
From The Pardusian Chronicles

Historical notes on Aeg

Aeg is one of the few scattered inhabited class D planets in the universe. Rumours about what happens to stray travellers who get kidnapped on the planet drift up through the entire Keldon core. The entire sector has always been a breeding ground for “fishy” activity, because of its location next to a supply of exotic matter and the general lawlessness of the planet’s inhabitants. Even common space creatures tend to avoid the planet’s proximity. It is said that the only actual pilots who dare to land on the planet are the wealthy mine owners in the area who make secret deals with the sheikh's living on the surface, as they are the main suppliers of the gem stones that the desert people so admire.

Rumors tell that the sky is always cloudless and harsh, and beats down with the heat of two suns. There is said to be very little interest in the actual planet, as the entire surface is a sandy desert. Even less is known about the actual people, besides their ceaseless desire for gems and harsh camps where slaves are bred. The land is so dry, that it takes huge amounts of water to successfully grow even the hardiest of plants. The planet is governed with a stiff caste system where wealthy sultans rule their lands with an iron fist, and hoard all the money for themselves. These rulers are shady and secretive, and little information is let known to the people. For the rulers, the lack of information, and strict regulations on the lower classes, keeps the people unaware that they are working for an industry far outside of the law. AEG’s people have after eons of unfair governing become almost separated from the rest of the universe and it can take many decennia before any newly developed technology reaches it, making it one of the least technologically advanced of the known universe, so the agricultural development hasn’t been very fast either.

The slave trade economy is easy to maintain because of AEG’s location near Greandin and Cassand which gives it a plentiful supply of water, but still just enough to supply the poor agriculture as well as suffice for the actual need of the people. This allows for the cheap operation of the buildings and establishments that seem to come and go with the shifting sands of the planet below.

From what my field research indicates there is little life except for small desert reptiles and hardy salt tolerant plants living naturally on the surface. AEG was colonized in the early days of the Golden Age of Exploration and the people of the planet are barely even recognisable as Keldon any longer. One can assume that the slave race living on the planets remains lacking in technology mainly because of the outlawing of education amongst the lower caste. The lower caste is kept in line by simple demonstrations of the technology the sultans have, and the fact they distribute water to the slaves living on the planet.

This entry to the Pardusian Guide to the Galaxy was provided by historian Wit

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