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Taken from: Ad Jargon and Random Facts

ill come back and edit and make it all pretty later on.. i just wanna get teh basicness of it up

Credit for all information goes to cidthekittyisfun, wolfpreist, MoonGoddess17, spiceweasel228, OMNI-Enforcer, KnightStar, lordadmira, mookielady, Gaynor79, theSLikbandit, blackdragon21983, yupat, TurquoiseHexagonSun, Jingai, J_2, Cid_Pwns_j00, Riot_Iori, capp_99, DangerCid, forgingaheart, Count_Tenzen, -Hedwig-, Swim_Spammer, H-CAC, champy, Magil, Shins?, lunastar3, bherman, gecko_man, Karmen_pwns_Renji, Wyotech_material, Bulls_on_Parade713, CAC_jr, 3_2_1LETSJAM

This information is accurate as of 10/29/2007. The nature of asmb is fluid and half this stuff will be useless tomorrow.

General asmb terms and stuff:

AD regular = someone that is usually known around here and frequents the AD a lot. cosign = agrees

fanart = its a picture drawn of a certain anime character and/or show not done by the original studio

fanboy/fangirl = usually someone that obsesses over a certain character, show, usually anything and will like sigh and stuff, sometimes even talking in "ZOMG!!!!!! TEH karaktr es lyk sew hawt lawl lky totateleh!!!!"

fanfic = a story written about a certain character and/or show, usually of the author's favorite.

picwars = when people go back and forth posting up pictures.

picwhoring = someone who posts up a lot of pictures.

screencap/screenshot = an image taken directly from an anime (or anything really but gotta keep it anime related)

spoilers = something that would ruin a story for someone who hasn’t seen it yet. (deaths are ALWAYS a spoiler regardless of how many times its been shown)

wax Nazi = used in the phrase "melt like wax Nazis" meaning the person(s) so described will melt and be destroyed by virtue of whatever coming into contact with them because they are evil and whatever is good. Just go watch Raiders of the Last Ark. Usage example: Dude if man-Faye came into contact with Orihime he would totally melt like a wax Nazi.

boss = totally pwnsome and awesome, totally dominating, all other examples tremble and retreat at that which is **boss**.

member's card = a card that someone makes in the members card thread found in .com folder if you want one feel free to ask.

troll = someone who posts or makes remarks in order to start a fight.

flaming = insulting.

lurking = just wondering around the boards, reading the messages, not really talking much.

ranking/rankage = it the color of your username (also the name underneath it, for instance when you first sign up you are called a "swim newbie" and your color is green) there is a thread in .com that tells you all the ranks and things that you gotta do to rank.

fangasm = its like when someone is so excited over something they practically 'gasm.

Fancoma = A fan has just experienced something so pwnsome and fullfilling that u practically go into a coma. Especially when ur favorite character that u fangirl/fanboy over does something u loooove. Fancombust = A fan has just experienced something so incredibly awesome and beyond awesomeness that they can spontaneously combust. Higher than fancoma.

Fanspasm = When a fan experiences something so awesome that they can have convulsions and temporarily lose control of themselves. Not as severe as fancoma or fancombusting.

FanCombust = the ultimate in fanning, its like.. youre so overwhelmed with fanning something that you just spontenously combust.

spam = (doesnt really stand for short pointless messages) its just endless annoying messages that i guess is named from the caned meat spam.

alt = a seperate account. Reasons for an alt: the main has been banned, either temporary or permament. then you have a couple of people, like CAC, who can have more than one account banned at a time. Sometimes it seems to be a person's whim, or then there's things like the danger squad, and the anti-danger squard, which seems to be a whim and a let's join the gang type of thing.

Wh0re = Suffix used for a board member who is overly obsessed with something. Ex. include spamwh0re, which is someone who spams a lot and, as you had said, picwh0re, spastic pic-poster. floated thread/ to float a thread = means a thread that is on the top of the folder (usually in a grayish color or something) you can choose to float a thread by going to thread options and selecting float this thread

Ban = to be suspended from asmb, can be for a set amount of time or permanent. Reasons for being banned: Personal stuff, like age, specific location of where you live, giving your email in a post. Risque pictures showing or suggesting s'exual acts. Sometimes it's hard to know whether if a pic goes over the line, which is what get most on the boards in trouble. It like a Supreme Court ruling in the '70's said about p0rn, I know it when I see it, but even they had a hard time legally defining it. So be careful posting, and when in doubt, don't, because it's going to be the mod who sees it who decides if it is. Talking about s'exual acts. Posting links to Risque and illegal download sites. Talking about illegal stuff and how to do it. Foul language, the filter gets most of that, though, filter dodging like s'ex and p0rn. Spamming a thread with a lot of off topic stuff.

