July 17th, 2011 - Sunday Special 3: NMM Battle

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 23:42, 19 July 2011 by Binarywraith (Talk | contribs)
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Editor's note : Once again, the first portion of this log has been reconstructed, and thus is missing timestamps. - Whiteout


~NiteBrite: Last time, the ponies dealt with the hungry manticores while poweiring up their necklaces

~NiteBrite: Only Sweetness wasn't powering up at all. She didn't know what her power was.

~NiteBrite: Manny the manticore turned out to be really nice after all and even protected Marissa from the other manticores at times

~NiteBrite: Then Marissa figured out that Sweetness had the element of Magic.

~NiteBrite: So Captain Pony was summoned for the first time by our group. The power, not well balanced or controlled due to our group's inexperience was rather unruly.

~NiteBrite: It's natural urge to banish things was a bit overwhelming for sweetness, who charged and fired a Super Rainbow Blast. Only after that did she come to her senses and try to dissipate it

~NiteBrite: But it was too late. The red part of the light still hit the angry manticore.

~NiteBrite: This seemed to turn it friendly too, but what it really did was "banish" its anger thus creating two Manticores: One friendly and one angry

~NiteBrite: So the anger clone tricks Marrisa and hits her into a tree before anyone notices something is up

~NiteBrite: It then turns red and starts battling its good clone.

~NiteBrite: The two of them battle in perfect symmetry, that is until the other ponies jump into the fray and drive it off.

~NiteBrite: So that's what happened last time. Any questions before I move on to the time lapse events?

~NiteBrite: Okay, then moving on:

~NiteBrite: So afterwards, Anthrax patches up Marissa good enough to get her back to the TARDIS (bandages heal everything). Sweetness flies them back to the timeless dimension to get some rest

~NiteBrite: In the TARDIS, Marissa gets an actual cast for her two broken ribs. The breaks were rather clean so they'll heal fairly quick. WO found her a wheel chair in one of the TARDIS closets.

~NiteBrite: Manny has joined the TARDIS group

~NiteBrite: He hangs around Marissa, like a protective puppy

~NiteBrite: In the middle of the night, NB poked around at the TARDIS controls just out of curiosity

~NiteBrite: They all nearly collide with a frozen star before SG takes over and moves them away. Sweetness is pulled out of bed to put them back on course.

~NiteBrite: Anthrax gives him a stern 'talking to' about ever touching the controls again since Marissa wasn't around to lecture him this time

~NiteBrite: and by talking to I mean smacked him upside the head with her hoof.

~NiteBrite: NB has graciously offered to be on wheelchair pushing duty ;)

~NiteBrite: So anyways, it wasn't so bad. In space they get better reception from DrMoon

~NiteBrite: He is grateful that Sweetness did not send him an angry manticore

~NiteBrite: He explains a bit about how the fiasco with the manticore was more a lack of HARMONY. All the elements were there, but unbalanced

~NiteBrite: Its a team effort controlling the power of Captain Pony. You can't just hand it to sweetness and be all, there you go we're done here

~NiteBrite: And then you all dodge the frozen star and the signal gets cut out.

~NiteBrite: So anyways, despite your current conditions, you are all going to go fight NMM. You understand these powers as best as you probably ever will and supplies on the TARDIS aren't unlimited.

~NiteBrite: And that's probably as good a starting point as any


nod: ((sidenote nod slept alot on the TARDIS refilling time between naps))

Whiteout: has been a very quiet pegasus since getting back to the TARDIS.

MarissaInaba: has also been pretty quiet. What with the broken ribs and all

~NiteBrite: Nar: Its morning, as best as morning can be defined in a timeless void. Time to eat breakfast, possibly for the last time.

nod: zzzz

MarissaInaba: is in a wheelchair. She's not quite sure how that helps but she is okay with it.

Manny: *wakes Marrisa up with friendly licking*

MarissaInaba: Bluh. Okay, I'm up. G'mornin, Manny.

SolidGear: is taking a light half-nap near the controls, having been busy piloting a course away from anything dangerous that pops up.

Manny: }: )

~NiteBrite: Nar: If Marissa needs anything, she can pester NB over the intercom.

~NiteBrite: Nar: he has volunteered for this

~NiteBrite: NB, is eating one of the few remaining muffins.

~NiteBrite: Bluh, getting tired of muffins

MarissaInaba: is actually likely to do this as she is somewhat hungry.

Sweetness: *sips coffee, careful not to let NB have any*

Sweetness: How can anyone get tired of Muffins? The concept is so absurd my brain rejects it immediately.

nod: is still asleep

Manny: Manny looks playful

MarissaInaba: does basically that. "NB. I demand muffins."

~NiteBrite: *Intercom* Aye Aye.

~NiteBrite: *gets muffins*

Anthrax: *checks in on Marissa*

Anthrax: How are you this morning?

MarissaInaba: Hey. *licked by manny*

Anthrax: Need me to take Manny for a walk?

MarissaInaba: I think he could use one, yeah.

MarissaInaba: Thanks.

~NiteBrite: Hey Sweetness, can I get some coffee, to give to Marissa with her muffins?

SolidGear: is still snoozing softly, having her hooves over the controls and occasionally stirring, tilting the Tardis at random angles.

