PBC News:Ask Dr. Stupid

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Dr. Stupid IS Jedi Master Stimpy!
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Ask Dr. Stupid is written by the Elder Jedi Master Stimpy, most reviled of the Old Jedis, Keeper of Light, whose coming signifies the end of armageddon. He gives advice on Sundays.
Look here you lying squishy idiot, I wasnt in any kind of church 10 months ago. And anyway, my spirit is co-owned by atleast 8 demons, some of which are

powerful superpower nations.

And man, you dont know my Ki.

Sincerely, Jack Spicer.

JACK SPICER: And yet, despite all Ki, you must refrain to post your spirit on e-trade. I've even considered creating an network called "Toon TV" and buying it again just so we here in the Lunar Kingdom could get a great fortune. But, seriously, you're looking at a one-way ticket to the Lake of Fire wrapped in the slimy tortilla of eternal punishment. Why not just give up your bible thumping once and for all so I don't keep getting woken up with this "Jesus is God" thing?

- Dr. Stupid.

Dear Dr. Stupid,

I'm sensing that I'm not really interested in answering the "Big Question". and are, somewhat obsessively, concerned with eating as many souls as possible.

However, as a religious-focussed entity, have you checked the temperature level of the average asian? Too much heat can lead to hyperventalating and associated heart problems. The last thing anyone wants is the complete silence of you rising from the earth to begin your great works only for Belldandy to clutch at her chest and fall backwards into the Lake of Fire, crushing Gantu.

Even your most dedicated followers are going to be damned. We all know that you have a demonic lifestyle so I was wondering what steps you were taking to ensure that you did suffer any mental-halting religious-related problems during your wrongful ascent as Light of the World.



-- Somewhere that's a long way from America and not Antartica.

-- Really.

Religious Minion:

Asians doesn't bother me... I am Dr. Stupid. That response costs exactly one Ki.

-Dr. Stupid
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