
From Aryez

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Book 20 of the Marfat

20: Rules

1. After revealing the Ten Commandments to

2. the prophet Moses, God began setting forth guidelines

3. for living a just and moral life. Speaking through Moses, he said:

4. Do not fornicate (have pre-marital sex).

5. Do not have sex with animals.

6. Treat your guest as you would treat Me.

7. Treat your prisoners with kindness.

8. Do not ask for interest if you lend money to someone.

9. Do not speak ill of your leaders lest you dishonor your

10. nation or Me.

11. Do not spread false rumors.

12. Do not accept a bribe.

13. Do not deny justice to someone based on his status.

14. Do not commit homosexual acts.

15. Speak when you must, be silent when you must.

16. Do not commit incest, whether they be related to

17. you by blood, by marriage (your spouse’s relatives), or other circumstance.

18. Do not practice polygamy.

19. Do not hunt animals or fell trees for no reason (make sure you use them).

20. Do not cheat.

21. Do not take advantage of anybody.

22. Do not bear grudges against others.

23. Do not practice slavery.

24. Do not rejoice in death or blood.

25. Do not force others to get married.

26. Respect your elders, betters, and those who are wiser than you.

27. Do not disgrace the honor of another. God shall judge their sins, not you.

28. Do not obey hypocrites, immoral people, or evil-doers.

29. Give some of your money as charity to the poor.

30. Do not follow the barbaric customs of dowry and suttee.

31. Respect the dead because their souls still hear your

32. words in Heaven.

33. Pay back your debts as soon as possible.

34. Do not persecute those who disobey My rules, for

35. I will judge them when they come to me. But

36. aid them with patience so that I have mercy

37. on you.

38. Do not make love in public.

39. Do not curse or swear,

40. Be fair to others when distributing or dividing wealth.

41. Do not disown your kin or break off friendships;

42. instead try to make amends.

43. Do not wish others ill lest you yourself meet misfortune.

44. Thus did God give his beloved prophet Moses

45. these just and true suggestions. Hearken to them!

Commentary: Although named “Rules,” this book would have been more aptly named “Highly Recommended Guidelines to Life.” This book lists some basic guidelines (called “rules”) for life. Some of them are probably completely agreeable to all people of all ages, for example the directive against slavery and the advice regarding fixing friendships. Others are impractical although ideal, such as the directive against interest when lending money. Others are cultural and temporal or disagreeable to some [this does not include the founder] including the directives against polygamy and homosexual relations. Although ideally, every rule in this book would be followed, acceptance, tolerance, and changing times forced the founder to caution one’s interpretation of this book. The best path is a middle path, to not allow the worst things, to always allow the best things, and to allow medium things in moderation.

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