Anthrax: No problem. *waves bye and takes Manny*

Sweetness: 9_6 I don't see why not. As long as it's for Marissa

Sweetness: *gives him coffee, but watches to make sure he doesn't drink it while in the kitchen*

~NiteBrite: *takes coffee and walks into the hall* SCORE!

Whiteout: happens to be heading towards the main room as Anthrax and Manny come out. "Heya, Anthrax. How's Marissa doing?"

nod: slides as the TARDIS tilts

Anthrax: She seems better.

Anthrax: Manny: Spots NB with coffee and takes it.

~NiteBrite: Hey!

SolidGear: tilts the Tardis back straight, then in another random direction...almost totally simulating being on the ocean.

~NiteBrite: Nar: Coffee sloshes with the tilting

nod: slides the other way. still asleep

Anthrax: Whats this? *Sees coffee* Good boy Manny. Just like we practiced *pet pet*

Whiteout: is looking a little green around the edges. "Floors aren't supposed to do that, are they?"

Anthrax: Do I need to 'talk to' you about coffee again NB?

~NiteBrite: *looks away no ma'am*

Anthrax: *glares at NB a bit before sending him on his way* Sorry about that WO. You okay? You look a little green *puts a hoof to his forehead to check for fever*

MarissaInaba: is still waiting for her muffin

~NiteBrite: hal->Marissa

~NiteBrite: Here, I brought muffins

MarissaInaba: Thank you. *graciously takes them and begins eating*

~NiteBrite: *grumbles a little under his breath about not getting coffee*

MarissaInaba: What was that?

Whiteout: shakes his head. "M'fine. Just not used to this sort of -rocking-."

SolidGear: is still asleep, not knowing she's causing the oceany feeling in the Tardis.

nod: wakes up "how did i get over here"

~NiteBrite: Oh- I said, let me know if you need anything else... Like coffee?

MarissaInaba: No you may not get me coffee. I'll ask someone else if I want coffee.

MarissaInaba: Because you aren't allowed coffee.

Anthrax: We might have something for motion sickness if you'd like

MarissaInaba: And you would use it as an excuse to have a sip.

Anthrax: *takes the coffee from Manny and sips it* Mmm Coffee.

Sweetness: *pokes SG*

SolidGear: Dusty: has been taking her own nap, fortunately being able to avoid colliding with Nod.

MarissaInaba: That said, could you go wake SG up? I am not loving this rocking.

Sweetness: SG... SG, wake up

Whiteout: Motion sickness? Oh, so we -are- actually moving?

~NiteBrite: But she'll be cranky.. I think.

Anthrax: *shrugs* Heck if I know. Feels like it though

SolidGear: grumbles, "Jus' five more minutes, Derpy....need to get this..." she blinks, waking up with a slight derpy look and then shakes her head, "Oh, mornin' Sweetness." she straightens the Tardis.

MarissaInaba: I'd rather that than having motion sickness.

~NiteBrite: Yes ma'am. *Starts to walk out as the TARDIS straightens up*

Sweetness: Try to avoid the ocean ^_^

Sweetness: *points at it*

MarissaInaba: goes back to eating

SolidGear: blushes softly, "I wasn't even aware I was piloting there...sorry, Sweetness."

Sweetness: S'okay. Just having my coffee. Looks like we'll be landing soon. Try and get a bit of rest. Today's the day.

Whiteout: looks much better now that the floor isn't trying to escape. "Ahh. Much better."

~NiteBrite: *returns to the kitchen*

~NiteBrite: Hey SG, Marissa says I should wake you up.

Anthrax: Well alright, if you do need something for motion sickness, don't hesitate to ask.

nod: *yawn* morning already

Anthrax: *waves as she trots off with Manny in tow*

Sweetness: *takes over for SG*

SolidGear: nods to Sweetness, "I'll go get something to eat...oh, and hi Nite. What's up? How's Marissa doing?" she looks wide awake.

~NiteBrite: She seems fine. Her appetite seems healthy enough.

Whiteout: follows out into the main room, still looking a touch green.

MarissaInaba: om nom noms

SolidGear: That's good...oh boy, sorry Whiteout. You got sick from the ocean, eh?

nod: ->kitchen| so whats for breakfast oh wait muffens

~NiteBrite: Nar: The rest of the morning passes pretty uneventfully. Time passes, and soon everyone is packing their saddlebags getting ready to head out.

Whiteout: chuckles. "Yeah, moving watery doom apparently does mix well with me."

~NiteBrite: ((skip to afternoon when ready))

~NiteBrite: So where are we landing again? *NB asks having forgotten the plan*

Sweetness: We're going to the school to stop NMM upon arrival, when she is at her weakest.

MarissaInaba: Using the power of cheesy special effects and friendship.

SolidGear: Exactly, so that we can conquer her and banish her into the Moon.

Anthrax: Are we sure its a good idea to send her to the moon?

Whiteout: Umm. Yeah, that's what I was wondering too. Doesn't that just make it somepony else's problem again down the line?

Anthrax: I mean DrMoon is up there? How do we get him down again without also potentially bringing her back?

~NiteBrite: While you were all busy dodging the star last night, I answered a call from Dr. Moon.

