From Akaitenshi

Revision as of 18:22, 10 February 2008 by Meilin (Talk | contribs)

Meilin's Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess Map Replacement Pack.

These maps replace the (insanely) innacurate maps in the WotG Expansion pack. They include important graphical barriers and quest spots. I'm still working on making them perfect, only time and suggestions can help!

Download Link: Download from Megaupload

To Install:

If you'd like to see screenshots of these maps working ingame, please click here!

Update Information:

2/8-10/08 - Launched the map pack, includes all zones before the March 08 update. All files have been tested and do not have any ill effects to the FFXI game when installed properly. Sweet! I made something that works!

Comming Soon!

  • Campaign Outpost locations
  • Suspicious Object locations for South Sandy/Bastok Markets/Windurst Waters
  • HELM Points

{|Help me out!|}

I'm only one Elvaan WHM. If something is wrong, or you'd like to help me collect information for these maps, please speak up! I can't rely on my friends as lab rats forever! Please leave a message on the talk page of this wiki, or down at my forums! You can also contact me directly though Email, AIM, or ingame.

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