas: hmm.
[09:31] Bloodly-Shiva: Thank you.
[09:31] Maxwell: so Dan says
[09:31] Bloodly-Shiva: Wasp-like...hmm.
[09:31] Lkeas: are they also watching us? o.o
[09:32] Maxwell: who?
[09:32] Lkeas: the Vespiarians
[09:32] Lkeas: i mean, we've got the Cor Dem watching us, the brilhado, agents of the devourer, NOVA, might as well have them too :P
[09:32] *** lightbringerlord is now known as lightbringerlord: [busy].
[09:32] Lkeas: unless you mean to tell us that the V in noVs stands for vespiar
[09:32] *** Maxwell has changed the topic on channel #755 to My orbit is half and half, two worlds one stone..
[09:32] Lkeas: *nova
[09:33] Shock: Wait, The Necromancers over in Brilhado are watching us?
[09:33] Maxwell: Brilhado guard something the Avatar seeks, so I am sure they are a part of this in many ways
[09:33] Shock: All the Avatar seek it?
[09:34] Lkeas: an orb, perhaps?
[09:34] Elaith: Is the avatar seeking it the Huntress?
[09:34] Maxwell: figure it out :P
[09:34] Maxwell: no clues..
[09:35] Maxwell: not unless they are minor tidbits like Vespiarians
[09:35] Lkeas: gahh
[09:35] Elaith: I think the thing they guard is an agent and the seeking Avatar is the Huntress.
[09:36] Maxwell: who was it that said Twain was not a real name?
[09:37] Lkeas: oh gosh, that was forever ago...
[09:37] Lkeas: we were talking about pen names and how Mark Twain wasn't a real name
[09:37] Bloodly-Shiva: Wasn't 'Mark Twain' a psudonym?
[09:37] Maxwell: some information from Dan clearly shows that is true
[09:37] Lkeas: what is true? that it's a fake name?
[09:38] Shock: Mark Twain had a real name..
[09:38] Shock: What was it now..
[09:38] Shock: Well Mark Twain is the safe depth for boats to sail, so I would say its not a real name
[09:38] Shock: Now I think i have heard just Twain as a name before though.
[09:38] Bloodly-Shiva: Samuel Clemens was his real name.
[09:39] Shock: Thanks, slipped my mind.
[09:39] Bloodly-Shiva: As a last name, perhaps.
[09:39] Lkeas: what information from Dan, Max?
[09:39] Bloodly-Shiva: As as first, though?
[09:40] Maxwell: he will publish it when the time is right
[09:40] *** FireBreathing has joined #755.
[09:40] Shock: Mabye your right Shiva, I could be wrong i guess.
[09:40] Maxwell: it is a very good read.. lots of in depth information
[09:40] Shock: ...
[09:40] Shock: Meany...XD
[09:40] Lkeas: i'm sure, and you do love lording it over us don'tcha XD
[09:40] Maxwell: there is a lot more races in the Network than I thought
[09:41] Shock: Oh?
[09:41] Bloodly-Shiva: And when he does release it, it'll be encrypted so bad we'll never work it out.
[09:41] Shock: Not just those 8 or so you mean?
[09:41] Maxwell: some not as alien as others
[09:42] Bloodly-Shiva: How many would you say are truly alien?
[09:42] Shock: Err, guys, did we ever figuer out what the network is exsactly?
[09:42] Blaster: the solar system ?
[09:42] Lkeas: ah, there's a question i've been meaning to ask.
[09:43] Bloodly-Shiva: A set of connected worlds/galaxies/universes?
[09:43] Lkeas: Maxwell, why did you say the test would awaken Omega? I thought Omega was already controlling the network, how can he do it if he's asleep?
[09:43] Bloodly-Shiva: Servants?
[09:43] Maxwell: awaken is a term that can be used many ways
[09:44] Bloodly-Shiva: Serving a sleeping Master?
[09:44] Lkeas: that's what i thought.
[09:44] Bloodly-Shiva: Omega doesn't realise what it is, then?
[09:44] Lkeas: so by "awaken," do you mean come to full power or potential?
[09:44] Maxwell: for example
[09:44] Maxwell: would you awaken me to the world of folk music?
[09:44] Lkeas: hmm.