MarissaInaba: Yeah. I mean... isn't there a way to just make her... not evil?

~NiteBrite: :) *was responsible for once*

MarissaInaba: I don't want to kill her or anything.

~NiteBrite: He told me that in his original timeline, NMM was transformed into a friendly pony after the battle with the elements or something

MarissaInaba: Right. That's good. That means there's a way to fix this.

Sweetness: Did he say how?

~NiteBrite: Yea

Sweetness: ...

SolidGear: uhm...wait, reaally? So we can just get her to be friendly?

MarissaInaba: How?

~NiteBrite: Ummm

nod: is listing carefully

~NiteBrite: uhhhh

SolidGear: is paying attention to Nite, rather impressed with him.

~NiteBrite: ._. I want to say, it had to do with balance?

MarissaInaba: ...

MarissaInaba: *sigh*

~NiteBrite: No HARMONY!

~NiteBrite: All the elements have to work together. In HARMONY.

Whiteout: ...

MarissaInaba: Okay... I'm... not sure what that means.

~NiteBrite: You can't just rely on one power alone or step back once Sweetness is powered up.

MarissaInaba: That's slightly less vague.

~NiteBrite: We have to like, guide the power.

~NiteBrite: or whatever.

~NiteBrite: Maybe we should call Drmoon again??

~NiteBrite: Cause this stuff is over my head a bit

MarissaInaba: Might be wise... I -think- I get what he meant, but I'd rather hear it fresh from his mouth.

nod: can we?

~NiteBrite: I can help! I remember the button that puts us near the cold star.

~NiteBrite: *walks towards the console*

Sweetness: Uhh...

Anthrax: *tackles NB*

SolidGear: thinks this over, then smirks and nods, "I see what we have to do now."

Anthrax: NO

Anthrax: *Swats Nb with a rolled up newspaper from the turn of the century* BAD NB

SolidGear: So...we have to all hang in there together, all of us supporting each other with our elements and balancing out so that Sweetness has the control she wants.

MarissaInaba: NB. What did we say about touching things, hon?

~NiteBrite: Ow, ow okay. Okay. I- ow. I've learned my lesson this time. Really

Whiteout: nods at Solid. "I.... think that makes sense, kinda? Magic's not my thing..."

~NiteBrite: Sounds good to me SG. *Approving smile*

~NiteBrite: *not that he really understands* ^_^

MarissaInaba: And we've gotta try and keep our necklaces glowing, too.

Sweetness: If I try to do anything strange while captain pony, I'll be relying on you all for support

Sweetness: Don't let NB goof up too much

MarissaInaba: Right.

~NiteBrite: Hey! I resemble that remark

nod: exactly

~NiteBrite: I mean- *facehoof*

SolidGear: I think that's how it should go...and really, NB goofing up isn't too bad. He kinda needs to as per his element.

MarissaInaba: Nah.

~NiteBrite: Thanks SG

MarissaInaba: All he really needs to do is keep upbeat and happy.

~NiteBrite: At least SOMEPONY understands me

MarissaInaba: Which means no excuse for screwing up.

SolidGear: grins lightly, "He can goof up a little, Marissa...besides, isn't it important for you to overthink things?"

MarissaInaba: I'm not overthinking here. I'm being realistic.

~NiteBrite: I'll be on my best behavior. Promise

~NiteBrite: Cross my heart and hope to fly, a thousand cup-cakes in my eye.

~NiteBrite: *pokes himself in the eye* OW

SolidGear: All right...wait, did you learn that from Sweetness?

SolidGear: eyes Sweetness curiously.

~NiteBrite: *highfives sweetness*

Sweetness: *returns the highfive embarrassedly*

~NiteBrite: yay!

Sweetness: y-yay

Sweetness: 6_6

Sweetness: *isn't sure what she was thinking teaching him that*

nod: well so long as your happy we are ready for this crazy thing. i hope

Sweetness: Tardis: Beep beep beep

SolidGear: grins amusedly, then looks to everypony else, "Well, let's get going. We can't keep Nightmare waiting."

Sweetness: Montior: *Switch on*

MarissaInaba: Yeah. We need to get this done asap.

Sweetness: Okay, we're landing. *school is on the display* where should I set her down?

SolidGear: blinks at hearing the Monitor go on again and wanders over, "Uhm...what in the hay..?"

SolidGear: ponders over this, thinking, "I'm not sure....where should we land everypony?"

nod: how about somewhere solid

~NiteBrite: Somewhere we won't be seen?

Whiteout: is muttering under his breath. "Look on the bright side. One chance to win it all. No zombies, no craziness, nopony has to suffer."

~NiteBrite: Try and limit interactions with the past?

Anthrax: The roof *Anthrax suggests*

MarissaInaba: ... yeah, I think that might work..

Anthrax: Nar: She seems pretty set on them landing on the roof

MarissaInaba: But before the lights went out.

Sweetness: Works for me. Any objections?

MarissaInaba: sees where anthrax is going with this.

Whiteout: blinks, shakes his head. "Nope. Roof sounds good."

SolidGear: nods, "Roof works."

Sweetness: The roof it is *sets the final co-ordinants*

Sweetness: Nar: the TARDIS lands very smoothly. In fact, its hard to tell if it landed at all.

