Death, Men, Women, Sex, And Other Matters

From Aryez

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Book of the Aryama

Death, Men, Women, Sex, And Other Matters

Some of these matters, such as the relationship between the sexes and sex itself are among the most interesting, important, and controversial matters in human relations with other humans and with God. These are the matters which cause the most turmoil and also the most joy. The Marfat itself spends a disproportional amount of time on these topics.

In every relation, whether that of a friend, a lover, an amount of sacrifice is needed. A person who wants things to only happen his way whenever he so wishes will have a failed relationship on his hands. It never hurts to expresses sorrow, regrets, thanks, or affection any number of times. Assuming that people assume you meant such things will not always work. Many people do not assume such things and are instead offended at the seeming lack of display. Also in relations, it is better to be truthful than pleasing. It was once said to be that it is better to tell the truth that hurts now and heals later than the lie that pleases now and kills later. As there is no return from death, there is no return from the utter death of a relationship.

I am against totally arranged marriages, but if one cannot find someone and instead asks a family member or friend to find someone for them- how is that different from a moderate arranged marriage? That is ok in my opinion. Love marriages are better, but how many people actually find true love anyhow? Most only find half love. True love is more of an ambiguity, for most people an illusionary concept. I believe that over 90% of people do not find true love, that for them love is a half concept, and that they never will taste the joys of this concept. Perhaps I sound pessimistic, but I speak the truth. Anyone who looks deep enough into their soul knows I am speaking correctly. For life is a bitter coup to drink. Its spring of joy is sweet but all to short and lasts only a few years after birth. By the age of sixteen most people have tasted this cup and know life is bitter, bitter as hell, full of pain and suffering and sorrow. So it is only the love of God can heal this ache, not the love of humans which only provides temporary, fleeting joy. Not that one should shun the love of humans. But they must see what humans are- a non permanent love and treasonous at that, loving only for the sake of pleasure and power. The one in ten who are true are real gems. When you find people like that, never let them go.

But even death takes them one day. This brings me to a point I had wished to make about burial method. Does it matter how the body is disposed of? The body is but a temporary house, it matters not. Only the soul matters. And that soul’s place is determined by the amount of love used and where used. The truest most trusted form of love is the love of God. Then comes love of nature. Then love of humans. And then love of things. When the body dies, just pray for the soul and don’t worry whether the body is buried, cremated, or thrown into the sea. The body does but go back to whence it came, mother Earth, while the soul goes back to whence it came, God. What is death anyhow? It is not an end but a beginning. One should long for death when it comes, and embrace it with a joy. For is not death the merger of our single consciousness into a larger super consciousness. Ah what a feeling that would be, something to rejoice of. Why should I fear death? I believe in God. When he wants me to live, I live, and when he wants me to die, I will die and I will be happy because my God is calling me home for my job on Earth is finished according to Him. Life itself is a risk greater than the risks taken in any immoral casino.

Many of the problems of lust today are being caused by humans themselves and their lack of proper thought and action. If girls wear such revealing clothes, it is no surprise that everyone thinks they are whores and men cannot control their natural impulses. Why tempt first of all? And second of all, be strong and resist any temptation which occurs. It is my opinion that nobody, man or woman should in normal conditions wear clothes that show skin above the elbows and knees. And also, why wear makeup. Makeup is fake, a horrible way to hide the truth. It makes one feel like a clown. That is why one of the few things I admit to hating with a passion is makeup. I can barely tolerate it. I feel like destroying all makeup and breaking the parts of the body on which I see it on those people I see it on. But I know God wants me to be calm and forgiving to I hold it in, this rare rage of mine. People should appear as they are, not hide behind masks, emotional or physical.

I feel it is pointless to say which of the sexes is superior. Each one has its advantage. Women are kind and nurturing. It is better to talk to a woman and seek her advice than a man. But men are swift in decision and without uncertainty at times. Men bring war, women bring peace. Without war there cannot be peace and vice versa so they compliment each other. Without men and without women, the world would not work the best way possible. So instead of questioning which is better, it is best to say men and women are both good and bad and must work in harmony for a perfect world. I trust women to understand me better but I trust men to take action for me better. Such is the world.