Banstick = mythical object used by admins when banning users for a set time. i.e. to be hit by the banstick can also be used as a verb. Zeni got bansticked for trolling again.

Ban Hammer = see banstick

Bansturbation = mods that will ban themselves for their own twisted pleasures.

MANFAYE = Faye is the hottie from cowboy bebop. Manfaye is NOT the hottie from Cowboy Bebop. people who post manfaye pics when they are claiming to post hottie pics are being jerks, like me.

Bump = definition 1: the black screens with white lettering that are shown during [as] programing. i.e.

  • Dear Adult swim,

Manning hogs the covers -Jingai

the dear adult swim thread can be found in the williams street culture folder

Bump=definition 2: To post spam in order to reset the position of a thread to the top of a folder. i.e. bump <thread moves to top of page 1 in ad>

FAIL, "you fail" = along the lines of you s.uck, someone that is lame, like if someone posts something so trollish or spamish someone might say "FAIL!" or "you fail"

necrobump (necrobumping) = means to bump up a very old thread to bring it back to the front. necrobumping is generally considered VERY poor form. i.e. Don't do it please.

Killfest murderdeath chick = An anime girl who is crazeh pwnsome with a sword or other weapon and can go drunk monkey and kill any number of enemies in a pwnsome manner and with great prejudice. Specifically - Saya in Total Bloodlust, or, Diva. =)

Moofy=wrath b/f eating red stones

____ Slayer = one who casts the eliminating vote for many characters in the various eliminations. e.g. - Bewb Slayer, Dad Slayer, etc.

INORITE = I know right.

Dai Danger Squad = a surprisingly large group of crime fighting alts, easily recognised by the collective signature.

9000 = that number cannot be beat, not now not ever.. never! it pwns all other numbers to the max!

"I blame CAC" = whenever something bad happens(AD realated),the best thing to to is blame CAC

Meh = say-so / sort of / more or less / somewhat agreeing with. Usually used in placement of "Well," in the start of a sentence.

meme = thought virus. So think of something beyond a fad. It's a thought or idea that instigates its own propagation. So when u hear it ur like OMG I've got to tell so and so about this. Then as soon as they hear it they're like OMG I've got to tell so and so about this!! So u see how it spreads

bherm = named after user on here named, bherm. usually means someone that has made a wierd non sensical theory that is really wierd and wild. actually, it stands for crazy crack pot theory, i came with so many, that i became the king of crack pot theories. but in time bherm became semi interchangable with the word theory. so then anything that would be a lil farfetched or "zomg wat did joo just say" or even just throwing out ideas became a bherm

+1 = refers to post count. You don't like the thread topic or poster or whatever, and don't feel like commenting so you just post +1, also damm,my pants have been stolen by the magical mexican faries

-1 = has a connotation of scorn or contempt. -1 is also when you know that thread will be deleted, so you can subtract it from your post count

ne = right ne? = right? U put it at the end of a sentence to seek approval or confirmation of whatever it is u just said

ciddys dating service = cant find that love of your life? want to? wel then my service prolly isnt the best for ju, but if jur desperate and anyone will do then ciddys dating service is the place for ju!! signing up tho duz require fee of ju being my betch. (but only 3 mos. for newcomers)

shippo doomsday/ shippo maddness/march of the shippos = it refers to one day when A LOT of users in the AD decided to wear a happy shippo icon and have "HEARTSCAR" in thier siggys. (it was part of icon theme day.)

icon = its that little picture that people have under thier username, you can choose/change it by going to my profile and clicking on icons.

siggy = signature, it appears at the bottom of your message. go to "My Profile" to change it.

folder = its a section where there are many threads. (for example action discussion is a folder, .com is a folder, incorrent babling is a folder.)

thread/board - its a topic in a certain folder (this AD jargon is a thread) people with "swim newbie" cannot make new threads. (when your rank color is gray or 2 days from when you registered then you can)

zeni = named after user, zeni. usually means someone who is a troll. Because you touch yourself at night - The answer to almost everything, and a frase that will never get old.

