From Mu Norml Ssdp

There is a controversy brewing over the wiki, as I see it. People are hesitant to put information that is potentially incriminating up on a website. Especially when it is linked from our chapter site, which is registered with the school. These are valid concerns.

Our URL makes this site difficult to find. I have created a redirect at Matt has linked from our group website. It seems to me that if we took the link off our page and kept knowledge of my redirect link within our inner group, we would virtually guarantee the privacy of our forum. However, I am very open to ideas about this.

Thus, I encourage you to weigh in below.

Let's use the redirect link. I think the MUNORML site is great but the wiki is too easy to access.

I second that.

Googling my name didn't bring any of this stuff up, so I'm not too worried.

Matt took down the link.

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