[09:44] Maxwell: that does not mean I am sleeping
[09:45] Shock: XD
[09:45] Lkeas: so Omega is unaware of something?
[09:45] Shock: Not exsposed to rather.
[09:45] Maxwell: as is many other things in the trinity, yes
[09:45] Lkeas: "the" trinity
[09:45] Shock: ((hey more hints!))
[09:46] Lkeas: ((shh don't say anything or he'll stop talking))
[09:46] lightbringerlord: [busy]: ((indeed..)
[09:46] Lkeas: have we yet determined what the nature of "the" trinity is?
[09:46] Bloodly-Shiva: For all e know, it's misdirection.
[09:46] Bloodly-Shiva: WE know.
[09:47] Shock: ((OK. Thats why im talking in brakets Lkeas. He will never see in now.))
[09:47] Maxwell: do you really think anything I tell is not something that has not been said once before?
[09:48] Shock: No.
[09:48] Shock: No i dont.
[09:48] Maxwell: other than the Vespiarian race and their home world, which is as of today new information
[09:48] Shock: Allready knew omega is part of the trinity.
[09:48] Lkeas: erm.
[09:48] Maxwell: the rest of my new information on the other hand, you will not be told until the time is right
[09:48] Maxwell: you have to give a little, to get a little
[09:49] Shock: Well thats no fun. Thanks for that little tidbit though.
[09:49] Maxwell: and to be honest I have given a lot, and gotten very little
[09:49] Lkeas: which trinity are we talking about now? the life, death, birth thing? the creator, uncreator, elements thing?
[09:49] Lkeas: what do you want from us?
[09:49] Lkeas: what could we possibly give?
[09:49] Maxwell: break down the walls and start to figure it out
[09:49] Maxwell: you have the clues in front of you
[09:50] Maxwell: good luck with it, no more clues or talk about it
[09:50] Lkeas: argh. that always frustrates me. we're trying to figure it out 24/7 you know, telling us to keep doing what we're doing doesn't exactly instill confidence in our work
[09:50] Shock: Tis right, someone allready figuerd it all out, so we can as well with luck.
[09:50] Maxwell: talk freely about it, but dont ask me anything
[09:50] Shock: OK.
[09:50] Maxwell: unless it is not about that
[09:50] Maxwell: you can talk to me other things though >>;
[09:50] Lkeas: i like your gallery :)
[09:50] Shock: Thats kind of hard to do, we tend to ask you alot.
[09:51] Maxwell: thanks
[09:51] Bloodly-Shiva: Ever had a favorite drink?
[09:51] Lkeas: it's well organized
[09:51] Maxwell: I dont get to many posts on it though
[09:51] Maxwell: it hides in the GOCA
[09:51] Lkeas: heh. yeah stuff gets buried in there
[09:52] Maxwell: and no, my title is not a clue
[09:53] Maxwell: that would make no sense at all if it was
[09:53] Lkeas: i think people stopped looking at your titles and avatars as clues when you posted "greedy for coins" with wario :P
[09:53] Shock: OK...Then you changed it do that why? Its a rather strange topic.
[09:53] Shock: lol
[09:53] Bloodly-Shiva: Very FEW things about this make sense.
[09:53] Maxwell: or DAM
[09:53] Maxwell: with the beaver
[09:53] Lkeas: lol
[09:53] Jeice: Hello Maxwell.
[09:54] Jeice: Hello Lkeas and the rest.
[09:54] Maxwell: hi
[09:54] Bloodly-Shiva: My orbit is half and half, two worlds one stone'...
[09:54] Elaith: Welcome back Jeice!
[09:54] Maxwell: it will stink once Truth and Lies is over in AQ...
[09:54] Lkeas: ?
[09:54] Jeice: You mean you will lose your fun?
[09:54] Jeice: :p
[09:54] Shock: Yes it will.
[09:54] Maxwell: too bad I am using most of the same plot elements in a book :P
[09:55] Maxwell: and my characters and races/worlds in it too... >>; and of course my Tenshi races and characters.. yep
[09:55] Jeice: I take it to mean that you like using Truth and Lies to mess with us.
[09:55] Shock: Everyone will jump in so much, thinking they have been with the story from the start.
