Alpha Centauri

From The Pardusian Chronicles

Historical notes on Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri is the closest star system neighboring Sol, so naturally when the humans started their space colonization, here was the first colony established. Thanks to warp technology, they were able to scout the system prior to sending the colonists, so they brought the proper tools and materials for the construction of a space station, instead of a planet-side base. Given this trinary system does not have a habitable planet, it would mean certain disaster and great casualties should such advanced reconnaissance data not been available.

Regardless, the early years were difficult onboard the station. Despite the success with the Sol Station, this was the first time that human engineers constructed a starbase inside an energy field, hoping to create an energy source to meet the growing need of Earth. Yet due to their inexperience, the construction vehicles and the station itself were only partially protected, and many lives were lost due to energy discharges that are common in the region.

Over the course of two years, supplies from Earth had been unreliable as Earth redirected its focus on the more promising Eridani Prime project. At great risk to themselves, the colonists worked hard to find ways to shield themselves, and finally they did, a technology that is now standard for all human ships and facility construction. With the safety of the station firmly established, Alpha Centauri Station at last took its first step towards becoming one of the most magnificent starbases of the cluster. But the colonists did not forget how Earth abandoned them, and tensions grew between the space colonies and old Earth in the years to come, and would likely culminate into a civil war had the first intergalactic way not erupted first.

This entry to the Pardusian Guide to the Galaxy was provided by historian Cassandra Aegwynn

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