
From Adultswimaction

Revision as of 08:10, 22 November 2006 by (Talk)

Cille is one of the most super-awesome members of AD, and is like the Empress of whatever happens to need an Empress at the time. She loves hawt boiz and can often be found fangirling and pic-whoring all over the place. She is currently a SwimLegend, as her outgoing personality, penchant for in-depth analyses and discussion, and unique ability to make any topic seem ostensibly related to anime have resulted in an impressive post count, and she spends more time on the ASMB than anywhere else ever. She is currently using the cute hat Eureka icon, which some awesome dude made just for her. Her favorite show ever is s-CRY-ed, and OMG Straight Cougar is just so frickin' awesome. She is also prone to rioting with very little provocation, and has way more alts than anybody really needs.

Powers and Affiliations

Aside from being the Empress of RIFs, Cille is a ninja, a member of the tripartite Apocalypse, and the wielder of the demon form Pwnmaru, who should not be messed with. She has been imbued with the power of super-slowness, both a blessing and a curse. Her twin is lunapark, and she also has a really cool apprentice named kiraralove that does a lot of stuff for her and whom she appreciates very much.

Love Life and Stuff

While Cille seems to have a lot of fanboys, some of whom take more liberties with regard to their own importance than is strictly warranted, she is very selective about romantic entanglements, and in fact has been involved with only three fellow posters: A purely physical relationship with Shadowstaarr, consisting mostly of kicking him in the face while wearing a short skirt; a passionate and highly volatile marriage with Blah_canbespanish that ultimately cooled after he up and took off for like months; and most recently a dalliance with Metatronda, the particulars of which can only be speculated on. Cille's love is mostly reserved for hawt anime men, and also Crispin Freeman. Whose voice she would totally marry. Cille's dislikes include Evatards, trolls, Kazuma, children, and scrolling on the board.


Cille is perhaps best known by many as one of the most fearsome fangirls to ever grace the ASMB. She has slain threads, inspired uprisings, and frightened away n00bs with her array of fangirl ninja arts, among them Pic-Whore no Jutsu, Font Amplification no Jutsu, Gibberish no Jutsu, and the unpredictable but potent ZOMG no Jutsu.

Among Cille's fangirl favorites are:

  • Jin
  • Crispin Freeman
  • Mustang
  • Havoc
  • Hughes
  • Holland
  • Straight Cougar
  • Ishida
  • Urahara
  • Shiro
  • Spike
  • Amon
  • Ryuho
  • Togusa
  • Maniwa
  • Wolfwood
  • Tres
  • Hugue
  • Fuery
  • Suzaku of the Flower
  • Rodriguez the sumo beetle
  • Asian Kung-Fu Generation
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