Your Actions, Your Character

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[13:06] >Ambiance<: A bell chimes loudly in the distance its note deep and haunting.
[13:06] *** Falerin has joined #755.
[13:06] * Falerin appears, ghostly at first, but then gestures a cutting motion at his throat and becomes more solid. Even as he does this the bell stops ringing.
[13:06] Rimbot: Wait a moment! Geezzz....
[13:06] Reven: LoreMaster... I have a question
[13:06] Falerin: Good afternoon....
[13:06] bluemanrocks: ....
[13:07] Rimbot: Hello.
[13:07] Reven: Was The'Galin the first to use Undeath on LORE?
[13:07] Leo: Hello, Falerin.
[13:07] Falerin: No
[13:07] Reven: Thank You.
[13:07] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:07] bluemanrocks: Just wondering, Did he use it before the Darkness Lord?
[13:07] Rimbot: ... I swear, if you start doing a victory dance...
[13:08] * Reven does a short dance, then smirks, and returns to their reading.
[13:08] Falerin: Yes
[13:08] Falerin: He did
[13:08] bluemanrocks: Ah
[13:08] bluemanrocks: Thank you
[13:08] Falerin: Since the Darkness lord does not use Undeath
[13:08] Rimbot: Then who WAS the first to use Necromancy on Lore?
[13:08] Falerin: A mortal necromancer
[13:09] bluemanrocks: Was he/she of any importance
[13:09] Falerin: Not a priest of any power but a mage
[13:09] Falerin: Trying to extend their life
[13:09] bluemanrocks: Ah
[13:09] Falerin: and initially at least necromancy was considered to be AGAINST the Darkness AND Light Lords
[13:09] Rimbot: Okay, was The'galin the first to utilize Necromancy on a large scale (on Lore) for destructive purposes?
[13:09] Falerin: becuase Death is the domain of the Darkness lord
[13:10] Falerin: and Undeath is a violation of both Death and Life
[13:10] Falerin: No
[13:10] bluemanrocks: Hmm...
[13:10] Rimbot: Then who?
[13:10] bluemanrocks: "
[13:11] Falerin: Undeath was not utilized on a mass scale untill after the first coming
[13:12] bluemanrocks: And whom was it utilized by?
[13:12] *** You are now known as Lkeas.
[13:12] Falerin: It was then utilized by and associated with the Darkness Lord who eventually conceeded that it was an alternate form of "death" as even with traditional death the spirit continues after life.... and it allowed for more direct intervention in the living world by the dead....
[13:13] Falerin: Probably this was done as a manner of extending control over what was originally an effrontery
[13:14] Falerin: Ultimately gaining control of it for his own
[13:14] Rimbot: Okay, Okay, but my POINT, taken from the minor error I posted (glares at Reven), is that The'Galin would advocate a large-scale use of necromancy at any point, according to the Drakel Mythos
[13:14] Falerin: Something he could do because they required darkness as their source of power and many fled the light. Undeath became almost synonymous with the church of the lord of darkness.... for a very long time
[13:15] Rimbot: Falerin, what is 'Mana' in Lore?
[13:15] Falerin: The Brilhado advocate its use.... they are proficient in it... mostly to directly mock the lord they once served
[13:16] bluemanrocks: Falerin I've been meaning to ask you
[13:16] bluemanrocks: Are there any others like you?
[13:16] bluemanrocks: LORE or Caelestia?
[13:16] Falerin: The Devourer allows them as favored servants to carry out the front of the war they are in charge of with some immunity
[13:16] Lkeas: this may seem like a redundant question, but if Death is the domain of the Darkness lord, does it follow that Life is the domain of Light?
[13:17] Falerin: It does not
[13:17] *** Count_Krisarius has joined #755.
[13:17] Lkeas: what then, is it the domain of? the creator itself?
[13:17] Rimbot: Actually, if Death was the domain of Darkness, it would be more like 'Awareness' was the domain of light, I think...
[13:17] Falerin: Life is traditionally considered the province of Lorithia the creator and or of the Water lord
[13:17] Falerin: Sometimes the Earth lord
[13:17] Falerin: Sometimes the Light Lord
[13:17] Falerin: Sometimes the energy lord
[13:18] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:18] Lkeas: hmm. why is Death always associated with Darkness then?
