More of the Same

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[23:00] *** Lisa has joined #755.
[23:00] Blaster: is dan ?
[23:00] Lisa: He seems to be responding well to all the care NOVA is giving him.
[23:00] Blaster: Glad to hear that
[23:00] Lisa: He still has alot of work ahead of him
[23:00] Lisa: But he is responding well to treatment
[23:01] agentredemption: a better question, how are you lisa?
[23:01] Lisa: I am busy with my work, and worried about Dan but its hard to be down when you work for someplace like NOVA
[23:01] Lisa: Dan wants me to remind you to support the good work NOVA is doing.
[23:02] Lkeas: what kind of work is NOVA doing?
[23:02] Lkeas: how does NOVA set people "free" from choices?
[23:02] Lisa: NOVA is carind for souls
[23:02] Lkeas: what does it mean, to "care" for one's soul?
[23:03] Leo: ...To fill a hole?
[23:03] Lkeas: do you feel we cannot care for our own souls? that we need to place it in NOVA's care in order for it to be cared for?
[23:03] Lisa: It means they tend to the needs of your spirit
[23:03] Lkeas: what do our spirits need?
[23:03] Lisa: NOVA Cares for your soul Lkeas even when you personally do not.
[23:03] agentredemption: anything in preticular treatment dans soul neads?
[23:03] Blaster: In short..NOVA gives spiritual guidance ?
[23:04] Lkeas: i care very much for my soul...
[23:04] Lisa: Do you care about the souls of those arround you as well? Do you care what happens?
[23:04] Lkeas: i believe the choices i make in my life help my soul to develop; by taking that responsibility away from me wouldn't NOVA be stifling my soul's growth?
[23:05] Lkeas: i do care for others as well, although i cannot say that i know their souls as well as my own so i'm not sure how i could care for them as much as myself
[23:05] Lisa: You seem hostile toward NOVA. NOVA is not about stifling it is about nourishing. NOVA is about caring for the whole being, body mind and soul. People see counselors, and doctors, and preists but noone who addresses people as a whole. NOVA fills that void.
[23:06] *** Blaster is now known as Blaster: [lunch].
[23:06] Leo: ...the void?
[23:06] Lkeas: i'm not trying to be hostile, i am only trying to understand. how would NOVA be able to nourish my soul?
[23:07] Lkeas: would i undergo treatment such as Dan's as well?
[23:07] Lisa: NOVA works with each individual to develop a whole life program thats best for them intellectually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We cannot generalize because everyone of us is an individual with individualized needs. I can offer you some member testemonials if you like however.
[23:07] Lkeas: are they different from the testimonials on NOVA's myspace page?
[23:08] Lisa: They are equally enthusiastic.
[23:08] Lkeas: i would like to hear one.
[23:08] Lisa: Let me get a file hold on...
[23:09] Lkeas: ok
[23:11] Lisa: "When I was 21 my parents were both killed in a tragic car accident. I basically shut down turning out the world and trying to find anything to dull the pain. Food, drugs, and alcohol all made me feel worse. I ended up in the hospital twice after trying to kill myself. Finally a friend told me about Matthew Twain and NOVA. NOVA has been a godsend their Life Counselors have helped me reorganize my life and find a me inside I can be proud of.
[23:11] Lisa: Thanks NOVA" Kerry M. Plymouth, Mass.
[23:12] Lkeas: what was NOVA able to do for Kerry? what was the specialized treatment? can you tell us about it as an example of what NOVA might do for me?
[23:12] Lisa: I am sorry I would love to chat more but Dan is asking for a midnight snack.
[23:12] Lkeas: what is your work?
[23:12] *** Lisa has signed off IRC (Vanished: NOVA Salvation is available if you just react out and grab it).
[23:12] Alphonse: >_<
[23:12] agentredemption: blast
[23:12] Lkeas: ah well.
[23:13] * Leo wonders about the "void".
[23:13] Lkeas: not much new information there unfortunately
[23:13] agentredemption: if only we could break past her default
[23:13] Blaster: [lunch]: she tend to repeat herself regarding Dan
[23:13] Lkeas: perhaps that is the key...
[23:13] agentredemption: precicely
[23:13] Lkeas: she always repeats herself...
[23:13] Lkeas: like a program...
[23:14] agentredemption: its actualy a defence to interegation
[23:14] Lkeas: but what if she does not actually have answers? a machine can be asked questions but if not programmed with the answers it will not be able to respond uniquely
[23:15] agentredemption: thats why im trying a diffrent form of it
[23:15] Lkeas: how so?
[23:16] agentredemption: pretending to be a prospective client
[23:17] agentredemption: asking her what it is that nova has done for (vs to) a person
[23:18] Lkeas: i somehow get the feeling that even had she stayed she would not have been anymore forthcoming than she has been
[23:19] Alphonse: can we ask for some proof.. of what she said =p
[23:19] agentredemption: eather way it tells us quite abit
[23:19] Lkeas: what does it tell us?
[23:20] agentredemption: if she cant come up with other info to satify a client, we can assume shes hidding something
[23:21] Lkeas: either that, or like i said, she just doesn't know.
