Religion and Purpose

From Aryez

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Book of the Aryama

Religion and Purpose

Religion actually consists of five different studies:

1. Theology: the study of the nature and purpose of the higher spirit and force, God.

2. The study of the nature of human being, the soul; or the nature of existence and being of other entities.

3. Science: The study of the physical, actual Universe.

4. The study of ethics and morals: the right way for people to live and treat each other and society.

5. The study of philosophy in terms of human nature, psyche, purpose, and goals.

A good religion allows all five of these aspects to develop fully to their full potential to find the most truth about reality. I believe that man’s purpose in regards to an ultimate motivation is to achieve a state where their entity takes upon fully the properties of a soul. Man is a body-soul, half a physical being (body), merely an animal with intelligence, and half a soul, a higher, transcendent being. Man’s greater urge is to transcend the body part of his being completely and achieve the transformation into a soul being, which feels like “something more.” It is in this state, man is content and happy and finds his true purpose. This can be achieved by either living or dying, gaining power, or loosing it.

Politics are inherently corrupt. To mix Aralan with politics or attempting to politicize it will merely drag Aralan into corruption and distort it. Aralan should remain pure so it can help people's spiritual growth, so it should never be brought into the realm of kings, generals, and presidents. To create a law inspired by Aralan is one thing. To turn Aralan into law is blasphemy.

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