[09:55] Maxwell: no, it is not to mess with you
[09:55] Maxwell: it is to guide you, and to tell the whole story
[09:55] Jeice: You know what I mean.
[09:56] Shock: Wait, Your slippong Team Tenshi stuff into AQ now you mean?
[09:56] Shock: slipping*
[09:56] Maxwell: unless you want a quest with 2 hours of text bubbles
[09:56] Shock: FUN!
[09:56] Elaith: hehe, that would be hysterical.
[09:56] *** Leo is now known as Leo: [Dead].
[09:56] Maxwell: no I did not slip any Team Tenshi stuff in AQ..
[09:56] Bloodly-Shiva: ...That covers most standard RPGS nicely.
[09:56] * Cruorin squeels
[09:56] * lightbringerlord: [busy] still waits an answer for the pm
[09:56] Maxwell: that would be stupid of me
[09:56] Bloodly-Shiva: At last, normal perception of them.#
[09:56] Shock: I thought thats what you just said your going to do, sorry XD
[09:56] Maxwell: only a few themes thats it
[09:56] Bloodly-Shiva: LEAST
[09:57] Shock: Oh.
[09:57] Shock: lol
[09:57] Elaith: An AK announcement telling everyone the quest has the best rewards in the game, then watching as they sit through 2 hours of bubbles, try to fight The'Galin for a reward and are ended. <_<
[09:57] Jeice: He would revoke his rights if he did that.
[09:57] Lkeas: lol
[09:57] Maxwell: if anyone actually does care about Team Tenshi
[09:57] Maxwell: Vince and I are actually working on it again
[09:57] Bloodly-Shiva: It's not like people haven't done similar with 'undefeatables'.
[09:57] Lkeas: i still say we need a The'Galin Manifestation monster where you go to fight it and it lets you muck around with him for a few rounds before he just kills out outright by blinking his eye
[09:57] Elaith: Awesome. So he found time apart from the teaching?
[09:57] Lkeas: *you
[09:57] Maxwell: but we are both super busy until Dec, that is when the fun begins
[09:58] Lkeas: yay happy fun!
[09:58] Shock: Yes, but the site seemed..dead.
[09:58] Maxwell: because it is dead..
[09:58] Shock: Oh as in Frostvale or more of the saga?
[09:58] Maxwell: I have no time for it, neithr does Vince
[09:58] Maxwell: no, I am just really busy with everything
[09:58] Shock: Oh ok lol.
[09:58] Maxwell: but I am gathering my team in late Dec to well
[09:59] Maxwell: work on Tenshi
[09:59] Shock: Sorry, people (Marrin) seem to think that something may happen after Frostvale in the Saga.
[09:59] Shock: Shortly after rather.
[09:59] Maxwell: I guess you will have to wait and find out
[09:59] Lkeas: it's not just Marrin, Shock...
[09:59] Maxwell: just because I am doing it? :P
[09:59] * lightbringerlord: [busy] is still waiting....
[09:59] * Shock prepares to eat his words
[09:59] Shock: no
[09:59] Lkeas: the mathemeticians predict the vault will open...
[09:59] Shock: Not becuase your doing it.
[09:59] Lkeas: or the clock will stop, rather.
[10:00] Maxwell: is that so?
[10:00] * lightbringerlord: [busy] thinks 'Lkeas read my message and answer!!!'
[10:00] Lkeas: yes
[10:00] Lkeas: sometime around frostval, or early january
[10:00] Shock: I think its stopping two years from now...thats the calculation i aggred with.
[10:00] Blaster: They have been wrong before
[10:00] Maxwell: so 2008?
[10:00] Blaster: X.X
[10:00] Lkeas: the ones who were wrong are the ones who didn't bother to try to calculate carefully
[10:01] Shock: Falerin said he would be supprised if this whole thing lasts only two years, and the clock seems kinda big, so yes Maxwell.
[10:01] Jeice: Falerin did suggest that.
[10:01] Maxwell: I would guess the day after tomorrow
[10:01] Maxwell: but I am not good with that sort of thing
[10:02] Lkeas: heh
[10:02] Maxwell: or the day before last tuesday
[10:02] Lkeas: the entire saga may last 2 years, but that doesn't mean that the clock stopping is the end of it
[10:02] Shock: I know.