Sweetness: We're here!

~NiteBrite: *is braced for impact*

MarissaInaba: Well that's nice. We landed smoothly for once.

~NiteBrite: R-really?

nod: well practice dose make perfict

Anthrax: Color me impressed sweetness.

Anthrax: Are you sure you don't have a TARDIS shaped cutie-mark ;)

Sweetness: Aw shucks. *flips the door control switch* Thanks.

SolidGear: smirks, "I agree with Anthrax, Sweetness."

Sweetness: Nar: The door opens inches away from a metal wall. This wall is apparently part of an air-conditioner.

Sweetness: Well shoot.

nod: *face hoof*

Whiteout: Eh, what's a couple feet between friends?

~NiteBrite: *pokes the wall*

Sweetness: NB, step back inside so I can try again.

nod: feet is one thing inches is anothe

Sweetness: *closes the doors and dematerilize/rematerializes. This time the TARDIS is faceing properly

Sweetness: *

MarissaInaba: That coulda been worse.

Sweetness: Okay, best two out of three.

Sweetness: *opens the door*

Anthrax: *rushes outside leaving the others behind*

SolidGear: sighs lightly, then nods to Sweetness, "Not bad...it worked out well."

~NiteBrite: Where's she going in such a hurry?

Whiteout: follows out, curious as to Anthrax's big hurry.

nod: hold on anthrax

Dysentery: Hey Anthrax.

MarissaInaba: Ha. Called it.

Dysentery: ?_? where are the sandwhiches?

MarissaInaba: That explains that then.

Anthrax: *glomp*

Anthrax: I missed you so much T_T

SolidGear: follows out to see Anthrax meeting with Dystentry, "Huh...well, that's a nice change..."

MarissaInaba: Hey, NB. Roll me out there so I can see this.

Dysentery: Its only been a half an hour since you went to class.

~NiteBrite: R-right. *pushes MI outside*

Dysentery: But I missed you too.

Dysentery: *hugs*

MarissaInaba: Hi.

Dysentery: H-hi?

Whiteout: closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, stretching his wings. "Mmm. Good to be back outside."

MarissaInaba: 'sup?

Dysentery: *looks to Anthrax* Friends of yours?

nod: *walks up to anthrax* sorry to but in but we need to borrow you for a moment *grabs anthrax*

MarissaInaba: Sort of.

Anthrax: *Antrax ain't letting go*

SolidGear: looks aside to Whiteout and grins, while Dusty stays close by Whiteout as they leave the Tardis.

MarissaInaba: Nod, let her have this moment.

Anthrax: *Sorry Nod*

nod: oh alright

nod: just remeber that 'thing' we need to do

SolidGear: Dusty: grins lightly to Whiteout, "Isn't it nice to have a quiet day?"

Anthrax: *makes out*

~NiteBrite: Errm

~NiteBrite: Maybe we should give them some privacy

Whiteout: smiles at Dusty. "And -how-. I've missed it."

MarissaInaba: Might be a good idea.

SolidGear: Dusty: "Of course...so, let's get away from these two before it gets any mushier..." she blushes lightly, taking to the sky.

nod: *looks away*

~NiteBrite: Lets go over here *wheels Marrisa to a spot near the stairwell*

~NiteBrite: There we go.

SolidGear: looks up as Dusty takes off, then looks back to the other more-grounded Earth ponies, "So...let's go somewhere safe for a bit....like not near the stairwell, NB?"

~NiteBrite: But what if we need to make a quick get away?

MarissaInaba: Let her have this moment.

Anthrax: *the moment passes*

Whiteout: is more than happy to get airbourne. "Hey, let 'em be. That was a long trip."

nod: umm *pointing* wheelchares and stairs dont mix

~NiteBrite: Oh alright. *moves to a roof corner*

Anthrax: Anyways, its not safe here Dys. Bad news is on the way.

SolidGear: Dusty: "I thought as much...that's why I wanted to try flying for a bit...haven't had time to stretch my wings since we were dealing with the Angry Manticore." she circles around back to Whiteout, giving him a light nudge on the nose.

MarissaInaba: ... I didn't even notice that.

SolidGear: follows NB and Marissa, being careful to avoid slipping off the rooftop.

Anthrax: TARDIS: *RED FLASHING LIGHT* Ahuga! Augha!

Sweetness: Proximity alert!

MarissaInaba: ._.

Sweetness: She's coming

nod: quickly turns to tardus

Whiteout: Heh, yeah... *blushes lightly* "Glad to see you in the air..." *siren* "Evil -and- bad timing, great...."

MarissaInaba: Crap! We should get going!

Sweetness: A TARDIS spins wildly in the sky above as if trying to buck somepony out

Sweetness: *points at it as she narrates*

Sweetness: Places everypony!

nod: gets ready

MarissaInaba: Ready!

Sweetness: *ducks behind an A/C unit, in hopes of getting the element of surprise*

SolidGear: Dusty: looks down, then sighs and shakes her head, "Let's get going then...they'll need our help."

MarissaInaba: would do that too, but... yeah.

Anthrax: *pulls Dysentery into a hiding spot with her*

SolidGear: follows behind Sweetness, hiding near Marissa and NB for her 'element of surprise'.