[23:21] Lkeas: she is just a mindless drone doing and saying what NOVA instructs
[23:22] agentredemption: its not good bissness to lose a prospect
[23:22] agentredemption: exactly
[23:23] agentredemption: ....though unfourtunately I much expect we cant trust truth seeker eather
[23:25] agentredemption: consiter his/her post here
[23:25] Lkeas: what about it?
[23:26] Lkeas: he is simply stating what Falerin has explained on many occasions
[23:27] agentredemption: doesnt that strike you as rather bold of him?
[23:27] Lkeas: how so?
[23:29] agentredemption: take his behavior on the irc for example
[23:30] agentredemption: hes seems so increadably paranoid about his master finding him
[23:30] Lkeas: i don't see how a statement regarding his master would make any difference to The'Galin if he saw it
[23:31] Lkeas: and he says many "bold" things on his myspace page
[23:31] agentredemption: to admit that he got his info directly from The'Galin, is like holding up a "im here" sign
[23:31] Lkeas: but obviously The'Galin knows and follows where he is
[23:32] agentredemption: yes but hes never clear as that on his site
[23:32] Lkeas: excepting perhaps when he is under the guard of The Traveller
[23:32] Lkeas: if The Traveller is indeed protecting him somehow
[23:33] agentredemption: hmm
[23:33] *** Blaster: [lunch] is now known as Blaster.
[23:33] agentredemption: I do not think so
[23:34] agentredemption: confrentation end with the traveller sending him back to The'Galin
[23:35] Lkeas: confrontation has not ended yet
[23:36] agentredemption: the last part we have
[23:37] agentredemption: not to mention he fell to The'Galin shortly after meeting the traveler frist
[23:38] agentredemption: *first
[23:38] Lkeas: ... after meeting the traveller??
[23:38] agentredemption: yes
[23:39] Lkeas: that's not true at all
[23:39] TheTraveler: No its not.
[23:39] agentredemption: oh?
[23:39] TheTraveler: By the time I met the Seeker he had already said the words that doomed him.
[23:39] Lkeas: The'Galin led him down into the darkness and out to survey Neld where he made the decision that would bond him to the uncreator
[23:39] TheTraveler:
[23:39] Lkeas: only after that... yeah, what The Traveller said
[23:40] Lkeas: ((you ARE the Traveller are you not? your spelling is unusual))
[23:41] TheTraveler: Unlike the LoreKeeper when he records my presence. I choose not to use creative english in spelling my name.
[23:41] Lkeas: that's good enough for me :)
[23:41] agentredemption: ....??? your link is to a poll
[23:42] Lkeas: ah yes, the poll i have yet to vote on...
[23:42] TheTraveler: It is indeed
[23:42] Lkeas: i am almost ready to vote on it. when will it be up?
[23:43] TheTraveler: It likely has a few days yet.... the LoreKeeper has other situations distracting his attention
[23:43] Lkeas: ah.
[23:43] TheTraveler: Plus I believe in fully giving people a chance to make their bed before forcing them to lay in it....
[23:44] Lkeas: your timing is most fortunate, we were just discussing whether or not the Seeker was under your "protection" or merely guidance?
[23:44] TheTraveler: The answer to that is something only time will reveal my dear Lkeas. I am afraid I shall not be forthcoming on that score this evening.
[23:45] agentredemption: the poll mentions nothing in confrentations.....
[23:45] Lkeas: ok, thank you
[23:46] agentredemption: bah
[23:46] TheTraveler: How very astute. The Poll does not concern Confrontation.
[23:46] Lkeas: lol
[23:46] TheTraveler: The Poll concerns "A Path To Greatness" an entirely different narative in an entirely different form....
[23:46] Lkeas: why is the Seeker more interested in "A Path to Greatness?" i would think his own story would be more interesting...
[23:46] TheTraveler: Yet one no less propituous as it happens.
[23:47] TheTraveler: The Seeker knows his story.
[23:47] Lkeas: has he already made his decision?
[23:48] TheTraveler: He clearly has my dear.....
[23:49] TheTraveler: The results of that will become apparent as time catches up with us
[23:49] Lkeas: of course
[23:51] agentredemption: <TheTraveler> How very astute. The Poll does not concern Confrontation. which makes it quite useless consitering im useing confrontation not a path to greatness as evidence
[23:51] Lkeas: i'm sure you are capable of finding the evidence in confrontation yourself..
[23:52] Lkeas: Traveller, do you know anything about this Lisa person? she seems a bit... repetitive.
[23:54] TheTraveler: You seem to have the mistaken impression that your pet theory is of some import to me agentredemption. Both stories are highly relevant to the situation at hand, both stories are intimately tied to the coming of the Devourer. I posted the link as I deemed it important, not because I was doing you some favor.
[23:55] TheTraveler: Also you are forming an opinion of my pupil. It seems to me it behooves you to consider his words entirely in forming that opinion. His own posting in that poll thread is quite telling I think.
[23:57] TheTraveler: Of course if what one is looking for is to be pat on the back... I might recommend joining NOVA... they seem quite willing to do that sort of thing....
[23:57] TheTraveler: I bid you all goodday
[23:57] Lkeas: yeah, about that...
[23:58] * TheTraveler fades into the shadows
[23:58] Lkeas: gooday, Traveller
[23:58] Lkeas: er... night.
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