Evil and Sin

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Book 61 of the Marfat

61: Evil and Sin

1. You can not even blame the

2. devil for your problems if you were

3. the one who opened your

4. heart to him.

5. Listen, hear the great ships over

6. the roaring waves or the

7. great horses thundering over the plains.

8. In an age where humans have

9. used rockets to go to the moon,

10. mapped their own deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and

11. discovered sub-atomic particles even smaller than quarks, and

12. will hopefully do much more, people should not stop

13. exchanging rings and vows

14. at weddings, nor should babies stop

15. drinking their mothers’ milk, nor

16. should people stop burying or cremating their dead.

17. All things are continuous,

18. the result of evolution. Even revolutions are the results of such processes.

19. Also remember not to judge people by your first impressions of them.

20. Do not do something in your anger that you will regret when you are calm.

21. The religious person who fornicates in a fit of passion is far

22. more holy than the corrupt priest.

23. Do not forget the worship of God and his trillion semi-gods, but

24. be progressive, and do not obsess over the past.

25. Blessed is the ruler who divides his nation’s wealth fairly among his people

26. and prevents a monopoly of power.

27. Laws should be obeyed without grudge but all laws should be

28. just and laws that do not inquire into motives are poor laws.

29. Divorce is a great scourge of humanity and should never be

30. practiced unless adultery or abuse is committed.

31. The poor man with no job and must steal bread to live is not a true criminal.

32. It is the fault of his society and his government as well as, to an extent,

33. himself, that he must do such things because the institutions of man have

34. committed crimes if they allow any of their members to be without

35. food, shelter, clothing, water, medicine, or education. Wise rulers

36. allow their people to address their grievances in peaceful councils

37. and discussions. Sometimes the people know what is best for

38. themselves and sometimes they need the wisdom of a wise ruler for a

39. guide. Wise men know that they cannot change destiny no matter

40. how hard they try. The enemies of Moses tried to defeat the will of God

41. by killing every newborn baby, but they did not kill Moses, for none can

42. change fate. Sometimes it is good to seek peace and quiet among the many

43. spirits of nature in order to think and clear the mind. Build many shrines

44. for all these spirits and they will aid you. Be mindful of your actions and

45. thoughts and do not dwell on negative thoughts, for such thoughts build

46. up and lead to unhappiness and evil, as Buddha would say.

47. There are two types of sin: inherent sin and acquired sin

48. Inherent sin is with everyone and none can escape it, for it is the result

49. of the corruption of the Universe. That body is a part of that physical

50. universe, to it is inherently in sin. Only death can free us of this sin.

51. This sin is not a sin that we can help, it is merely one we must endure.

52. Acquired sin is sin acquired through bad action. It stains the soul.

53. Acquired sin may be avoided and it may be escaped from, and it

54. may be removed by penance and good deeds. Inherent sin is the

55. sin of emotions which we cannot control. Acquired sin is the sin

56. of the actions stemming from inherent sin which we can control.

57. Remember the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil

58. must end one day. Good is the stronger force, for evil is merely a

59. corruption of good. Things only become evil because they are used

60. for evil purposes. Sadly, the whole Universe is corrupt, for every

61. physical thing in the Universe may be used for evil. But if not used

62. for evil, they are merely corrupt, but good. The nuclear bomb

63. is evil, but the atoms which compose it are not evil in themselves.

64. Yet these atoms, creatively arranged into a nuclear bomb unleash

65. terrible evil. Evil is a corruption, evil is not independent of good.

66. Yet evil exists, for God lets it exist, for evil enhances good

67. in some way, adds to the ultimate glory of the ultimate plan.

Commentary: This book states that people who give in to temptation are themselves at fault. How can one blame the gun he shoots for the murder when he was the one who pulled the trigger? The book then lists some great achievements of modern technology, praising them, but then reminds people to keep with some old traditions even in the modern age. The book states that acting kind to other people is much more important than being falsely religious. The books on to state that a ruler’s responsibility is economic justice and that people should forgive others and move on. The book warns against divorce. The book also blames governments for allowing poverty to continue in their areas of jurisdiction and claims that governments should provide food, healthcare, and education for their people. There is a warning to be found in this book: one cannot change his fate no matter what. That’s why it is not too good to worry about life. Finally, the book states that there are two types of sin: inherent (human nature) and acquired (human actions). While we can prevent sinful actions, we cannot control our nature and to do so will lead to problems. We must allow human nature to bloom fully without restraint so it can do as much good as possible.

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