[13:18] Falerin: Sometimes the Darkness lord even...
[13:18] Falerin: Withness the Kresh
[13:18] Rimbot: The spiders which turned from Darkness?
[13:18] Falerin: Because death is unpopular Lkeas
[13:18] Falerin: The assoi
[13:19] Falerin: These associations are made with mortals not the gods themselves
[13:19] Falerin: and Among the mortals the church of the Darkness Lord is among the few that would not vehemently deny having somehting to do with death
[13:19] Lkeas: i see
[13:20] Falerin: in truth of course... a timely death is part of the natural order of creation
[13:20] Falerin: So Death is equally the domain of Lorithia
[13:20] Lkeas: that's true
[13:20] bluemanrocks: But what of an untimely death?
[13:20] Rimbot: Lorithis created the Elemental Lords, correct?
[13:20] Lkeas: ironic that among the players darkness is not so unpopular as it perhaps normally is
[13:21] Falerin: Not really as the players are all Emo Goth Teens
[13:21] Falerin: XD
[13:21] Reven: And
[13:21] Lkeas: lol
[13:21] Falerin: Wait did I say that aloud
[13:21] Leo: lmao
[13:21] Lkeas: LOL
[13:21] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:21] Reven: ((OOC... being evil is highly popular when it is not real))
[13:21] Reven: ((Ask Fal about that OOC sometime))
[13:21] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:21] Rimbot: Fal WOULD know :P
[13:21] Reven: ((And they THINK darkness is evil))
[13:22] Lkeas: i don't think i should need to ask... that point is obvious
[13:22] Falerin: Indeed they do think that,,,
[13:22] Rimbot: Luckily, I'm immune, as I do not think.
[13:22] Falerin: Which is why I want to crush that thought under the weight of a million tons of evidence they cannot deny
[13:22] Falerin: The shattering of their world view will be like the symphony of 1000 angels to me
[13:22] Reven: And that is why I want to watch...
[13:23] Reven: Hehe.
[13:23] bluemanrocks: .
[13:23] bluemanrocks: .
[13:23] Lkeas: you have your work cut out for you, Falerin, it will be difficult to get them to believe their actions have anything to do with the world outside of AQ
[13:23] bluemanrocks: .
[13:23] * Rimbot slaps Reven with a Halibut of Evil for laughing too loud.
[13:23] Falerin: Alls I need do is prove that Darkness and Evil do not neccesarily have anything at all to do with each other Lkeas
[13:23] Falerin: that alone will crush their little hearts
[13:24] Falerin: they are so deluded into thinking that it does
[13:24] Lkeas: have you not already done so? they are just unaware...
[13:24] Falerin: They build shrines arround their love of evil and darkness
[13:24] bluemanrocks: So what are you implying
[13:24] Reven: Yes...
[13:24] Falerin: Of course it is not Universal....
[13:24] Falerin: The Fairy Goth for instance
[13:24] Falerin: Seem to have a clue
[13:24] Falerin: XD
[13:24] Lkeas: hmm
[13:24] Reven: While I like Chaos for Chaos's sake... and am note deluded to think it is evil or good...
[13:24] Reven: And also not deluded to think it exists as a side in LORE.
[13:25] Reven: Or as an alignment, more correctly
[13:25] Falerin: Lore has no alignments
[13:25] Rimbot: That's why I much prefer Nothing at all. It's much easier to represent correctly :P
[13:25] Falerin: only actions and affiliations
[13:26] Reven: What of Communicants?
[13:26] Count_Krisarius: You know, Falerin, you are in a very safe position. You can spout of things, with no fear of contradicting yourself, as LORE is your own creation (basucally). ^_^
[13:27] Count_Krisarius: *(basically)
[13:27] Reven: ((Falerin can do so as he is the LoreMaster... and what he says IS the world of LORE. By definition.))
[13:27] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:27] bluemanrocks: Yeah
[13:27] bluemanrocks: What they said
[13:28] Count_Krisarius: I realize; in fact, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I POINTED OUT. However
[13:28] Rimbot: ((Unless I call in the rather stupid 'Loremasters' from DF to foolishly disagree))
[13:28] Lkeas: yes, why were they given the title of Loremaster, anyway?