[10:02] Jeice: I highly doubt it stops in the past Maxwell.  :p
[10:02] Maxwell: do any of you know what the clock even does?
[10:02] Shock: Just seems like something that will happen near the end.
[10:02] Shock: Uh...
[10:03] Shock: Nope.
[10:03] Jeice: All we know is that it counts down... we think.
[10:03] Maxwell: Didnt think so :P
[10:03] Shock: XD
[10:03] Lkeas: the eternal was guarding it for all time...
[10:03] Lkeas: maxwell, you mentioned a story of the eternal and the hunter
[10:03] Lkeas: is that related?
[10:03] FireBreathing: Counts down to the attack of the Cor-Dem.
[10:03] Jeice: Maybe it is a meter? I doubt it, just possible.
[10:03] Maxwell: attack of the cor-dem?
[10:03] Maxwell: cor-dem attacking Lore? scary
[10:04] Shock: Mabye it will foretell the comeing of The'Galin, or the Agent of destruction.
[10:04] Elaith: Images 1-28 are up, and I am almost done.
[10:04] Jeice: Attacking The'Galin using Lore as a springboard is what it seemes like to me.
[10:04] Damsel: I'm not even sure The Eternal knows what's in there.
[10:04] Maxwell: up where?
[10:04] Shock: Or its simply not the time sort of clock.
[10:04] Elaith: (Link:
[10:04] Lkeas: Damsel says there's 54 images, are you going to post them all Elaith?
[10:04] Elaith: Yep.
[10:04] Shock: What is this?
[10:04] Lkeas: sweet
[10:04] Lkeas: i'll be sure to link your page
[10:05] Maxwell: blurry..
[10:05] Elaith: See the PM I sent you Lkeas.
[10:05] Maxwell: very blurry
[10:05] Shock: Hey i think i know this painting...
[10:05] Shock: Could have sworn..
[10:05] Maxwell: I would sharpen them
[10:05] Elaith: I am going to upload hi-res versions afterwards. I can easily touch it up once the image conversions are done.
[10:05] Lkeas: hmm. is that their original resolution?
[10:05] Maxwell: no
[10:05] Shock: Hard to, but Im going to try Maxwell.
[10:05] Blaster: I'll attend to some pressing matters
[10:05] Blaster: Farewell
[10:05] Lkeas: the movie seemed rather small to me actually
[10:06] Shock: Or...
[10:06] Elaith: No. I am going to increase the ppi in a moment. I just want to get the images there first.
[10:06] Lkeas: 160x200
[10:06] Shock: Movie?
[10:06] Maxwell: it was indeed quite small
[10:06] *** Blaster has signed off IRC (Vanished: Gone..but not for good).
[10:06] Lkeas: could we just post the original size?
[10:06] Shock: Oh.
[10:06] Shock: You mean Elaith blurred them up
[10:06] Shock: Ok then.
[10:06] Shock: lol
[10:06] Elaith: Yes. I will sharpen them in photoshop when I finish. No worries.
[10:06] *** lightbringerlord: [busy] has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[10:07] Lkeas: i think i'd prefer going from the original source... but do what you feel would help :)
[10:07] Shock: Can i see this sorce?
[10:07] Damsel: I have sent you an e-mail, Lkeas, that contains them at the original size, all in a single file (which is a tad large, I'll admit)
[10:07] Lkeas: ah, thank you i see it now
[10:07] Lkeas: that actually works quite well :)
[10:08] Damsel: Good good
[10:08] Lkeas: if only we had something similar for Anna's memories...
[10:08] * Lkeas sighs
[10:08] Maxwell: Anna's memories
[10:08] * Maxwell grins
[10:08] Shock: We only have Memories of them XD
[10:09] Shock: No! Not the grin!
[10:09] Damsel: I have not found transcripts of any of the events that occurred when we travelled to the hatch.
[10:09] * Lkeas grins back
[10:09] Jeice: Something interesting Maxwell?
[10:09] Lkeas: little help, Max?
[10:09] Lkeas: :D
[10:10] Punisher: hey guys
[10:10] Jeice: Hm. Makes me wish I could read minds.
[10:10] Maxwell: I just find it funny that you think they are really just Anna's
[10:10] Shock: I know they are not.
