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Many find Nuln to be a peaceful haven from pursecution.


Environment and Geography

In terms of geography, Nuln can be split into two distinct areas: the mainland and the peninsula. The peninsula is heavily forested, and contains many hills and cliffs (Though no point so high as to be properly called a mountain). The mainland is in contrast mostly flat, with few proper forests and a few rivers that cross it's span.

Temperatures on the peninsula usually range from lows of 30 degrees in the winter to highs of 110 in the summer, often with very humid conditions. Rain and storms are frequent, but perhaps the biggest danger are the hurricanes that frequently sweep over the Nuln Peninsula during the summer months.

Temperatures on the mainland are much drier and somewhat cooler, usually ranging from 20 lows in winter and 100 highs in summer. During the peak of the rainy season, the rivers flowing through the mainland can rise considerably due to overflow in the channel, causing a danger to towns located nearby.


Nuln is loated on Reydala's far western peninsula. It shares a border with Riscana to the north and Banato to the northeast, with Walstad immediately to the south.

Important Terrain Features

  • The Lost Ocean:

An expanse of ocean that stretches from Nuln and Riscana all the way to the other side of the globe to Kaltia. It's name originally came from the dwarves living in Tyren. While many pilgrims in the past chose to try to venture across the ocean to see what they can find, few of these pilgrims ever returned, and those that did usually were returned with the smashed remnants of their vessel to their starting point, the sharp currents pushing them back toward Tyren.

Maritime technology has advanced considerably since those early days however, and travel on the lost ocean is as freqent as it is lucrative. Large ships routinely brave the waters between Kaltia and Nuln to make extreme profits on goods both nations need from each other. However, the ocean is still not to be underestimated, especially during summer near the Nuln Peninsula. Heavy storms have been known to swallow ships, and should a vessel be stuck in the path of a hurricane, its chances of survival are practically nil.

The shallows of the lost Ocean teem with underwater life, fishing is a common past time and occupation among those close to the waters edge. As a result, the average diet on the waterfronts includes a large percentage of fish, sometimes eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The deeper waters far from shore are still somewhat of a mystery, but there are many fish tales and horror stories of massive creatures that can capsize even the largest boat living below the murky depths.

  • The Shimmering Gulf:

The shimmering gulf is a large inlet shielded from the rest of the ocean by the Nuln peninsula. The gulf is fed through the Votuvian channel and the waters continue to flow out into the Lost Ocean. Waters here are typically much calmer compared to the lost ocean and during the summer months most ships will take the time to detour into the gulf rather than risk crew and cargo to the storms. Ports on the shores of the gulf typically accumulate a full eighty percent of their profit during the summer months, when dock prices skyrocket and the gulf becomes positively jammed with vessels from all over the world.

Outside of Summer, the gulf is usually fairly quiet, mostly populated by fishing boats. The water seems to reflect an unusual amount of sun and moonlight, leading to beautiful views framed by the hills of Walstad and Nuln. The coasts of the gulf also make popular resort spots, being some of the most beautiful beaches in Reydala.

  • The Freehaven Sea:

A large bay located near the city of Freehaven, ringed by an array of small islands. Waters here are frequently choppy because the sea receives currents from multiple opposite directions. Coupled with the relatively shallow depth and a boat has a high risk of running aground on one of the rocky outcroppings that fill the sea. Many less experienced captains opt to travel around the islands instead, though veteran sea farers benefit from the sea by delivering goods quicker with the shortcut and even trading at the freehaven docks themselves. The sea is sometimes used as a testing ground by corporations seeking a new captain for their vessels.

  • The Votuvian Channel:

Named after the original elven explorer who first made contact with humans in Riscana, the Votuvian channel is a large span of water that forms the border between Walstad and Nuln. Fast currents make travel on the channel speedy and frequent, but the waters are not particularly deep and in places the channel becomes quite narrow. Many bridges have been built spanning the channel, most by Nuln, as a symbol of the friendship between the two nations. Nuln in particular uses the channel as a way to test new bridge building architecture.

  • Kasser Lake:

Actually a duo of two freshwater lakes that surround the fortress of Kasser, one of the premier institutions of hydrodynamic research on the planet. Each of the lakes are fed by different branches of the Fune river and flow back into the Nashira. The north lake has a higher elevation than the south, a large waterfall accompanying it's exit into the Nashira. The two lakes and their rivers have been dammed and freed on more than one occaision.

The lakes themselves are fairly still due to their size, but the rivers before and after them quickly speed up to rapid-like conditions. Because of this, not many fish reside within the lakes, and those that do have lived there their entire lives (or introduced to the environment by humans). Of the life present, shellfish and mollusks are the most numerous.

  • The Nashira River:

A large river that flows westward from the Votuvian channel and forms a natural boundary between Riscana and Nuln. The Nashira is relatively slow moving and murky in the middle of the continent, but faster and cleaner around the ocean, channels, and especially after the rejoining beyond Kasser lake. The Nashira splits in many places, the largest offshoot being the Fune river. Darrug's River is one of the most recent of these rivulets, brough into life due to increased flow resulting from the destruction of one of the Kasser dams. It was named after the engineer who performed the demolition.