[13:28] Reven: He needed another hat.
[13:28] Reven: Oh, they, not him.
[13:29] Reven: No clue
[13:29] Falerin: My authority is not solely over AQ
[13:29] Reven: True
[13:29] Count_Krisarius: It is kind of troubling. Because Falerin exists in the way he does, there is no room for interpretation of LORE.
[13:29] Falerin: My authority is over the World of Lore
[13:29] Falerin: that includes DF
[13:29] kingk: falerin i wanted to ask when you wrote part three were you speaking directly to derin?
[13:29] Reven: Ah, of course
[13:29] kingk: its seems in the first person and you listened and wrote while he told his story
[13:29] *** Mysterious_Player has joined #755.
[13:29] Falerin: They exist within that authority
[13:29] Lkeas: derin? darin?
[13:30] Rimbot: I think the title of 'Loremaster' there was given simply because they were/are historians though...
[13:30] Mysterious_Player: whats going on?
[13:30] Lkeas: i see, so you allow them to share your title
[13:30] Falerin: I collect stories kingk
[13:30] Falerin: That is my job
[13:30] Falerin: Some of them occur in the first person
[13:30] Mysterious_Player: alow who?
[13:30] Falerin: Some in the third
[13:30] kingk: but did you collect it first hand from him?
[13:30] *** Donto_M has joined #755.
[13:30] Mysterious_Player: The skull?
[13:30] Falerin: In a manner of speaking..... but that would violate perspective...
[13:30] Falerin: As I am also a character therein
[13:31] kingk: ah isee
[13:31] Count_Krisarius: Falerin develops the mythos that is LORE, but because we can physically contact him (and because he can always change/add things to LORE), there is no interpretation for the world.
[13:31] Falerin: Interpretation?
[13:31] kingk: lol apparent ly your new
[13:32] Reven: Something is or isn't
[13:32] Reven: Or is maybe
[13:32] Falerin: You speak Krisarius as if I speak from a third person omniscient point of view regarding Lore
[13:32] kingk: but you live in it
[13:32] Count_Krisarius: I feel that you do, on occasion.
[13:32] Reven: You do... being not limited to it and being able to see from outside
[13:32] Falerin: It would be unwise to attribute to me omniscience.....
[13:33] Reven: And are close to omniscient in the Lore of LORE.
[13:33] Reven: How so?
[13:33] Falerin: Multiscience...... yes.... Prescience absolutely
[13:33] Count_Krisarius: There is Falerin (Elf LoreMaster), and there is Falerin (IRC user/contactable author of LORE)
[13:33] Falerin: But as I have remarked on multiple occasions... Omniscience.... would be a very unwise tact
[13:33] Count_Krisarius: Now, I never called you omniscient
[13:34] Falerin: I have for instance on numerous occasions answered inquiry in this channel with "I know not"
[13:34] Falerin: "That cannot be said"
[13:34] Falerin: "The answer is lost to time"
[13:34] Lkeas: quite true
[13:34] Count_Krisarius: Because you either do not feel the need to answer or have not thought of an answer. Yes?
[13:34] Falerin: Mu
[13:35] Rimbot: Yes, yes, the absence of something :P
[13:35] Count_Krisarius: I'm sorry, but what is Mu?
[13:35] Lkeas: basically, the answer is irrelevant
[13:35] kingk: ha so new
[13:35] Rimbot: Or was it the inverse?
[13:35] *** Donto_M has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[13:36] Count_Krisarius: It is irrelevant because Falerin deemed it so.
[13:36] Falerin: ((For one thing when I speak in this channel.. I speak IN character..... not out of it))
[13:36] Count_Krisarius: I apologize, then.
[13:36] Rimbot: Anyway, no one knows everything (of course- I don't KNOW that, so I could be wrong), and only an idiot would claim omniscence. By the way, I know everything.
[13:36] Falerin: ((So my answers are from the perspective not of Falerin upon high... but in the perspective of Falerin the LoreMaster))
[13:36] Count_Krisarius: I have been addressing the "Falerin" that exists outside of Lore.
[13:36] *** Donto_M has joined #755.
