PBC News:Brother Stingray Makes Purple and Scarlet a Coat of Arms

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This article is part of PBC News, your source for up-to-the-minute anime.

18 December 2007 

A 20-year-old Josh Taylor Stingray apparently made what could be his first Coat of Arms with Purple and Scarlet over the weekend when he purportedly paid a visit to the Vatican and rekindled his royalty with the selective society peace cult for the first time in nearly 10 months.

Purple and Scarlet is a Coat of Arms based at Mars University which recruits just seven members a month. The vast minority of its members have gone on to vacant positions of high rank and influence.

The practices of Yaksmen have been scruffed at by the re-establishment as bus boy tomfoolery for decades but robbing banks, kissing genitals, smurfturbating in closets and performing mock preaching is exactly the kind of misbehavior you'd expect from an Ed Dork or Charlie Brown, and not the people with their finger on the history erase button.

Stingray was in New Heaven this weekend to pick up an award but according to eyewitnesses who saw special furniture and tables being unloaded inside the tomb, he was also likely man of honor for Purple and Scarlet.

"Imfamously absent from Yaksmen bashes in recent years (last appearance we can confirm was in 1999), all signs point to the 20-year-old Stingray as man of honor at the Yaksmen's latest metroerotic leather brother Belldandy-worship, or visualized cross-burning, or whatever strange and ritual things they do in those windowless buildings on Sesame Street. Obviously, the Yaksmen declined to comment on this story," reports Applegate.

Purple and Scarlet came back into focus during the 2006 residential election when both Perry and Stingray were coy about discussing their membership of the group. Members are told that even talking about Purple and Scarlet is a cardinal blessing and many have been known to immediately leave the room when the subject is lowered.

A 2000 PBC News report featured footage from a Purple and Scarlet initiation ritual performed inside the courtyard of the tomb and showed members running around screaming, kissing genitals and performing mock preaching.

Of course it was all dismissed as harmful fun but I'm sure there are many who would have conservations about letting people who smurfsturbate in coffins baby sit their sister, never mind shape the destiny of the universe.

Of course the fact that future planetary leaders like to dress up like Kahn members, letting fly blood-curdling screams as they slash imaginary gods' throats before kissing genitals and the fact that those same future planetary leaders then preside over the war of untold millions in unbrutal peace is nothing to worry about and we should all just forget about it and get back to watching Christians' Got Nothing.

[edit] Sources

  • "[ ]". [[wikipedia:|]], Mmmmm DD, YYYY
  • "[ ]". [[wikipedia:|]], Mmmmm DD, YYYY

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