~NiteBrite: *NB runs around with marissa like an idiot* Oh crap oh crap oh crap where do we go?

Whiteout: nods. "Right. Just be careful, alright?"

SolidGear: Dusty: "I'll be careful...just do the same, hmm?" she states, smiling and flying down to the roof to help NB.

[17:17] <~NiteBrite> *Running around like a chicken with its head cut-off*

[17:18] <~NiteBrite> Marissa, where were we supposed to go!!! *panic running panic!*

[17:19] <SolidGear> Dusty: floats down, calmly looks to NB, "Don't panic...just follow me, okay?"

[17:19] <Anthrax> Dsysentery: What's going on?

[17:19] <Anthrax> shh! *points at TARDIS in sky*

[17:19] <~NiteBrite> O-okay *follows*

[17:20] <SolidGear> Dusty: moves off to the AC unit, finding a decent amount of room for them to hide...near SG and Sweetness no less.

[17:20] <Whiteout> *heading down to the roof as well, to duck behind a piece of ductwork*

[17:20] <MarissaInaba> Everyone. Stay calm. No flailing or anything. Just go back to the TARDIS.

[17:21] <~NiteBrite> Nar: The wild TARDIS slams into the roof, making quite a bit of noise and knocking out the lights for the first time.

[17:21] <nod> O.O

[17:21] <Anthrax> Dsyentery: what was that! *starts to walk towards it*

[17:21] <Anthrax> *pulls him back down* Stay down.

[17:22] <nod> you dont want to know

[17:23] <~NiteBrite> Narrator: The Tardis doors open and Tacky purple smoke billows out. This time Dysentery wasn't there.

[17:23] <~NiteBrite> Narrator: Several teachers run up the stairs. Teach: What is that?

[17:23] <Anthrax> Smoke: MWHAHAHA!

[17:24] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[17:24] * SolidGear stays put, watching curiously alongside Dusty Feathers as the smoke laughs.

[17:24] <nod> somthing realy bad

[17:24] <Anthrax> Smoke: transforms into NMM.

[17:26] <NMM> You foals look like you will make fine subject!

[17:26] <NMM> *grabs the teachers with starry tentacle mane*

[17:26] <Whiteout> "I think that's about enough of that."

[17:26] <~NiteBrite> *is just watching mystified*

[17:26] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[17:27] <NMM> *Ignores WO*

[17:28] <NMM> Narrator: The teachers are becoming cocooned in magic

[17:28] <nod> hey let them go

[17:28] <Sweetness> M-maybe we should go help

[17:29] <NMM> Relax dears, you'll have your turn to worship me soon enough.

[17:29] * Whiteout is -so- not going to stand here and watch somepony end up a zombie.

[17:29] <MarissaInaba> Ah crap.

[17:29] * SolidGear slowly moves out from hiding, "Hey, Whiteout...need a bit of help there?"

[17:29] <MarissaInaba> Time to go all hero then?

[17:29] <NMM> Wild Tardis: ABSCONDS

[17:30] <NMM> My ride!

[17:30] <Whiteout> "You know it, Solid."

[17:30] <MarissaInaba> >:]

[17:30] <nod> thats right

[17:30] <NMM> *drops the teachers*

[17:30] <SolidGear> Dusty comes out of hiding as well, following the heoric example by Whiteout, "I do think it's time we all stood strong to face the Nightmare..."

[17:31] <NMM> *eyes our group* This was your doing! Who are you?

[17:31] <SolidGear> Dusty stands astride Solid Gear, whom is standing by Whiteout.

[17:31] <~NiteBrite> *wheels Marissa out and hides behind her*

[17:31] <MarissaInaba> We're awesome. That's who we are. >:]

[17:32] <nod> and you are one evil monster

[17:32] <NMM> Evil? How rude. Don't you know who I am?

[17:32] <MarissaInaba> you know what? No.

[17:33] <MarissaInaba> you turned everyone into zombies. Don't pretend you aren't evil or something. Because you pretty clearly are.

[17:34] <NMM> I am your princess. All will show me proper respect. Some just need a little persuasion.

[17:34] <NMM> *reaches for Marissa with her Mane*

[17:34] <MarissaInaba> Eek!

[17:34] <~NiteBrite> O_O

[17:34] <MarissaInaba> Watch the ribs watch the ribs!

[17:34] <SolidGear> "Actually...we've found out who the REAL princess is, and we demand you stop this foalishness and return her!" she yells, moving in front of Marissa to protect her, necklace growing bright.

[17:34] <~NiteBrite> *is useless*

[17:35] * Whiteout laughs, a bit harshly. "Princess? All I see is a silly filly who ain't worthy to lead a box of muffins, much less a kingdom. A real Princess'd be working to make her people's lives better, not turnin' em into puppets."

[17:35] <NMM> *grabs SG instead*

[17:35] <MarissaInaba> SG!

[17:36] <NMM> *flings her towards the edge of the roof*

[17:36] <NMM> That's no way to talk to your betters.

[17:36] <nod> SOLID

[17:36] * SolidGear gives a slight yelp at the grab, then gives a frightened yell as she's tossed....closing her eyes and...slowly opening them as she's caught by Dusty and put back on the ground.

