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Svensylvania joined with Squatostan after The Pineapple War of 2222 to create Svensylsquatostan. It was a younger country than Squatostan but it had a history as one of the strongest independent territories in the world.


Origin and General History

Svensylvania formed as a nation in the year 2137 after many years of being a territory under the rule of a family of wizards. The last of this line, Sir Sven of the Western Edge, had established the name of Svensylvania and used magic to change his accent in order to perpetuate the rumor that he was a vampire. Sir Sven barely left his castle, let alone the territory, and as a result the rest of the world refused to acknowledge Svensylvania as a country. It is believed that Sir Sven only became weakened in his defenses after he married Kaptain Keybeard and got involved in a conflict between the villages in Svensylvania and a clan of mutant wolves from The Great Waste. Another mistake on his part was the abduction and enchantment of one of the daughters of the reigning Squato (Rulers of Squatostan).



Foreign relations and military


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