  • The Fune River:

The fune is the largest offshoot of the Nashira river, running much cleaner and faster than the majority of its parent. Like the Nashira it has many splits, the largest of which feed into the Kasser lakes and back into the Nashira. It also has an arm which travels all the way south to Alliend and eventually rejoins with the Votuvian channel.

Unique Flora & Fauna


An extremely large and foul tempered four-legged beast that is easily found in mainland ranches, and occaisionally grazing in the wild. Somewhat related to bovines, the average adult zadakka stands nine feet tall from hoof to shoulder, has a jet black hide, and two pairs of horns, one set jutting forward parallel to the creatures snout, the other set spiralling around the ears. Zadakkas bred in captivity are never allowed to grow to adult age to prevent them becoming too unmanageable to herd and most have their horns filed down to blunt stumps. Zadakka encountered in the wild are fiercely territorial and protective of their young. Their first responds to a threat is often a staredown, lowering their heads and drawing their hooves on the ground. They have also been known to charge on sight, these cases probably explained by Zadakka's getting lose from captivity.

Zadakka are primarily bred for their meat. The animals grow very quickly (reaching adult age within three years) and only require the plentiful long grass that covers Nuln's mainland. Choice Zadakka meats are prime delicacies in many corners of the western world. The less desirable meats are edible at worst, and are a staple of many Nulnite diets. Furs and hides from the beasts are used in many Nuln textile and tanner industries. Unblemished horns are quite rare due to the danger of a horned Zadakka, and will fetch a high price on the open market.

Zadakka are also sometimes bred as beasts of burden, as they carry loads that would cause horses and mules to falter. However, their bad tempers make such ventures dangerous, especially for the trainers. They are only used where there are few humans or other creatures that may startle the beasts.

Residents and Culture

Major Cities

  • Freehaven: The first founded settlement and Capital of Nuln, Freehaven is built at the top of a large cliff overlooking the bay that shares its name. Despite the dangerous waters of the bay below, a massive port stretches into the waters, linked to the city by the same stone stairs that were carved in the nations youth. Rope and Pulley elevators now facilitate the passage of cargo and populace to the city, pulled by rudimentary steam engines. The city has expanded to occupy most of the plateau it was founded upon, as well as a portion of the tier below it. The first Reydalan Railway begins here, and continues up the peninsula. Most boats using the port today are local fisheries, manned by the descendants of those first settlers. While all diplomatic matters are handled in Freehaven by tradition, all foreign dignitaries are now brought in via the railway, rather than brave the waters of the bay.
    • The Freehaven Academy Library: Skills: Knowledge(History, Architecture and Engineering, Dungeoneering, Arcane) Modifier: +15
  • Kora (Founded 1304): The first city founded facing the shimmering gulf, primarily began as a secondary fishing village to Freehaven as it was much closer to sea-level than the former. Today Kora is the primary summer port for goods traveling on to Freehaven. The first Reydalan railway has a station here.
  • Yorad (Founded 1306): A city surrounded by rich forests on the shores of the Lost Ocean. Its primary export is lumber to Kora, which then travels along the rails to the mainland region where expansion is rapidly continuing. Fishing, as with most of Nuln, is quite prosperous here.
  • Shavale (Founded 1308): Originally began in one of Nuln's deep valleys as a mining outpost, extracting coal and iron from the depths of the earth. Shavale's main focus remains mining, but now boasts a significant supporting population as well. The second Reydalan railway, known as the Shavale rail, runs between here and Todare.
    • Library of Lucion: Skills: Knowledge (Arcana, History) Modifier: +10.
  • Drei (Founded 1310): Another fishing village founded to capitilze on the bounty of the gulf. In modern times its main draw is tourism. The beautiful beaches of the gulf draw interested foreigners from all over the world, the site is officially recognized as one of the wonders of mulinel. To enable tourism, the third Reydalan railway (often called the Shimmering Railway) was built here, stretching toward Todare.
  • Todare (Founded 1334): Todare is a fortified city build to secure the center of the continent should need come, it also acts as resource center, collecting resources from the surrounding cities and preparing them to transport to Freehaven or further mainland. The first Reydalan railway has a station here. The second and third railways end here.
    • Library of Lucion: Skills: Knowledge (Arcana, History) Modifier: +10.
  • Elshing (Founded 1327): A secluded city that exports resources from the waters, nearby forests, and the hills. Elshing is largely self-sufficient, but remains a fairly small village even in modern days.
  • Crossamar (Founded 1323): Most widely known for being the location of the first bridge spanning the Votuvian Channel. The Crossamar bridge is one of the largest of such bridges and was built in 2041. The bridge was destroyed and rebuilt several times during the age of dragons. Until recent years, it also maintain a majority population of elves. Walstad merchants will often stop here before moving further up the road to Todare.
  • Pailah (Founded 1358): Fortress city founded in the great nuln valley, like Shavale, primarily concerned with mining the nearby plateaus, especially coal, iron, and silver. The first Reydalan railway has a station here.
    • Library of Lucion: Skills: Knowledge (Arcana, History) Modifier: +10.
  • Battolia (Founded 1361): Founded as another fishing village, Battolia today is primarily a stop for ships traveling between Nuln and Riscana. Inns and Taverns are numerous, as are food storehouses, mostly dealing in fruits and vegetables harvest in the surrounding plains that are otherwise rare in Nuln.
  • Stillfre (Founded 1381): A village near the Riscanan border, mostly a military outpost founded when it seemed relations between the two countries may get strained. Today it mainly exists as a hub of trade between Riscana and Nuln. The city has an expansive port for receiving ships from the south and from the north.
  • Kasser (Founded 1374): A fortress city near the Riscanan border, founded as the primary defense of Nuln against possible Riscanan attack. Kasser is in a very well defended position, only approachable from the southeast without significant difficulty do to the surrounding lakes. Today it is Nulns center for Naval and hydrodynamic research. Most new ship ideas are scale tested on Kasser lake before being built in full. It is also a center for military research, and has one of the world's only academy of engineers. The first reydalan railway has its final station here.
    • Library of Lucion Skills: Knowledge (Arcana, History) MOdifier: +10.
    • First Reydalan Academy of Engineers Skills: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Craft (Generator) Modifier: +15.
  • Sahere (Founded 1368): A transition fortress built to solidify the nation, today it is the nations primary exporters of produce thanks to the surrounding fertile farmlands. There are a few silver mines scattered among the southwestern mountains as well. The first reydala railway has it's final station here.
  • Neith (Founded 1372):
  • Sarfune (Founded 1388):
  • Alliend (Founded 1391):
  • Suda (Founded 1401):


