The Opulence of God

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Book 49 of the Marfat

49: The Opulence of God

1. The prophet Krishna continued instructing

2. his pupil, saying: “Neither the

3. hosts of demigods nor the great sages

4. know truly of God’s origin or true power and glory, for in

5. every respect, He is the source of the

6. demigods and sages. All things are connected

7. to him through the eternal force, which unites them all together. He who

8. knows God as the unborn, as the

9. beginingless, as the Supreme Lord of

10. all worlds- he only among men is

11. undeluded and enlightened. Intelligence,

12. knowledge, freedom from doubt and

13. delusion, forgiveness, truthfulness, control

14. of the mind, happiness and distress,

15. birth, death, fear, fearlessness, nonviolence,

16. violence, equanimity, satisfaction, austerity,

17. charity, fame, and infamy- all these

18. various qualities of living beings were

19. created by God alone and only

20. through His grace available to sentient beings, although how

21. they these gifts is their choice. The entire spiritual

22. Universe was born in the mind of God;

23. and some of this spirit became various spirits, some of which took

24. various physical forms on many planets, giving rise

25. to the demigods, demons, and

26. nature spirits; other parts of the

27. spiritual force took up the eternal

28. forms of souls inside the bodies of sentient beings everywhere.

29. One who is totally convinced of God’s

30. glory and mystic power engages in

31. unalloyed devotional service to Him.

32. God is the source of all spiritual

33. and material objects, although the Devil has

34. corrupted the physical world. The spiritual

35. world, being made of the stuff of God, can never

36. be corrupted. Everything emanates from God, thus

37. He should be worshipped from the bottom of people’s hearts. He is the ultimate manifestation of the force.

Commentary: This book describes the greatness and glory of God. God is beyond our comprehension. God is the ultimate power and force. God can never be corrupted and He is all-powerful. Everything in the Universe, every attribute, every emotion, every idea, everything, has as its ultimate source, God. Nothing happens that God does not know of or allow. One should dedicate himself to God because religion is a way of life and not just a bunch of chants. The founder, when writing this commentary, decided to use this book to make some additional points. The following are quotes from the founder:

• “The world is so hypocritical when it comes to one’s own self defense. The world does nothing to stop others from harassing him and yet when he raising a finger to defend himself, they criticize him. Why are there double standards for everything? One must practice what he preaches.”

• “How can a leader be legitimate if there are more people who do not accept him than people who do accept him. The best form of government is a meritocracy, where people rise up the ranks and rule by their ability; not by their birth, popularity, or wealth.”

• “I would never heap insults at others, especially if that person never directly offended me. I am kind to even those who hate me.”

• “Remember that actions always speak louder than words.”

• “It is good when answering questions to be silent unless you know the answer. Do not speak unless you know of what you speak.”

• “Softness and quietness are good in intimate settings. It is not good to be loud and vain. It is good to be soft, and thus be at harmony with the self, society, and nature.”

• “All the ‘ends of the world’ that people speak about are not literal ends of the world. Rather, they are ends of an era, characterized by great change and great destruction. But from destruction, there shall spring forth new seeds, and a great rebirth, for people will learn from the past and create a better, new world.”

• “When I look deep into a person’s soul, I see that all people are inherently good. Take away the barriers of society and ideology, and all people get along with each other as brothers would, talking to each other from soul to soul.”

• “Move on and do not hold grudges. Every time a person sins against you, you must forgive them instantly. Trust is another matter. But always forgive.”

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