[10:10] Lkeas: i am only using the title that was given to the loading screen
[10:10] Shock: You all do to, right guys?
[10:10] Maxwell: I would hope so
[10:11] Lkeas: as i am sure her telepathy would allow her to gain insight into events beyond her normal sphere of influence
[10:11] Jeice: Ah, I thought that grin was reffering to the humorous name unofficial people call it by.
[10:11] Jeice: Hm.
[10:11] Jeice: I expect that is from all eight.
[10:12] Maxwell: do do do do do, you will never know i'm ever after you
[10:12] * Maxwell whistles away
[10:12] Shock: Maxwell, dont sing type.
[10:12] Jeice: Um, ok.
[10:13] Shock: Err, Type sing.
[10:13] Punisher: oh no
[10:13] Jeice: >_>
[10:13] Punisher: hes after warlics job
[10:13] *** lightbringerlord: [busy] has joined #755.
[10:13] Maxwell: how about, dont not sing type
[10:13] Jeice: :p
[10:13] Shock: XD
[10:13] Punisher: lol
[10:13] *** lightbringerlord: [busy] is now known as lightbringerlord.
[10:13] *** Mode change "+v lightbringerlord" for channel #755 by Aria.
[10:13] Lkeas: well, regardless of whose memories they are, we can't analyze them since they're gone
[10:13] Shock: Yes we can.
[10:14] Maxwell: sure are
[10:14] Punisher: hey max i m likeing the new myspace changes
[10:14] Shock: We know them well enough too me thinks.
[10:14] Maxwell: thanks
[10:14] Shock: And we have pics of the wall drawings.
[10:14] Lkeas: alright then, Shock, what's the first image?
[10:14] Lkeas: i know what it is, let's see how well you remember :)
[10:14] Maxwell: I know them all
[10:14] Maxwell: pick me
[10:14] Jeice: It would be nice to have a source that we could watch them from again.
[10:14] Maxwell: pick me :P
[10:14] * Lkeas picks Maxwell
[10:14] Shock: Hooded guy pops up
[10:15] * Damsel laughs.
[10:15] Lkeas: hooded guy?
[10:15] Shock: Fist. image.
[10:15] Maxwell: you picked me!
[10:15] Maxwell: I wont tell though
[10:15] Lkeas: rawr.
[10:15] Shock: We dont know who he is.
[10:15] Punisher: lol
[10:15] Jeice: >_<
[10:15] Lkeas: well i'll tell then
[10:15] Shock: So hooded guy.
[10:15] Lkeas: the first image was the ship bursting out of the portal and crashing into Paxia
[10:15] Maxwell: cor-demian ship crashing to Lore
[10:15] Shock: When you click Anna
[10:15] Maxwell: what was number 2?
[10:15] Punisher: hey max can i get that link you posted
[10:15] Shock: No, first the hooded guy, then the memories start, then the ship.
[10:15] Lkeas: that's the problem, i can't remember the order...
[10:16] Lkeas: the hooded guy is not part of the memories, that's what you click to get to them
[10:16] Maxwell: the hooded guy was not a memory, he stood in front of the mural
[10:16] Jeice: You know, when I said that is what it was, one of you officials tried to get me to doubt that. >_<
[10:16] Punisher: i know the last bit was anna with danail then just danail
[10:16] lightbringerlord: After the crash we see a group of hooded guys
[10:16] Shock: Was that right after?
[10:16] Maxwell: wrong
[10:16] Punisher: soem said that it looked like the two were holding up five fingers or something around that
[10:16] Shock: I thought that was near the end.
[10:16] Jeice: I knew that was Cor Dem.
[10:16] Lkeas: ok, here's what i remember, but they're out of order
[10:16] lightbringerlord: no wait
[10:16] Lkeas: the group of green hooded figures, 3 in the front and an army in the back
[10:16] Lkeas: carnax falling
[10:16] Lkeas: danail and anna
[10:17] *** Leo: [Dead] has signed off IRC (Distracted: Dead.).
[10:17] Lkeas: mmm... was riona in the memories?
[10:17] Punisher: i think so
[10:17] Maxwell: what about the picture of the mural?
[10:17] Maxwell: whats in the picture?
