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Purveyors of everything right in the world, according to Dr. O and Hostile. Others disagree or just don't care.



Nintendo started off as a playing card company. Their first console was the Nintendo Entertainment System, also known as the Famicon (Family Computer) in Japan. After this loads of shit happened, such as the VirtuaBoy and Nintendo64 crashing and burning. Now they're still selling more Gamecubes than XBox 360's in Japan. You wanna know why? Because they're Nintendo. They INVENTED gaming (screw you, Nutting, Magnavox, Coleco, Atari, and Namco!). From the second some cross-eyed Jap mispelled "Monkey Kong" as "Donkey Kong" (not true actually), Nintendo have been unshakable from the ultimate position of awesome. This trend continues until this day.

The Nintendo Wii In Popular Music

Wii will wii will rock you Wii will wii will rock you

Wii are the champions No time for losers 'Cause wii are the champions of the world

Who controls the British Crown? Who keeps the metric system down? Wii Do! Wii Do!

Nintendo in politics

Ever wondered why Che used so much red on his flag? That's right baby, Nintendo. It's also why he became a revolutionary.

How Nintendo helped shape the future of video games

Although other companies had already had problems where their third console crashed and burned (Coleco and Atari, respectively), Nintendo proved this to be absolutely true, when their third handheld unit, the VirtuaBoy (not really handheld, but marketed as such) crashed and burned, and also their third console system (the Nintendo64) made barely a few blips on gaming radar. Except for, y'know, Goldeneye, the biggest console FPS ever. Aside from that Halo thing. Oh, and that Halo 2 thing. They were pretty big. Oh, and the analogue stick which changed console gaming forever. Let's ignore the fact that over ten years ago it was almost completely abandoned, and Nintendo has pretty much abandoned it as well. And Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, considered among the best video games ever.

On top of this, Nintendo also had the first console with internet access, (unfortunately very few people used this option, and a vast majority of gamers were unaware it even existed.) a microphone peripheral, a mouse and even CD compatability was originally their idea. Unfortuantely, it was implimented by six other companies before they had the chance to make one. And when they did have the chance (Nintendo 64) they decided to stick with cartridges. Oh, those silly Nintendoians!

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