I will not administer punishment to those who do these kinds of wrong though. For as it was said “let he who has never sinned cast the first stone.” Furthermore, I believe very strongly that the death penalty is wrong. In the cases where it must be administered, he who declares the sentence of death must himself carry it out so that he can do justice with himself and look the man he sentences to death in the eyes. In that way, only just executions will take place. But I like to compromise, build bridges and break down walls, make friends and turn enemies into friends. I will do all I can, including swallowing up my well-being and pride to make my peace with others. Then cases of war and conflict are reduced. Sacrifice a bit of yourself for one day to make the next day all the better. Good things come to those who wait and God helps those who help themselves. Faith, hope, and love. These three take you a long way. As do courage and perseverance and not holding grudges.

To learn, one must fall down a few times. It’s great to learn by the examples and mistakes of others, but at the same time, it’s also best to have people learn for themselves. Only when they themselves feel a prick, will they learn best. If one gives in to the crying and weeping of others all the time, then they are a weak fool. If one never listens to the pleas of others, they are a cold-hearted monster. This is a religion of moderation. And as such, never look down upon others whom are less fortunate or wise for one day you can be in their place and in the same token never look up to others to the point where you worship them and become their slaves. Then you will be a slave forever, a slave to your own doubts and weaknesses.

Now I have a few other points to make. What is power? Is power good or evil? Power is just a force, a quantity, neither good nor evil in itself. Only in its uses can it be good or evil. Do not both God and Satan use power? Yet God’s power is all good and Satan’s power all evil. Those who reject power saying it is evil are neglecting their duties. Those who embrace it for the sake of their own power and wicked and will be destroyed by God. Many things are evil and ideally should be abstained from, but if one makes a mistake, they should learn and use those things better or in moderation. For example, it is good to be free of drugs, smoking, and alcohol. But if one must drink alcohol, may they only drink a few sips of wine once in a while. And sex, that thing which is at most the most joyful thing God gave to humans and the greatest curse. Ah, life is like that, everything seems to consist of double-edged swords. Sex should only be left for a man and woman, who are married, for only true loves should be married and sex should only occur between true loves. Random hookups and homosexual relations, while temporarily fun cannot provide this type of love or commitment. It is disgusting to have sex when other people are around, or even in you parent’s house. Sex is a private, personal affair. If one makes a mistake and has sex before marriage and they love the person, they should marry them as soon as possible. Have fun, but be careful. I am also opposed to anal sex and most oral sex, but that is my opinion and will not really elaborate. For I believe sex has the purpose of pleasure as well as reproduction. Be careful and believe in God and his power. Another thought is that the nation-state is evil. Let there be nations and let there be states, but the nation-state leads to all the evil in the political system in the world today. Remember that although there may be nations (ethnic-groups) and states, we are all one race, one species, and should be united. When one looks at the earth from space, you will not find any borders. That is how the earth was meant to be. One great, united country. May it be united by war or by peace, but when it is united, it will be better. Then the universe will be ours.

Remember that science is there to glorify God not displace God or for us to become gods ourselves. In the story of the tower of Babel, people tried to enter heaven on their own accord, not the way God meant for it to be. Likewise if we use science to usurp instead of glorify God, we too will find ourselves scattered and destroyed.

And so now, I feel a rush of joy when I hear of God’s power and believe in the justice of God. If the great time of change is about to come, then I welcome it. Soon a time of choosing and destruction will come. But when we endure through it, all will be better. I feel as though the Earth will be a very different place from now in the future. The legacy of these years will be one that after chaos and war leads to unity, and a lasting peace. After all what one thinks about it, viewed from far away, the Earth is just one pale blue dot, so delicate and so fragile. The Earth is our mother and our home, a beautiful flower of hope that must be always preserved. The love of God, felt through the solitary silence of nature, flows through me and lifts me with an infinite feeling of hope.

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