The Path

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Book 59 of the Marfat

59: The Path

1. There are many paths to heaven.

2. The one I took was a gentle one,

3. unmarked and mostly unused.

4. I like the peace and solitude sometimes,

5. for when I emerge from it, my mind is cleared.

6. When I emerge, I see sights that I know

7. would shock the prophets if they were to return

8. from their eternal rest. How many sinners would they

9. put to death before evil is purged?

10. My path took me through a wood.

11. It followed the course of a gentle stream.

12. One who stops to drink find this stream finds

13. it was sweet as honey. He who looks will tell you

14. that it is as clear as a crystal glass.

15. Pass over the bridge and enter through the silver gate

16. You will find everyone at peace together, tranquil and devoid

17. of hate and pain. All their wounds will be healed,

18. the sorrows put to rest. It is a wide realm.

19. It is wider and higher than any can comprehend.

20. At its apex is the throne of God himself, surrounded by

21. his most loyal servants and angels. There is a golden

22. light around His throne.

23. But beware. There are deep pits full of fire for the enemies of God

24. until their redemption. None enjoy these pits except those in the

25. deepest one, where the most evil servants of the Devil dwell.

26. This pit will be filled on the last day.

27. But there are sweeter things in heaven, far removed from the isolated,

28. desolate stretches. In the sweet realms, lost friends find each other

29. and families are reunited. It encompasses the high hills and the low valleys,

30. the deserts, and forests, the plains, and the mountains. A multitude of beings

31. dwells here and there in this realm, their desires fulfilled, their souls content.

32. Those who enter heaven never leave it. So this is paradise, which compasses

33. one entity, which men call by many names such hell and heaven, one afterlife under God.

Commentary: This book is an allegory of the rewards offered to one who lived a good life. The book states that sometimes people need peace and quiet to clear their minds and find the right thing to do. The book also states that religious leaders from the past would be shocked to witness the horrible things done in their names today. The path to God and the afterlife are described as sweet, relaxing, peaceful, tranquil, and happy. People who reach the afterlife have all their desires fulfilled and realize the truth of reality and are thus free and happy.

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