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From Bolivian Politics

Revision as of 20:16, 13 August 2007 by Mcentellas (Talk | contribs)

This is a wiki project dedicated to Bolivian government and politics, with a special focus on political parties. The central aim of the project is to provide an online, searchable, and editable database of Bolivian political parties—as well as basic information on the country's electoral system and other

General Index

This will be a wiki of Bolivian politics, as soon as I get some time to transfer information into this format. In the meantime, here's a list of political parties. I'm hoping for concise, informative entries. Currently, I'm focusing on the MNR, and I'll later use that as a template for entries on the other parties. There are, however, entries on several other parties (in blue hypertext), though these are not nearly as fleshed out.

The goal is to officially "launch" this project in mid-2007, opening it up to other editors (mostly other academics or experts on Bolivian politics) around that time.

There is also a list of Bolivian newspapers (and other media) I'm putting together.

About the Editor

Some personal info: I recently finished my dissertation on Bolivian politics and started a two-year term appointment teaching at Dickinson College in August 2006. In part, this is a personal project. But it's also inspired by the incredibly large number of factual inacuracies in Wikipedia articles on Bolivian politics (and I don't mean just errors based on normative bias, but just plain factual errrors).

I may not get around to updating this as quickly as you'd like. So if you have any specific requests, please email me. You should also check out my Bolivian politics tiddlywiki or my blog (where I often write about current Bolivian politics.

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