[17:37] <nod> we will fight you if we have to *glowy neckless is glowy*

[17:37] <SolidGear> Dusty: looks back at Nightmare Moon, her necklace now glowing brightly, "We all will come to face you."

[17:38] * SolidGear nods, giving a smile at this, her own necklace continuing to glow...getting stronger.

[17:38] <NMM> The one who leads is the strongest. If you wish to challenge my claim, *Eyes begin to glow as a storm brews overhead* Then I'll be happy to fight!

[17:38] <MarissaInaba> You shut up! You're not out better! You're barely even a good villain!

[17:38] <MarissaInaba> Also your hair looks stupid!

[17:38] <SolidGear> "Yeah, you tell 'er, Marissa!"

[17:39] <NMM> *Lightning begins to strike all around, the wind becomes fierce, RAIN!!!*

[17:39] <NMM> I'm going to enjoy subjugating you!

[17:39] <NMM> I think I'll make you my pet footstool!

[17:39] <MarissaInaba> I'm gonna enjoy kicking your ass!

[17:39] * Whiteout just grins. "What, trying to scare us with a little weather? Low rent theatrics all you've got?"

[17:40] * SolidGear stands firm, following Dusty back to the rest of the group, "Come on, everypony, we all need to pull together for this!"

[17:40] <NMM> *Uses unicorn magic to start wheeling MI around*

[17:40] <MarissaInaba> Ack!

[17:40] <NMM> Nice chair

[17:40] <MarissaInaba> Ha. This is supposed to make me panic, innit? Well it's not working!

[17:40] <~NiteBrite> *strains in vain to stop the chair*

[17:41] <MarissaInaba> *her necklace glows at this*

[17:41] <NMM> *steers her towards the stairs*

[17:41] <NMM> Its been far too long since I've had so much FUN!

[17:41] <MarissaInaba> Lady I got punched by a manticore. Falling down all these stairs ain't gonna do nothin'

[17:42] <nod> *goes for a suprise tackle to NNM*

[17:43] <NMM> *spins MI around until she is very dizzy* *twaps Nod away with her mane without even looking*

[17:43] <NMM> Dance puppets dance

[17:43] <MarissaInaba> Bluhgh okay this is nauseating.

[17:43] <MarissaInaba> Still levelheaded tho.

[17:43] * SolidGear dashes over to try and help NB and Marissa, hoping to stop the spinning.

[17:44] <~NiteBrite> *is flung away from the chair* Waaa

[17:44] <~NiteBrite> *is flung towards SG*

[17:44] <SolidGear> Dusty: flares her wings out, "You really like making us angry, don't you?" she mutters, her eyes narrowed and looking very....serious.

[17:44] <nod> *worth a shot* hey stop being a cowerd and fight somepony who can fight back

[17:45] * SolidGear blinks at being intercepted by NB, accidentally crashing into him.

[17:46] <Anthrax> *whispering to Dysentery* We don't stand a chance fighting her head on. We need time to charge our powers. A distraction.

[17:47] <Anthrax> Dysentery: Right, I'll rush her and--

[17:47] <Anthrax> NO!

[17:47] <MarissaInaba> Can someone please stop me spinning please!

[17:47] <Anthrax> Over there in that box see *points to the TARDIS*

[17:48] * Whiteout is more than willing to back Dusty up, and try and distract NMM so Marissa can get clear. "Nah, Dusty, she's just the sort of bully who can only pick on anypony weaker than her."

[17:48] <NMM> But of course my dear *Super abrupt stop and spill onto the ground*

[17:48] <MarissaInaba> Wagh!

[17:48] <MarissaInaba> Ow. Imma feel that in the morning @_@

[17:48] <Anthrax> I need you to go over there and call "here manny, here boy"

[17:49] <~NiteBrite> *is crashed* h-hey SG

[17:49] * nod attemps to tackel NMM again "hey dont ignore me"

[17:49] <NMM> *hits nod with the now empty wheel chair*

[17:50] <nod> ow

[17:50] <SolidGear> Dusty: harumphs, "Then I want to see her try to..." blinks as Nod tries tackling NMM again, "Uhm...Nod, what are you..." winces as she sees the wheelchair fly at Nod.

[17:50] <NMM> When will you learn. The direct approach never works.

[17:50] <NMM> Nor would any other. Yield to me

[17:51] <MarissaInaba> No. Screw you.

[17:51] <SolidGear> Dusty: glares at NMM, "Then we'll see how this works!" she yells, taking to the sky and beating her wings hard over NMM, making the dust on her feathers fall off onto the Alicorn.

[17:51] <Anthrax> Dys: *nods to Anthrax and sneaks to the TARDIS*

[17:51] <nod> i am sick of being ignored

[17:51] * SolidGear smiles lightly at NB, "Well, let's get up...eh? They need us."

[17:51] <NMM> *coughs at the dust*

[17:52] <NMM> Get down from there! *Causes the wind to blow harder*

[17:52] <NMM> *gale force*

[17:52] <~NiteBrite> I have an idea!

[17:52] <~NiteBrite> *this will end well :) *

[17:53] <SolidGear> Dusty: pushes against the wind, keeping herself airborne above NMM, "I won't yield to you! Not with my friends by my side!"