Evangelion ripoff - Which everything is.

F00gz - Name given to an ugly fat man from GitS.

Alterholic - A rabid fan of s-CRY-ed. Invented and coined by Real_AirCooledMan. glame - lame + ghey (spiceweasel228's word, lgott!)

Standard abbreviations and acronyms

  • CB = cowboy beebop
  • DN = Death Note
  • E7 = eureka seven
  • EVA or NGE = Neon Genisis Evangelion (evangelion)
  • FLCL = fooly cooly
  • FMA = Fullmetal Alchemist
  • GiTS = Ghost in the shell
  • IY = Inyuasha
  • PA = paranoia agent
  • SC = samurai champloo
  • TB = trinity blood
  • WHR = witch hunter robin
  • WR = wolfs rain
  • sCe = sCRYed
  • B+ = blood+
  • FR = Futurama
  • AS = adult swim
  • ASMB = adult swim message boards
  • WSC = william street corner
  • .com =
  • AD= action discussion
  • ASS= action show suggestion
  • OA = other anime
  • CD = comedy discussion
  • CSS = comedy show suggestion
  • IB = incorrent babbling.
  • mods = moderators, people who watch over the ASMB
  • admins = like the mods, but they actually work for WS and [as]
  • QFT = Quote For Truth also means Quite F***ing True
  • FTW = For The Win also means F*ck the what, to be used like WTF(depends on the context in which *it's used)
  • FTL = for the loose
  • Pwned/Pwn = Owned/Own
  • RIF = Rabid Inuyasha Fan, mostly extinct.
  • CIF - civil Inuyasha fan, the complete opposite of the RIF
  • RIH - rabid Inuyasha hater (note: these two terms led to a series of other terms that followed *the "Rabid *blank*" format; in all honesty, if someone calls you anything that starts with the *letter "R," you should throw a large economics textbook at them.)
  • ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
  • STFU = Shut The F*ck Up
  • ROFL = Variant of ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
  • ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my arse off
  • ROFLMAOSHICUAL = Rolling on the floor laughing my arse off so hard I coughed up a lung - The *highest possible superlative of something being funny.
  • MYO - make youre own. generally used in contest for instance "MYO eureka seven character"
  • REF = rabid eureka fan.
  • RBF = rabid bleach fan
  • FC = fan collective.
  • SNAFU= Situation Normal All F***ed Up
  • FUBAR = Fcked Up Beyond All Reconition
  • ZOMG = Alternative use of OMG, the Z makes it extra kinkey or something
  • B.o.h.i.c.a. = bend over here it comes again. This is basically something bad will happen <always to anime/actn fans here at [as]>. and advance knowledge is given. i.e. bohica FR marathon june 25.
  • ROT = Random On Topicness, to keep from "spamming," throwing out some really weird and totally wack "out of left field" statement at the end of the post, that technically is on topic, but... it's just total random, not really related to what is currently being discussed.
  • OT = On topic.
  • tl;dr = too long, didnt read
  • tltr = too long to read
  • OST = orginal soundtrack
  • SE = special edition (example Fullmetal alchemst boxset SE)
  • Lawl = Lol = Laughing out loud
  • SZBCA = shinny zombie bleach cow association! its something bleachy and Cid created... it has to do with shinny zombie bleach cowz. cid made a thread of it before in AD but it got deleted so fast barely a chance to spread the word and delicious hamburgers and dairy products 100% straight from our shinny zombie bleach cowz
  • ENC - Evangelion Nerd Club. A group of people who specialize in trading semi-pornographic drawings of Rei and Asuka and write dissertations regarding how deep the show is. Nothing unusual for Eva fans. They actually have some form of "government" in which Nile is president even though nobody voted him. (cuz' he's a total dick and lolicon), everyone in the nerd club has a rank and position, cause you can just make one up for yourself.