[13:37] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:37] Lkeas: yes, there have been many attempts to break the fourth wall in this channel...
[13:37] Lkeas: not surprising considering the issues we seem to be having as to the relevance of certain sources...
[13:37] Falerin: ((For another you make a grave perceptual distinction... As Falerin of Caelestia is Falerin of Lore but neither is William Donges.. the author who plays both))
[13:37] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:37] bluemanrocks: I do believe we got a little off-topic
[13:38] Falerin: ((And for a last because.... you assume that an author in general is omniscient))
[13:38] Donto_M: 4th wall lkeas?
[13:38] Falerin: ((And in fact is the ultimate authority on writing....))
[13:39] bluemanrocks: 4th wall refers to a connection between something fictional and reality
[13:39] bluemanrocks: I think
[13:39] *** Sleepyman444 is now known as Suikoman444.
[13:39] Falerin: ((This displays an ultimate lack of understanding on the way writing works... An author often knows not what is coming.... AND because it shows a DEFINITE lack of understanding of my power and authority within AQ vis a vis the administration))
[13:39] Mysterious_Player: Falerin, I rember once you were having a discusion about Truth Seeker, you were wonder about him and The'Galin, Truth Seeker once said he belonged to The'Galin. Do you have any ideas about this?
[13:40] Donto_M: ah, gotcha
[13:40] bluemanrocks: He is lost to The
[13:40] bluemanrocks: *The'Galin
[13:40] Donto_M: I like seeker's myspace, it is now more fancy than my own
[13:40] Count_Krisarius: ((There is no need to attack my understanding of writing. And again, I never claimed you were all-knowing; I claimed that your position disturbs me, on occasion.))
[13:41] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:41] Donto_M: TruthSeeker is a possession of The'Galin
[13:41] Rimbot: Falerin, was the person represented by the name 'Herald of Armistace' ever mentioned in your stories, or is it just a user playing games again?
[13:41] bluemanrocks: No
[13:41] bluemanrocks: He is in control of
[13:41] bluemanrocks: *controlled by
[13:42] bluemanrocks: Not possesed by
[13:42] bluemanrocks: Oh wait
[13:42] Falerin: Rimbot
[13:42] Falerin: Mu
[13:42] kingk: so he is irrelevent?
[13:42] Donto_M: TruthSeeker has already lived out the purpose The'Galin already had for him. For some reason though, The'Galin lets him live.
[13:42] Mysterious_Player: yeah
[13:42] Mysterious_Player: but he still belongs to him
[13:43] Mysterious_Player: He said he may have other plans for him.
[13:43] Donto_M: correct. Although how long that is could be shortened if we push Seeker for too many answers. Rules are set that must be followed for prime use.
[13:43] Falerin: ((No writer is omniscient about their world even if they know what is coming and none is the ultimate authority. No ultimate authority develops untill interpreters interpret long after the tales are done. And in the case of my position with AQ staff I work within a staff... they often throw me curve balls I must adjust too and vice versa.... So omniscience is not attributable to William Donges Either... and not because I have not come up with))
[13:44] Falerin: ((Or Bothered to think of an answer but because I have not been supplied one in some cases))
[13:44] Falerin: ((Or because the answer is deliberately gray or in dispute))
[13:44] *** Mysterious_Player is now known as Mysterious|eating.
[13:46] Donto_M: It seems to me as if we've hit a form of a wall. While we can poke at it trying to find a weakspot, the wreckingball will come in the form of the AQ game
[13:46] Falerin: Rimbot: the answer is mu for even the ramblings of a mad man have import
[13:46] Falerin: As for The Seeker's assertion....
[13:46] * Count_Krisarius is in character now.
[13:46] Rimbot: Ahhh.... that makes sense at least.
[13:46] Falerin: It is my finding that his self understanding is quite accurate
[13:46] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:48] Count_Krisarius: So the importance of this "Herald" is mu, but did you have any knowledge of his existence prior to these past few days, Falerin?
[13:49] Falerin: I am told he communicates with The Seeker regularly Krisarius
[13:49] Falerin: But myself.. I have not be subject to his ramblings no
[13:49] *** kingk has left #755.
