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Book 58 of the Marfat

58: Advice

1. This book was inspired by God’s words to his prophet Aryeztur and others

2. who were mindful of the stresses of society and the struggles of life

3. and mindful of the words and emotions of others. They knew of the sorrows

4. of the world, a great many infinite sorrows which made life torture yet beautiful;

5. yet they also knew of the joys which made life worth living.

6. “All wisdom comes from the Lord.

7. Who can count raindrops or the sand

8. along the shore? Who can count the

9. days of eternity? How high are the ramparts of heaven?

10. How wide is the domain of existence? How deep are

11. the chasms of hell? How profound is wisdom?” All this was asked by the prophet

12. named Aryeztur. But now hear the advice of Aryeztur the humble:

13. If you love the Lord, honor and pride

14. will be yours; you will be crowned with happiness and joy if you stay

15. on the path of truth, justice, and righteousness. To honor the Lord is

16. a heartfelt delight; it will give you a long and happy life. Therefore, follow

17. the wisdom and advice of your Lord. He loves you more than you know.

18. There is no excuse for unjustified anger, for it will bring about your downfall.

19. Wait and be patient, and later you will be glad you did.

20. Keep quiet until the right time to speak, and you will

21. gain a reputation for good sense.

22. If you are humble in everything you do, people will appreciate you.

23. Become more humble as you become greater.

24. Do not be illogically stubborn.

25. Never turn your back on one who needs your help.

26. Be firm in your judgments.

27. If you acquire useful knowledge, pass it on to you community.

28. Take advantage of opportunities but guard yourself against evil.

29. Defeat those who wrong you. Crush them but afterwards have mercy on them.

30. Never underrate yourself.

31. Be humble but do not let others have their way at your expense;

32. do not bring on your own ruin by giving up your rights.

33. Never hesitate to speak out when the occasion calls for it.

34. Do not hide your knowledge for your wisdom

35. can only be known by what you show of it.

36. But do not brag of your achievements. Never bring up the topic of your glory.

37. Do not go against the truth or be afraid to confess your sins.

38. Do not allow yourself to be dominated by someone who is stupid.

39. Nor should you show partiality towards influential people.

40. Stand up for what is right even if it costs you your life. Your God is on your side.

41. Do not be lazy,

42. do not boss people around,

43. and do not act paranoid.

44. If you err against God, realize you mistake

45. and redeem yourself.

46. Be certain about what you believe and

47. consistent in what you say.

48. But be flexible to change in changing circumstances. Life changes.

49. It is impossible to please everyone.

50. Always be ready to listen to people and help them.

51. Answer only if you know what to say.

52. Do not gossip, for gossip will go

53. a full circle and come back to

54. hit you.

55. Do not be an enemy when you

56. should be a friend.

57. Do not become overcome by your passions.

58. If you are polite and courteous,

59. you will enjoy the friendship of many people.

60. Exchange greetings with many,

61. but take advice from only the rare few.

62. Allow friends to prove themselves before

63. gaining your trust.

64. Beware of friends who only stick around

65. in good times.

66. Be the champion of your cause.

67. Treasure loyal friends.

68. Guard your honor and the honor of those around you.

69. Do not covet glory;

70. it will come to you if you do not seek it.

71. Do not take nonsense.

72. Do not laugh at one who is humiliated.

73. Never betray anyone, especially for money.

74. Money is worthless when compared to other things.

75. A curse on you if you betray someone.

76. Never miss the chance to marry the one who is

77. right for you.

78. Do not mistreat those who are dependent on you.

79. Learn self-discipline.

80. Learn common sense.

81. Be mindful of the emotions of the opposite gender.

82. Do not do rash things. Be prudent.

83. Never celebrate death. Celebrate life.

84. Do not be tempted by the bodies of the opposite sex before you are

85. ready. Shame on you if you are ever tempted by the bodies of the same sex

86. and act on that temptation.

87. Never abandon old friends;

88. friendships which endure get better and stronger with time.

89. Try to make the acquaintance of people like yourself.

90. Respect your parents, they say. But they should be worthy of your respect.

91. The ideal child respects his parents but the ideal parent must be honorable.

92. Stay away from sinners.

93. Be prudent.

94. Do not anger for little things or injured pride.

95. Learn from experiences.

96. Be cautious in criticism.

97. Do not interfere in places where you have no business.

98. Do not over-extend yourself.

99. Do not trust enemies who act sweet;

100. they are just pretending to have repented.

101. Do not squander your money.

102. Do not blame God for your sins;

103. why would He cause what he loathes?

104. It is your own fault if you sinned.

105. Do not try to lie to God;

106. He can see through your lies anyhow.

107. Repent and examine your soul

108. when you have sinned.

109. Be kind, be prepared for anything.

110. Follow laws, but not cruel ones.

111. Do not fall into the habit of speaking ill of others

112. or of vulgar things;

113. you will become mindless.

114. No wound is as serious as wounded love.

115. Your worst troubles will be caused not by enemies but by

116. your love life.

117. Beware of anger, revenge, and depression in such cases.

118. Therefore do not be fickle in love

119. and take care of your emotions.

120. Be honest and do not betray secrets.

121. Live a healthy life and do not obsess with money.

122. Do not eat too much or too little.

123. Remember people are different so tolerate

124. these differences.

125. Attempt to reconcile with a friend you have quarreled with

126. for in time, God will soften all hearts. Keep old contacts.

127. Do not exaggerate or change information for any purpose.

128. God will punish such people.

129. Do not give up your God. Make such a martyr of yourself that

130. people will sing about it for a thousand years.

131. Try to be self sufficient.

132. Set realistic goals and achieve them, or try to.

133. If you are sick, take the proper medications to get better.

134. Be decent.

135. Sometimes the blood of men can cleanse their crimes and wash away

136. their sins.

137. Do not dwell on your miseries but on your joys and on your God.

138. God is the constant. God is a better judge than men.

139. Cherish family, friends, country, and God.

140. Therefore, recall and follow all this advice of God

141. and use it successfully in life. Use it and all will be well.

142. Praise God!

Commentary: This book, the longest in the Marfat, begins with a description of the ultimate vastness of God’s knowledge in power and contrasts these with the petty glory of man. The book then gives many pieces of advice, which are self-explanatory.

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