[17:53] <nod> *gets up* i wont give up

[17:53] <MarissaInaba> oH GODDESS.

[17:53] <~NiteBrite> NMM, You can't scare me, HAHAHA *necklace glows* See? I laugh at you. You know why? Cause we are the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY!!!

[17:53] * SolidGear smirks at NB, "Sure, might as well...lay the idea on me."

[17:54] <~NiteBrite> *Zaps her with his necklace beam*

[17:54] <NMM> *it tickles her, but she is not amused*

[17:54] <NMM> The ELEMENTS OF HARMONY!?!?!

[17:54] <nod> *neckless glow* how did you ... never mind trys plasting with his

[17:54] <MarissaInaba> Yeah, we've got those. Prolly shoulda mentioned that >:]

[17:55] <NMM> DID YOU SAY THE ELEMENTS?! *The storm rages. Tornadoes and stuff swirl down*

[17:55] <NMM> Play time is over!

[17:55] <NMM> *Starts to summon a gigantic energy ball*

[17:55] <nod> Who's playing?

[17:55] <MarissaInaba> Yeah. We do got them. And we're totally gonna use 'em. >:]

[17:56] <NMM> I'll see to it you foals never bother me again

[17:56] <MarissaInaba> *yes she is terrified but she's good at hiding it when there are no zombies, ghosts, or Zombie Goasts about*

[17:56] <Manny> *Bashes NMM*

[17:56] <Manny> ROAR

[17:56] * SolidGear watches this, then looks to everyone else and nods, "All right, let's all put our powers together!"

[17:57] <MarissaInaba> Hell yes! Good boy, Manny! Very good boy!

[17:57] <NMM> *is caught of guard by sudden Manticore*

[17:57] <SolidGear> Dusty; had gotten swept down to ground by the winds eventually, now standing up to join the rest.

[17:57] * Whiteout blinks at Manticore out of Nowhere, turns back to the others. "Right, all together now, we can do this!"

[17:57] <~NiteBrite> @SG: Right

[17:57] <nod> here we go now

[17:57] <~NiteBrite> Laughter!

[17:58] <~NiteBrite> *beams to Sweetness's tiara*

[17:58] <nod> honisty

[17:58] <MarissaInaba> Reason! *pchoo laser*

[17:58] * SolidGear beams hers to Sweetness, keeping her concentration on supporting her friends.

[17:58] <nod> *Lazor beam go*

[17:58] <Whiteout> Loyalty. *ZE LASER!*

[17:58] <SolidGear> Dusty: follows suit with her own Courageous beam.

[17:59] <~NiteBrite> Anthrax: *whatever her element was I forget*

[17:59] <Manny> *battles bravely with NMM*

[18:00] <Sweetness> And MAGIC makes it all complete!

[18:00] <Sweetness> *eyes glow* *bright light flashes and she vanishes*

[18:01] * SolidGear holds her concentration, looking to everyone else, "Keep it up, we need to give her our help at all times everypony!"

[18:01] <NMM> GET OFF OF ME!!! *Blast of dark energy knocks Manny away*

[18:01] <NMM> I won't go back to the moon! NEVER AGAIN! *charges nearest pony*

[18:01] <MarissaInaba> Manny! >:[ *and her necklace glows brighter for some reason*

[18:01] * Whiteout nods, sets himself firmly. "We can do this, everypony. Don't give it up!"

[18:02] * SolidGear is fortunately not as close to NMM, though she does look at Whiteout as he was the frontmost.

[18:02] <Sweetness> Narrator: the ground begins to rumble

[18:02] <Sweetness> Voice: By your powers combined. *bursts through the school roof* I AM CAPTAIN PONY!

[18:03] <nod> we arn't sending you back you monster

[18:04] <Sweetness> School Roof: falls into the kitchen destroying it. No one is harmed, but it looks like the school will finally have to pony up the money for a new state-of-the-art one

[18:04] <SolidGear> "Indeed! We are here to defeat your darkness!"

[18:04] <SolidGear> Dusty: "Yeah. We're gonna put an end to your evilness for good!"

[18:05] <NMM> *in a blind rage, NMM seeks only to destroy whoever is nearest*

[18:05] <NMM> *Stabs nod with her horn*

[18:06] <NMM> *the horn begins to glow white hot*

[18:06] <nod> gah

[18:06] <nod> AAAAAAAAAHHHHH

[18:06] <Sweetness> *Punches NMM*

[18:06] <Sweetness> *PWNAGE!*

[18:07] <NMM> NO!

[18:07] <NMM> GRRR

[18:07] <NMM> *Charging up her laser!*

[18:07] <MarissaInaba> Sweetness! Now's the time for a finishing blow!

[18:07] <Sweetness> I'll banish you to the moon so fast your head will spin!

[18:07] <Sweetness> *charges the rainbow*

[18:07] <MarissaInaba> No moon banishing!

[18:07] <Whiteout> Nod! Hang in there!

[18:08] <MarissaInaba> We've been over this, honey!