[10:17] Punisher: the part when she shoots him i think
[10:17] Punisher: oh that i saw a city carnax,cor demi with some sort of gun
[10:17] lightbringerlord: Umm.. btw:'Remaining Horcrux
[10:18] Punisher: a shack looking place
[10:18] Punisher: and a jar or maybe a bust with out the head
[10:18] Jeice: A Cor Dem, Carnax, the Carnax time stone, the building on top of Carnax, a jug/jar...
[10:18] Punisher: with light around it or something comming out either way squiggly lines
[10:18] Maxwell: I can tell you what is in the mural
[10:18] Maxwell: if you want to know
[10:18] Lkeas: please :)
[10:18] Punisher: but you wont :P
[10:18] Maxwell: no, I will
[10:18] Jeice: Sure.
[10:19] Punisher: oh yea we really would
[10:19] Damsel: Yes, please
[10:19] Punisher: its really appreciated
[10:19] Jeice: We would like to have confirmation.
[10:19] Maxwell: Truth
[10:19] Maxwell: 755
[10:19] Maxwell: Cor-Dem
[10:19] *** Bloodly-Shiva has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[10:19] Maxwell: Monolith
[10:19] Maxwell: A burning home, which is of course Anna's home in flames
[10:19] Maxwell: The city, that was once peaceful and full of life
[10:20] Maxwell: Carnax
[10:20] Maxwell: Anna's necklace
[10:20] Maxwell: the spirit of the cor-dem transfering to Carnax
[10:20] Maxwell: a bubbling cauldron, under the cor dem
[10:20] Maxwell: thats it
[10:20] Jeice: I don't remember Bloodly-Shiva pinging out in the mural...
[10:20] Lkeas: under the cor dem? isn't it under Truth?
[10:20] Punisher: thnaks man we really appreciate it so that gun was really something they used to transfer the souls?
[10:21] Maxwell: it is to the left, under them both really
[10:21] Punisher: and that city was either talados or the future city right?
[10:21] Maxwell: it is Stonerule
[10:21] Punisher: ah sorry
[10:21] Punisher: i came after the first carnax war
[10:22] Lkeas: Anna's house is separate, right? or is she from Stonerule?
[10:22] Maxwell: Anna is not from Stonerule
[10:22] Maxwell: that is why it is not with Stonerule in the painting
[10:22] Lkeas: ok just checking
[10:23] Punisher: oh sorry to ut you off lkeas but maxwell in the stories from the future war your guy is supposed to be a prince right? was it of stonerule?
[10:23] Jeice: I want to know why Anna is depicted with Danail in the "memories".
[10:23] Elaith: Lkeas, I uploaded your conversion for you.
[10:23] Elaith: (Link: 755.gif
[10:23] Maxwell: yes, the mural did clearly show that the Cor-dem was used to create Carnax but none of you figured it out, how sad
[10:23] *** Bloodly-Shiva has joined #755.
[10:23] Punisher: i assumed it was a gun
[10:23] Jeice: Maxwell, I guessed it in the ballpark.
[10:23] Maxwell: Anna is no that great of an artist
[10:23] * Maxwell cough
[10:23] Lkeas: heh.
[10:24] Jeice: What I didn't realise at the time is that Cor Dem was a race.
[10:24] Punisher: lol no kidding
[10:24] Jeice: I thought it was a single being.
[10:24] Jeice: But I did think "it" became Carnax.
[10:24] Maxwell: when is there ever a single being in the real world/
[10:24] Maxwell: everything has to come from something
[10:24] Punisher: maxwell in the stories from the future war your guy is supposed to be a prince of stonerule right?
[10:25] Maxwell: well, he would have been king
[10:25] Punisher: but?
[10:25] Jeice: I thought Cor Dem was a name for a specific being, whether there was a race of it or not. There, happy?
[10:25] Bloodly-Shiva: Those who trust the Big Bang form of Creation would disagree tht everything has to come from something
[10:25] Maxwell: Makkisar ruined it
[10:25] Lkeas: how so?
[10:25] Punisher: how did makkisar ruin it?
[10:25] Maxwell: That, you will learn in the outland
[10:25] Punisher: ah
[10:25] Jeice: ?
