Wonder Girl

From Superdickery

Revision as of 15:17, 20 April 2007 by Doctor Sneeze (Talk | contribs)
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The name of the sidekicks of Wonder Woman.

The original Wondergirl, Donna Troy, arguably has the worst continuity in the entire history of comics. All attempts at trying to fix it only result in making it more fucked up.

The current Wondergirl is a teenage girl who recieved her powers from Zeus, and then found out that she was his daughter. This is strange because all of Zeus's previous bastard children were born with powers. Now in Infinite Crisis, she's lost her abilities and was given new ones by Ares....or something.

But at least it's all understandable.

She also lost her ability to be anything but Emo in the Crisis. This is not understandable at all.

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