Various Issues

From Aryez

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Book of the Aryama

Various Issues

This essay contains Aryeztur's thoughts on various ethical and scientific issues including abortion, genetic engineering, stem cell research, cloning, and the environment. It is totally wrong to kill another innocent human. Yet it is also desirable and sometimes necessary to abort a child for a variety of reasons including economic, social, and practical. The problem is the reconciliation between these two factors. All I have to say on this issue is this- in a perfect world, there would not be abortion. People would only have the children they desired when and where they desired them. The only possible case of abortion in this case would be to save a mother's life. But what kind of mother is one who would save her own life rather than her child's? Furthermore it is debated as to when a spirit or soul enters an embryo. Nobody can answer this question save God. Since humans do not know, by performing abortion in necessary cases, they are not knowingly killing a human-being with a soul. Abortion is sometimes necessary until conditions of rape, incest, or cases of honor with an unmarried couple. As for contraception- what is wrong with it? How does it cause any being any harm? Although it is the duty of couples to have children, they should be able to have them whenever and in numbers as they please. This is good for their own personal fulfillment as well as for the entire earth in regards to overpopulation. It’s not good to have sex before marriage anyhow, but if you do, marry that person. Sex is more than just sex. It's a trust, a symbol of love. One should only have sex with the person they love and trust the most, to such an extent that they will unite with them. One can only truly have only one true love their entire lives. This person should also be their spouse. That is why people should be restrained with their girlfriends/boyfriends because if they go too far, it will be hard to control their lust. I, Aryeztur sees nothing wrong with genetic engineering. Domestication, a process that led to our wellbeing as a society was slow unknowing genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is useful to humanity and has many benefits. There can be no wrong in it. Just as God many humans curious, he too made them creators, so that they too could create new things to bring glory to Him. As for Stem Cell Research, such a thing is ok as long as innocent embryos that would have become children are not destroyed. There are many discarded embryos though, for a variety of purposes. Rather than waste them, let them be used to improve humanity. It is a thing in accordance with God to improve humanity. I am absolutely against Human Cloning. Human Cloning violates a person's uniqueness and individuality. Cloning may get a person's body back but it can never get their personality or spirit back. It's a vague illusion, a false hope. Human Cloning will be bad for society. As for animal and plant cloning all I have to say is- do what is necessary, do not do what will hard or is pointless. The earth gives us life. It sustains us. When we live in harmony with it, it provides for us, but when we abuse it, it fights back with force and violence. We must live in harmony with Earth. Yes, in the name of progress and technology, we sometimes must be rough, but in general, we should not push the Earth too hard. There is no need to. Can we not balance industry with our mother [the Earth]? For we must. Otherwise we will reap the fruits of our destruction and will ourselves be destroyed.

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