[13:49] Donto_M: I'm inclined to agree. He's very wise about his steps. He fights The'galin knowing what he can and can't do or say. It is only sad that his fate is sealed
[13:50] Rimbot: You know the Seeker's mind, though, do you not? Is there any purpose or knowledge the Seeker can conceal from you?
[13:51] Falerin: ((Let me point one thing out to people that is significant OOC))
[13:51] bluemanrocks: ...
[13:52] Falerin: ((Staff very clearly know that FulcanX is NOT staff and they know much of what there is to know about NOVA yes?))
[13:52] Lkeas: um, yes?
[13:52] bluemanrocks: "
[13:52] Falerin: ((Yet the Seeker.... reacted to FulcanX as if his threats were quite real....))
[13:52] Lkeas: i see.
[13:52] bluemanrocks: "
[13:52] *** Donto_M has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[13:53] bluemanrocks: Actually
[13:53] bluemanrocks: I sort of see
[13:53] bluemanrocks: Is there more?
[13:54] *** Mysterious|eating is now known as Mysterious_Player.
[13:54] Falerin: ((Players play a part in this... while some will lie and claim to have secret information they do not have.... it is ultimately true that their actions have DIRECT effect upon the actions of the characters of this cycle))
[13:54] *** Donto_M has joined #755.
[13:54] Falerin: ((The world is truely interactive with them.... it is not just "pseudo"interactive
[13:54] Falerin: ((What you say or do and what a player says or does will effect what is said or done next...))
[13:54] Lkeas: that's why it's freakin' awesome
[13:54] Lkeas: and confusing as all get-out :P
[13:54] *** Suikoman444 is now known as SuikErikson.
[13:54] Falerin: ((It will shape the way information evolves and is made available))
[13:54] Mysterious_Player: yeah
[13:55] Rimbot: So, you aren't just shooting out messages and having us react to set stimuli? Our discussion and choices truely affect this 'mystery'?
[13:55] Falerin: ((Hence the fact that no matter WHAT position Herald of Armistice has... he is important...((
[13:55] Mysterious_Player: but thats bad in someways too
[13:55] Count_Krisarius: ((I don't suppose we could get and example of such, Falerin?))
[13:55] Falerin: Krisarius I gave one
[13:56] bluemanrocks: FulcanX
[13:56] Rimbot: Of course, I suppose that ALSO means if we screw up, we screw up...
[13:56] Falerin: When FulcanX threatened Seeker who IS staff controlled
[13:56] Falerin: Seeker responded to the threat appropriately and in character
[13:56] Count_Krisarius: ((No no, I mean, has such an instance happened already? Or are we talking hypothetical?))
[13:56] Count_Krisarius: ((Oh.))
[13:56] Lkeas: ...
[13:56] Falerin: His blog immediately reflected that people were threatening him
[13:56] Falerin: and that he was angry
[13:57] Falerin: He posted the threat publically
[13:57] bluemanrocks: So THAT'S what he meant?
[13:57] Mysterious_Player: but what of what Evil_God says? dose that do any thing?
[13:57] bluemanrocks: Although I assume there was more to it...
[13:57] Falerin: Seeker has reacted similiarly to Azerekail
[13:57] bluemanrocks: Or, for instance, Leo A.K.A. The Black Rabbit
[13:58] bluemanrocks: Everything you Know is Wrong
[13:58] Falerin: I have reacted similiarly to Leo and his Black Rabbit
[13:58] bluemanrocks: Got it...
[13:58] Lkeas: quite.
[13:58] Falerin: asserting that he was a servant of The'galin because of what he had done
[13:58] Mysterious_Player: and Evil_God?
[13:58] Falerin: Consider staff at this point as Game Masters in a traditional game
[13:58] Donto_M: leo, hm, I think Seeker reacted in some way to him too.
[13:58] Leo: ((please don't bring me into this, I don't have an intention of adding anything to this conversation))
[13:59] Falerin: ((Sorry bud you brought yourself in.. cannot just back out now))
[13:59] Falerin: ((You are part of it))
[13:59] *** Durroth has joined #755.
[13:59] Lkeas: heh
[13:59] KickKat: yar
[13:59] Leo: ((I ment in the discussion))
[13:59] bluemanrocks: ...
