List of Fantasy/Sci-Fi Books

From Aryez

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Books are rated as such:

one star *

two stars **

three stars ***

four stars ****

five stars *****


Fantasy Series I discovered between 1999-2000

The Chronicles of Prydain**** by Lloyd Alexander [5 books, 1 story collection]

The Chronicles of Narnia**** by C.S. Lewis [7 books]

Harry Potter**** by J.K. Rowling [7 books, 2 guides, various other things]

The Lord of the Rings***** [3 books], The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Children of Hurin, The Unfinished Tales, the History of Middle Earth, and various other items by J.R.R. Tolkien

Fantasy Series I discovered between 2001-2004

Earthsea** by Ursala Le Guin (4 books, various other items)

The Sword of Shannara Trilogy**** [3 books], The First King of Shannara, The Heritage of Shannara [4 books], The Voyage of Jerle Shannara [3 books], The High Druid of Shannara [3 books] by Terry Brooks, The Genesis of Shannara Trilogy (one book, two pending)

The Wheel of Time*** by Robert Jordan [12 books]

Redwall** by Brian Jacques [18 books]

A Wrinkle in Time* by Madeleine L'Engle

The Iron Tower* by Dennis L. McKiernan [3 books]

Fantasy Series I discovered between 2005-2007

Inheritance Trilogy****by Christopher Paolini [2 books, 1 pending)

The Belgariad**** [5 books], The Mallorean [5 books], various related books, The Redemption of Althalus by David Eddings

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn*** by Tad Williams [3/4 books]

A Song of Ice and Fire***** by George R.R. Martin [4 books, 3 pending)

The Sword of Truth**** by Terry Goodkind [10 books, 1 pending)

Sci-Fi Series I discovered between 2001-2004

Starwars Novelizations*** by various authors [6 books]

The Thrawn Trilogy**** [3 books], The Hand of Thrawn Duology [2 books] by Timothy Zahn

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy** by Douglas Adams [5 books, various related works]

Dune (The Original Series)**** by Frank Herbert [6 books]

The Foundation Series *****[3 books], I Robot, Robot Series [3 books], Robots and Empire, Galactic Empire Series [3 books], Prelude to Foundation, Forward the Foundation, Foundation's Edge, Foundation and Earth by Issac Asimov

Sci-Fi Series I discovered between 2005-2007

Brave New World**** by Aldous Huxley

1984**** by George Orwell

We*** by Yevgeny Zamyatin

Commonwealth Saga**** [2 books], The Void Trilogy [pending] by Peter F. Hamilton

Off Armageddon Reef Series**** by David Weber [1 book, 2 pending)


Five Stars

- A Song of Ice and Fire

- The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, and other Tolkien works

- Foundation and other Asimov works

Four Stars

- The Chronicles of Narnia

- The Chronicles of Prydain

- Harry Potter

-Shannara Books

-Belgariad and Malloreon


-Sword of Truth

- Thrawn Trilogy

- Dune

- Brave New World

- 1984

- Off Armageddon Reef Series

- Commonwealth Saga

Three Stars

-Wheel of Time

- Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn

- Starwars Books (not movies, those are five stars)

- We

Two Stars



- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

One Star

- A Wrinkle in Time

-The Iron Tower

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