CodT Statistics

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Attribute Stats


Health Power. When this reaches 0, a character faints and cannot act until they are revived. Restored after each battle.


Magic Power. Used to cast spells. When this reaches 0, a character cannot use any skills that require MP. Restored after each battle.


Count Time. Increases during battle depending on Speed. When this reaches 100, a character may act. If two characters reach 100 CT at the same time, the one with the higher speed acts first. If they have identical speed, the one with the higher Agility acts first. If they have the same Agility, than the game decides to shut down so as to not have to deal with such a highly unlikely event.

Action Stats


Determines amount of damage done in physical-based attacks.


Determines amount of damage received from physical-based attacks


Determines ability to hit target, as well as affecting damage of ranged attacks.


Determines ability to dodge attacks, as well as affecting stealth-based skills.

Magic Power

Determines the power of magic spells, such as damage or healing power.

Magic Resistance

Determines the amount of damage/healing received when hit by a spell.


Determines how fast actions occur, as well as turn order and slightly affecting ability to dodge attacks.

Types of moves


Generally the more "physical" abilities that could be done in the real world. Most of them cost 0 MP but the more powerful ones may cost MP. Locked with ability lock but not with silence.


Supernatural magical stuff. Most of them cost MP. Locked with silence but not ability lock.


A move that triggers when the character is affected by a certain enemy attack designed to either nullify certain attacks or launch a counterattack. Reaction abilities vary in trigger and in effect

Move descriptor key


The number of tiles from the user that a move can be centered. Personal abilities have "0 range" - they can only affect the user. Most abilities ignore pathfinding obstacles like rocks or cliffs though some have certain restrictions (such as only being able to travel in a straight line)


The size of the "blast area" of the effect. Moves that only target 1 character have a radius of 1. Radius 2 means it affects the targetted square any any touching squares, radius 3 means another layer out, and so on.

Added effects

Push back

Critical hits and some abilities knock the enemy back a square. The square must be unoccupied and normal terrain a character can move in (no lava) but the enemy can fall past their normal fall max to move into the square. Falling does no additional damage but likely puts the enemy at a tactical disadvantage

Status effects (positive)


No enemies will attack invisible units directly, though they may be damaged from area affects (such as standing next to someone that gets hit with an area affect magic). Attacking or being affected by any ability, positive or negative, ends invisibilty.

Status effects (negative)


Dying is the KO status. Characters are dying when they are at 0 or less HP (which is always rounded back to 0). Dying characters get no turns. If an entire side is dying, they lose. The general point of most battles is to make the entire team dying so that you win. Note that dying is not dead - spells or abilities can bring the characters back. Any dying characters on the winning side are assumed to get medical attention immediately after combat and suffer no penalties from being dead at the end of a battle. Dying status is the only status effect that never wears off.


Helpless is not an actual status effect, but rather the side effect of several status effects or abilities. Essentially, a helpless opponent cannot in any way defend themselves. All reaction abilities stop functioning and any attacks have 100% chance to hit. Helpless characters aren't necessarily unable to move or act, though many status effect such as sleep or stop also make this so. Helplessness ends when the status effect that is causing it ends.


Slow status refers to speed and Count Time. Essentially a character's speed stat is lowered, which makes it take longer for to get to 100 CT. The default slow strength is 50%, which means that a character will go twice as slow in relation to how he ranked in speed with other characters before. Slow has no effect on how far a character can move and only slightly lowers evasion (since speed plays a very small part in the accuracy formula). Slow mainly comes from Time Magic though other abilities may slow as well.


Poison status does damage to the character on their turn right before they can act; this may kill a character on their turn before they can even do anything. Default poison stength is 15% of the character's max HP. Poision is related to earth magic.


Numb status cuts how far a character can move in half (rounded down) and decreases evasion by 20 making it hard to hit enemies but much easier to hit the numb character. Numbness is associated with wind magic.


Frozen status surrounds the user in solid ice, doing 5% of their max HP in damage on their turn and making them helpless and unable to act or move. A physical hit or fire spell ends the frozen effect in addition to doing normal damage. Any other effects (ranging from a water spell to sleep to a cure spell) has a 50% chance of disrupting the ice. Frozen comes from water magic.


Berkser status increases strength by 25% but decreases evasion by 20, making the affected character quite vulnerable to attack. The target also blindly attacks the nearest character, friend or foe, with a physical attack. If none are in range, it moves as far as it can to the closest character if possible. Berserkness is born from fire magic.

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