[10:26] Lkeas: when will we get there?
[10:26] Maxwell: when the door opens
[10:26] lightbringerlord: soon
[10:26] Jeice: I thought he would have ruined it by destroying the kingdom.
[10:26] Punisher: ((really though can we get a time estimate to when the release is?))
[10:26] Jeice: Hm...
[10:26] Lkeas: the outland is in eternal darkness?
[10:26] lightbringerlord: ((yeah
[10:26] Maxwell: hmm.. no
[10:26] Maxwell: you can not
[10:26] lightbringerlord: ((5 minutes to 18 mýnths))
[10:26] Punisher: ok nvm just thought id give it a shot
[10:26] lightbringerlord: *months
[10:26] Maxwell: 755 years
[10:26] Lkeas: hehe
[10:27] Jeice: >_<
[10:27] Punisher: XD
[10:27] Lkeas: do we have to do something to open the door?
[10:27] Lkeas: or will it open when the "time is right?"
[10:27] *** Elaith is now known as Sonic|RunesAreCoolEh.
[10:27] Jeice: Will this door be glaringly obvious?
[10:27] Punisher: well anyways so makkisar is going to be returning then im guessing
[10:27] Maxwell: I would read into the clues to learn that
[10:27] Punisher: brb
[10:27] Maxwell: you would guess wrong, but feel free to guess all you want
[10:27] Lkeas: you told us we had to call the white rabbit... or something.
[10:28] Maxwell: yes, your guide in the outland
[10:28] Bloodly-Shiva: I still don't understand how killing Makki in the future means he's dead now.
[10:28] Lkeas: so do we call after we go through the door?
[10:28] Jeice: Yes, can you give us an answer other than looking inside or whatever it is you usually say? How do we contact her?
[10:28] Maxwell: it is quite simple Shiva
[10:29] Maxwell: say you had a portal to go in the future
[10:29] Maxwell: and you went inside and died there
[10:29] Bloodly-Shiva: He came from the past, was thrown into the future, and died there.
[10:29] Maxwell: yes
[10:29] Maxwell: the only way he could be alive
[10:29] Maxwell: is if he want in the past
[10:29] Maxwell: to stop himself from ever going in the future
[10:29] Maxwell: thus, you would never meet the order or kill Carnax for a second time OR kill him
[10:30] Maxwell: but he can not do that, because he is dead
[10:30] Maxwell: his past self is not dead, but his fate is the same
[10:30] *** You are now known as Lkeas: [mtg].
[10:30] Maxwell: he will open the portal, and die the same way
[10:30] Maxwell: make sense?
[10:30] lightbringerlord: yeah
[10:30] Bloodly-Shiva: Somewhat.
[10:30] Jeice: He is alive up until he died in the future, but his timeline skips from the past to the future. You would have to see him in a time before he died, but not interact with him or risk creating a paradox.
[10:31] Maxwell: right
[10:31] Maxwell: if YOU went in the past
[10:31] Maxwell: and told him
[10:31] Maxwell: or stoped him in any way
[10:31] Bloodly-Shiva: I wonder how he ended up in the future in the first place?
[10:31] Maxwell: a paradox would happen
[10:31] Jeice: That is why he will not do anything else.
[10:31] Maxwell: how did you get to the future?
[10:32] Jeice: What caused the gates of time to open Maxwell? I don't think that was ever answered.
[10:32] * Maxwell cough
[10:32] Bloodly-Shiva: Portals don't randomly appear. They're made.
[10:32] Jeice: Or was that all Makkisar?
[10:32] Maxwell: I cant say
[10:32] Maxwell: some do appear randomly actually
[10:32] Bloodly-Shiva: Or it was always there, and stabillised.
[10:32] Jeice: I get the feeling that wasn't him.
[10:33] Bloodly-Shiva: The chances of it happening by chance are not high.
[10:33] Bloodly-Shiva: Maybe he got unlucky.
[10:33] Bloodly-Shiva: But I doubt it.
[10:33] Jeice: I think something else opened up most of the portals.
[10:33] Maxwell: I doubt it too
[10:33] Maxwell: Maybe so, you will know I am sure
[10:34] Jeice: I will know? You mean once we get to the Outlands?
