Globalization and Human Rights in the Developing World: Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS) 2009 Conference, March 21-22, 2009, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

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  • Call for Papers: Globalization and Human Rights in the Developing World

-- Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS) 2009 Conference

-- March 21-22, 2009

-- University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

-- Globalization is one of the most distinguishing features of our age. Although economic, political and cultural exchanges have occurred throughout history, the degree of global interconnectedness today has surpassed anything known in previous eras. What globalization means for average people, however, is hotly debated. Some suggest that globalization is ushering in cosmopolitan forms of consciousness that will help humanity transcend its tendency toward parochialism and myopism. Some also believe globalization will foster economic growth and create employment. Others are less optimistic, arguing that globalization is worsening inequality, causing environmental degradation, giving rise to conflicts and wars, and benefiting corporations at the expense of the global poor, among other problems.

-- This conference will gather together scholars and others interested in the impact of globalization on human rights. On December 10, 1948, the United Nations issued the now famous Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the first global expression of the rights which all human beings are entitled. Containing 30 articles, the UDHR declared that all people, regardless of nationality or background, have the right to freedom, equality, and overall wellbeing. Six decades have now passed since the Declaration was first made. To what extent has globalization hindered or made possible the realization of the objectives stated in 1948? This is the main question this conference will discuss in detail, focusing on and comparing the experiences of Africa, Asia and Latin America.

-- Conference organizers invite paper proposals on the following themes as they relate to globalization and human rights in the above three world regions (though other themes will be considered):

- transnational corporations - social movements - global governance - democracy - labour - gender - health and wellbeing - education - poverty and wealth - refugees, displaced persons - indigenous peoples - food issues

-- Proposals should be between 150 to 200 words and include the paper's title and the author's name, affiliation, and contact information. A bio of 100 to 125 words describing the author's background, accomplishments and research interests should also accompany the proposal. Both proposals and bios should be written using the templates provided at: Applications should then be submitted as email attachments to <>. Documents not using the templates or following the specified format will not be accepted. The deadline for proposals is December 14, 2008. Applicants will be notified of the status of their application by January 1, 2009. Note: If you would like to receive regular updates for AAGS 2009 via email, please send a message to <> with "Conference Mailing List" in the subject title. See also

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