Alternate spellings

  • teh – the
  • short o, middle a to aw - hot -> hawt, etc.
  • short oo to ew - cool -> kewl, food -> fewd, b**bies -> bewbies
  • any -e or -y ending word to eh(the eh is pronounced) - wife -> wifeh, crazy -> crazeh, sexeh, *etc.
  • nao = now
  • moar = more
  • joo, j00, ju = you.
  • ny00b - the most derisive form of and the coolest way to wright newb. The y is pronounced.
  • by00b - those thingies that girls have that boys love. This is the affectionate playful form of *the word. The y is pronouced.
  • totz., tozaleh = totally
  • cereal, srs, srsly = serious/ seriously..
  • z is subbed for s
  • eh for y but still prounced lyk y so if ju say kitzeh its still kitzee

General Anime terms and definitions

yuri = girl on girl action

yaoi = boy on boy action

Ecchi = "fan service" in essence. Things like women and men running around in hot springs etc. where no actualy nudity or naughty behaviour is shown, but it is implied. So basically when you see a hot spring episode of Inuyasha or a locker room episode of Bleach, it is Ecchi.

shounen = anime that is typically geared towards younger audience (that lyk 12 and 13 etc..)

shows like bleach and naruto... it can also sometimes mean anime based off manga, or anime that is like a fighting type anime like inuyasha, bleach, naruto, etc..

Shoujo = anime is one geared toward girls in some way. The best example of a shoujo series is Sailor Moon. A show can have both shounen and shoujo appeal and elements. And example of that would be Inuyasha.

subbed/sub = the anime is in japanese (or other language) but has subtitles at the bottom.

dub/dubbed = means the voicing is in english, or another language other then the original.

subbie = either someone who preferes subs to dubs, or has seen a show subbed before dubbed

dubbie = someone who either prefers to watched dubbed anime then subbed or someone who is watching anime the first time dubbed.


Selected member bios and facts

(these were the only submissions at the time of publication) Please visit for more complete information

CAC=A he/she entity with the ability to get flammed by a person and get banned for it, he also enjoys fapping to his favorite music hawthorne heights likes riding his one handle barred bike every day..he falls only 220 times a day his bruises are getting less and less as teh years go on. Any more further study of this Entitty would bring panic to the researchers so for now will leave it at that..His Spamming skills are weak just like his hair his posting skills are weak just like his arm and his thinking skills are suprisingly strong for a entity in 3rd grade..that is all. Also Cid’s betch for life for signing up and become the only successuffl couple in ciddys dating service!

Champloo713= a drunk mexican with no money or thoughts ona profession or career he enjoys long walks with his dead dog pinnocio *aka cac* his retard monkey molesterbated him when he was twelve and he still has no profession we hope to get more into Champloo but well lets faise it his spamming skills weak but they are way better than CACs and his arms are TWICE as strong as CACs so we rank CHamploo a 2.5 out of 7 on our scale as CAC hit .3 out of 7 how sad but whateva

Noproof= do not be fooled by this mans name he is not good at math so don't bother asking questions about him he does infact like to fap to yoruichi *though he is not a big fan as shins is* <__< well he likes to mourn the loss of his dead dog that champloo stole and than later shot pinniocio he eventually skipped town and moved to puerto rico where he took up the profession of drunk mexican and became broke when he got his wallet stolen from a sad well his spamming is wayyyyyy better than 713 and cac so we rate him 5 out of 7 so yea wait to go you mindless freak =D

Jermey W dubbyah *aka j-dubb* =this man is odd umm yeah he is really paraniod and gets flammed alot he too was once a broke mexican until he saw the light when he mugged j.k rowling on the streets of downtown england when they got into a knock out drag down fight in the mud he was once a high mighty emporoererer of the fan fic *for like two seconds* than he got banned WHAT A ARSE HAHAHAHAH anyways his spamming skill **squiddly diddly** worse than cac and his posting skills out match cac and 713 we give him a 4.5 out of 7 what a weirdo

Cidthekittyisfun=i was lyk ZOMFG ODIN!!!11!! <3<3<3

odin = love of cid's life (not anymore)

luuv = cids current love of her life...

champy = love of cid's life (pft.. agen not anymore..)

PokeNirvash - cid's son

The facts of AD

Renji pwnz Karmen,it's a scientifict fact

cowbells = the prescription to everything


Caramel Dansen = Evil

its also a fact and common law in AD that champy is nothing but a dirty stinking liar so dont listen to him! because everything he sez its just utter nonsense and is not to be taken serious!

The suprising and unknown

surprise buttsecks Cowz. Fr00t. Trannehs sloosh. tongeh. keshen. totez. glame. chalk. ooze. egg yolk. f00gz. ballz. Schmoo. Secks cream. Secks turtles. Fr00t. ballz. quish.

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