[10:34] Maxwell: Outland
[10:34] Bloodly-Shiva: WHat, me? I don't claim to understand any of it.
[10:34] Punisher: im guessing thats when it all really happens
[10:34] Punisher: oh yea and does that snow flake signify the ice coming first?
[10:35] Jeice: Punisher, there will be a lot more ice than that.
[10:35] Bloodly-Shiva: I'll be glad once everything starts making some sort of sense again.
[10:35] Punisher: i know
[10:35] Shock: Maxwell, That wouldent actualty work like that.
[10:35] Jeice: We're going to have a white Battleon I think.
[10:35] Punisher: i mean is that a clue that its soon
[10:35] lightbringerlord: Yeah it will be like 'The day after tomorrow'
[10:35] Shock: Time is a constant that exsists all at once.
[10:35] Punisher: i may seem ignorant but not THAT ignorant
[10:36] Shock: As in you never would have gone back in time in the first place.
[10:36] Maxwell: There is only one Outland, but you can call it Outlands if you want to I guess
[10:36] Jeice: I got that from your first reply to that Maxwell.
[10:36] Punisher: ah and what ive been wondering about for awhile now is
[10:36] * lightbringerlord knows a very easy way to save the universe
[10:36] Punisher: wheres dan aka messenger
[10:36] Punisher: ?*
[10:37] Maxwell: he is fine, that is all that matters
[10:37] *** Blaster has joined #755.
[10:37] Shock: DEAD MWUAHAHAHAHH!!!! Err..just elcewhere. He left us remember? XD
[10:37] Bloodly-Shiva: Lightbringer, speak on.
[10:37] lightbringerlord: simple
[10:37] Blaster: Err...anything happen ?
[10:38] Punisher: i noticed in one of seekers movies that there were what looked like faceless coming out of the game world and into our world so is it possible that dan will enter lore and we may meet him in the outlands?
[10:38] Jeice: Did it snow last Frostval?
[10:38] lightbringerlord: Go back in time and kill yourself
[10:38] Shock: Kill The'Galin, and establish universal peace?
[10:38] lightbringerlord: no
[10:38] Shock: Simple, but not easy to do.
[10:38] Jeice: Paradox tend to be dangerous lbl/
[10:38] Jeice: .*
[10:38] lightbringerlord: I know
[10:38] Shock: You cant do that LBL
[10:38] Shock: Doesent work like that.
[10:38] lightbringerlord: But the universe would be saved
[10:38] Maxwell: if you did kill yourself, I doubt the reaper would accept your wish to die
[10:38] Maxwell: that is all I can say
[10:39] lightbringerlord: Lol
[10:39] Bloodly-Shiva: ....The reaper's in on this too?
[10:39] Bloodly-Shiva: Oh good grief...
[10:39] Maxwell: I would wonder why the reaper does not want you to die in the first place
[10:39] Shock: You would have never exsisted in the first place. You cant actualy affect the past, Becuase what ever you do "differnt" in the past allready happend.
[10:39] Punisher: so then my question was so foolish ic ouldnt even get an answer?
[10:39] Punisher: thats cold
[10:39] Jeice: I was just thinking that.
[10:39] Punisher: :(
[10:39] Jeice: Why does the Reaper keep us alive?
[10:40] Maxwell: well, I have to go outside and spray the roof with hot water
[10:40] Maxwell: satalite TV.. is the worst
[10:40] Bloodly-Shiva: It's not just you he's keeping alive.
[10:40] Jeice: Yeah.
[10:40] Shock: You can only act out a pre determaind fate in the past. The "present" is where you get to have fun and have free will normaly.
[10:40] Maxwell: a tiny bit of snow makes it go out
[10:40] Bloodly-Shiva: Anyone remember that cutscene in the Carnax Time Scroll?
[10:40] Punisher: ive got cable
[10:40] Shock: Oh I hate that.
[10:40] Jeice: I know that Maxwell, except I've dealt with rain.
[10:40] Punisher: oh and i think i found where that statue of the woman is from
[10:40] Maxwell: I have to get going everyone
[10:40] lightbringerlord: ((I have something like TIVo)
[10:41] Jeice: Bye.
[10:41] Maxwell: I hope this chat has helped
[10:41] Maxwell: your going to need it
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