Nuln was founded in 1297 by a small group of exiles from Riscana. Originally merchants, they had sought to trade and exchange eyes with elves living in Walstad. Upon returning, the began to share the knowledge and goods of the elves with the people among their hometowns, but news travels fast. Within a week of their return they were imprisoned, interrogated, and then cruelly exiled from their country. Together with a collection of likeminded volunteers they had attained during their few days of return, and helped by their remaining funds to purchase supplies, the exiles trekked to the south in search of a suitable place to build a new settlement. The journey was long, and the expedition found themselves hopelessly lost several times along the way.

Food supplies started to run low, and morale among the merchants sunk even lower, they knew that if they could not find a suitable new home soon, they would die on an endless road of cliffs, forests, and jungles. Finally, they reached the end of the land, on top of a huge cliff overlooking a bay with islands in the distance. They decided that they could not afford to search any longer, and immediately began to set up camp along that cliff, clearing the nearby forests for wood. Food continued to dwindle, the few that were skilled in hunting had difficulty finding any substantial game in the nearby forests. Growing desperate, they crafted crude boats from what wood they could find and scaled down the cliffs to the bay below. The first fishing trips upon those waters were perilous and the returns were few, but they were enough survive.

Progress was slow and backbreaking, but as the months went by, the colony slowly began to stabilize, the fishermen became more skilled, the boats more sturdy. Makeshift stairs were carved into cliffs. The stone carved from the cliffs was used to construct more buildings. Messengers they sent back to Riscana returned with more settlers disgruntled with Riscana's policies. After 2 years had passed, they sent a messenger to Walstad with the same message of freedom that won hearts from Riscana.

7 months later, an old friend arrived in the settlement that had been dubbed "Freehaven". Votuvian, the elven explorer who had saved the lives of the merchants four years before, had returned along with their messenger. He had brought with him a collection of elven pioneers and much needed supplies and tools. Votuvian shared with the settlers maps he had made of the peninsula decades prior, and helped them to expand their small settlement into a bustling nation. Votuvian lived among them in the settlement, working hand in hand with the merchants to create a utopia where there would be no more hatred between their races. As word spread further, they began to even receive pilgrimages from Tyren, the dwarves eagerly allied themselves with the cause, strengthening Freehaven's ships and buildings with dwarven steel.

Over the next fifty years, seven new settlements were formed upon the peninsula. In the next hundred, nine more were added. Nuln's borders had expanded all the way through the peninsula and beyond to meet again with Riscana's. As they predicted, Riscana's reaction was openly hostile. Nuln made many concessions to prevent a war with Riscana, but they refused be subservient and began to form a military to protect their country. Walstad (already cut off from their Leyandran-kin for assisting the human settlement) offered Nuln a full alliance, and the prospect of a war on two fronts was enough to keep Riscana from aggressive military action with Nuln.

Exploring ships were continually sent off from Nuln to all corners of the world, and Contact was finally established with Kaltia in 1515. Nuln was delighted to find another human nation that shared some of their vision of tolerance (at least, far more than Riscana did). The first ship brought back goods and even a few interested souls from the land across the ocean. One of these was a young kaltian wizard-in-training named Wastgardt, who brought tomes from his homeland with the blessings of the library. He eventually founded a library of Lucion in Freehaven, and then in many settlements throughout the nation. Nulnites seemed to flock to the study of magic (perhaps in part due to the fees of study being far more lenient in Nuln by Wastgardt's design). The library of lucion in Freehaven became a full fledged academy.

Major Personalities




Foreign Affairs

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