[14:00] Falerin: ((You were a mentioned as you were an example of the phenomena))
[14:00] Falerin: ((We respond and adapt))
[14:00] bluemanrocks: "
[14:00] Falerin: ((Heck even answering questions proves that... as questions in and of theirselves determine what you learn where and how))
[14:00] Falerin: ((Ask the right questions you learn the right things))
[14:00] Reven: ((Well that was enlightening...))
[14:00] Lkeas: true
[14:00] Falerin: ((Ask the wrong ones.... and...))
[14:00] Falerin: ((poof))
[14:00] Rimbot: But players don't always assume the same roles- for instance, at one point, I randomly spouted stupid phrases that sounded like wisdom for my own amusement. Othertimes, I mocked the storyline (sorry about that, by the way :P), and at other times, I tried to go deep into discussion. Surely, in a circumstance like that, the Staff cannot react in the same fashion.
[14:01] Durroth: Good evening
[14:01] Reven: ((I now know I can act truly in character...))
[14:01] Falerin: No... but they react Consistently in character
[14:01] Reven: Greetings...
[14:01] Lkeas: that is true, rimbot... the problem with having players as "characters" is that players can break into and out of character, or change character randomly
[14:01] Reven: You join us as we prattle about the world's end?
[14:01] Reven: Well, Durroth... I laugh here as I watch...
[14:02] Falerin: Falerin reacts to a person spouting nonsense as a person spouting nonsense
[14:02] Falerin: He assumes no continuity
[14:02] Reven: Knowing I will end in a six foot grave if you fail the entire time...
[14:02] Reven: As it is beyond my ability to leave this realm at the current time... Chaos fails me...
[14:02] Falerin: Players can and will change how they interact.. but human beings are fickle
[14:02] Durroth: that depends Lkeas, some of us stay in whatever character we've chosen for ourselves. I'm still merely a watcher
[14:02] Falerin: You seem to have missed the most obvious point of all
[14:03] Falerin: it is NOT simply your character that is a character in this
[14:03] Falerin: Your player... in ALL of his many modes of interaction...
[14:03] Falerin: is a character in this
[14:03] bluemanrocks: ...
[14:03] Reven: And I... am a Chaos Mage who has arrived by chance and cannot leave...
[14:03] Durroth: So basically this is another trans-dimension spanning plot?
[14:03] Rimbot: Heh. Well, that makes sense.
[14:04] Falerin: Durroth.. I am involved....
[14:04] Falerin: How could it not be....
[14:04] Durroth: point taken
[14:04] bluemanrocks: ...
[14:04] Reven: Travel through the 'verses is by no means as easy as it is for our dear LoreMaster here...
[14:04] Lkeas: but isn't that a danger to the story that the staff is creating? if a player chooses to sidetrack other players, doesn't it just throw off the timeline of the game?
[14:04] Reven: For myself..
[14:04] Durroth: no
[14:04] Reven: And utterly uncontrolled and frequently unavailable...
[14:04] Falerin: Oh no... because what happens in game will happen as it is meant to happen
[14:04] bluemanrocks: Of course Falerin, now everyone is going to react differently
[14:05] Rimbot: Well then- you bee a Chaos mage, you be the Lore master, you be a Watcher, and I shall be Drunken. I mean, er, Nothing at all.
[14:05] Rimbot: (bee? Errr... bzzzz...)
[14:05] Durroth: lol Rim
[14:05] Falerin: What will differ his how much you know or dont
[14:05] Falerin: How prepared you are....
[14:05] Lkeas: :-/
[14:05] Falerin: And as for that....
[14:05] Durroth: I analyze what I can
[14:05] Falerin: Muhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaha
[14:05] Lkeas: oh great.
[14:05] bluemanrocks: Ah
[14:05] Durroth: and so far, its very VERY hard
[14:05] Reven: Indeed...
[14:05] bluemanrocks: That's not a very good sign now is it...
[14:05] Falerin: I will leave you with a gem of wisdom
[14:05] Reven: I observe and puzzle at the puzzle...
[14:05] bluemanrocks: Ok then...
[14:05] Falerin: Hope lays within all of us.
[14:06] *** Falerin has left #755.
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