
From Aryez

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Book 31 of the Marfat

31: Modesty

1. All people should be modest in their

2. dress, in terms of decency and property, and not

3. wear expensive clothes, immoral clothes

4. and styles; nor should people don makeup or

5. wear much jewelry, if any at all; these things are hoarded by

6. the selfish and proud; this is the

7. command of the Lord though the

8. prophet Anya. Wealth means nothing, for

9. we do not take all our jewels with us

10. to the afterlife. Hate gold the corrupter. Dying, we only care about those

11. we love, not all our worldly goods. Thus be modest, wear no jewelry save little trinkets, and wear

12. no makeup. Then you will be pure to serve

13. the Lord. Remember that the most powerful

14. are those who can give up power and wealth.

Commentary: Note: The prophet(ess) Anya is an umbrella figure encompassing any wise person who influenced Aryeztur in his life. This book argues for modesty and against provocative clothing, and huge displays of jewelry and wealth. While there is nothing wrong in getting rich honestly, it is not good to show off one’s wealth. Furthermore, it is not good to wear makeup or much jewelry as a sign of simplicity. The founder was of the opinion that a person’s true beauty lay in his or her character and that ornamentation was thus unnecessary. The founder accepted the fact that society may demand some display of jewelry but cautioned that it must be worn in moderation. The founder was of the opinion that large quantities of money and power tend to corrupt people.

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