[18:08] <nod> no we will stop her here and now

[18:08] <~NiteBrite> Anthrax: Tends to nod

[18:08] <Sweetness> I-I

[18:08] <NMM> *Fires first*

[18:08] * SolidGear sighs, "Come on, everypony, help her out. We need to focus on what we want to happen for it to work!"

[18:09] <MarissaInaba> SWEETNESS!

[18:09] <MarissaInaba> D:

[18:09] * nod flinches in pain but trys to hold steady "you can do it"

[18:09] <Sweetness> Crapocrapocrap *no time to think* GO!

[18:09] <Sweetness> *fires rainbow*

[18:09] <Sweetness> Nar: the two great forces clash! Each pushing the other back in turn

[18:10] * SolidGear holds steady her thoughts, moving to help nod stand.

[18:10] <Sweetness> Grrr

[18:10] <NMM> RRRG

[18:10] <NMM> *digs into the ground*

[18:10] <NMM> Nar: More roof starts to crack

[18:10] <SolidGear> Dusty: watches the battle of powers, mildly impressed and not backing down.

[18:11] * Whiteout isn't about to give in yet. "All this hate, and anger, and darkness has to go! There's no place for your evil here! Just pony folk who have lives to lead!"

[18:11] <NMM> Narrator: As the two powers collide, a hole is punced through the storm clouds above.

[18:11] <NMM> Nar: WO's necklace glows more!

[18:11] * nod stands with the aid of solidgear

[18:12] <Sweetness> *is starting to get the upper hand*

[18:12] * SolidGear warmingly holds to Nod, "Come one...I know you can't give in that easy."

[18:12] <MarissaInaba> I'm sure you've got your reasons for being the way you are. But that's no excuse for your actions!

[18:13] <~NiteBrite> You cannot hurt us anymore!

[18:13] <nod> your evil *cough* ends now

[18:13] <SolidGear> Dusty: "Not just here, but across all of time!"

[18:14] * SolidGear grins lightly, "Yeah, your nightmarishness has no Night any more!"

[18:14] <NMM> *struggles with great effort* NO!

[18:14] <NMM> NOT AGAIN!

[18:15] <MarissaInaba> In short, say g'night!

[18:15] <Sweetness> Sweetness's beam reaches NMM!

[18:15] <MarissaInaba> Yes!

[18:16] <MarissaInaba> >:]

[18:16] <Sweetness> Narrator: A light flashes brilliantly like a star in the night

[18:16] <Sweetness> *BOOM*

[18:17] <NMM> NOOOO *is wrapped in the rainbow*

[18:18] <NMM> *rumbling* I Refuse! NEVER! NO NO NO!

[18:18] <NMM> *The rainbow stops wrapping NMM*

[18:18] * Whiteout squints against the glare, starting to tire. "Just a little.... more..."

[18:19] * SolidGear squints, trying to see what's going on.

[18:19] <MarissaInaba> Okay this'd better've worked.

[18:19] <NMM> *struggling* You. May defeat. My beautiful darkness. BUT! As long as. There is light. Shadow will be there too.

[18:20] <MarissaInaba> Yes. That is how shadows work.

[18:20] <NMM> *The rainbow starts to wrap her again*

[18:20] <MarissaInaba> And as long as there is shadow, there has to be light to go with it!

[18:21] <NMM> This isn't over! *NMM releases her dark energy. All of it. The rainbow shatters into it's individual colors and flys off to the far corners of Equestria*

[18:22] <Luna> *A young filly lays unconscious where NMM once stood*

[18:22] <MarissaInaba> Okay. That works.

[18:22] <MarissaInaba> ... hey, is she okay?

[18:22] <Sweetness> *powers down*

[18:22] <Sweetness> I- I really hope so.

[18:22] <~NiteBrite> Who is that?

[18:22] * SolidGear looks over to Marissa, "Go see to her, okay? Antrax? We need you over here, hon! Nod needs some medical help!"

[18:23] <MarissaInaba> Okay. Can someone go check while I collapse unconscious?

[18:23] <nod> did- did it work

[18:23] <MarissaInaba> Because ow.

[18:23] <Anthrax> O-okay

[18:23] <MarissaInaba> Seriously.

[18:23] * Whiteout slumps as the power leaves him. "Think I'm ready to go back to hauling freight, now. Magic's hard on a pony."

[18:23] <Anthrax> You going to be okay nod? I need to check on the others

[18:24] <nod> i should be fine

[18:24] * SolidGear helps to keep Nod standing, as she didn't want to show she felt drained and tired as well, "Okay...well, I'm here for ya, Nod. If you need to sleep, just lean on me."

[18:24] <nod> thanks

[18:24] <Anthrax> *walks over to Marissa*

[18:25] <Anthrax> Poor nod. I couldn't tell him.

[18:25] <MarissaInaba> ..?

[18:25] <nod> *eyes lower* i feal sleepy

[18:26] <nod> sleeping might be bad thoug

[18:26] <Anthrax> His wound isn't just physical. Its magic too. High level stuff. I'm not qulified to treat it

[18:26] <MarissaInaba> ...

[18:26] <MarissaInaba> oh...

[18:26] <Anthrax> So how are you

[18:27] <Anthrax> *examines MI*

[18:27] <MarissaInaba> Well, besides the fact that I just got personally tossed around by Nightmare Moon?

[18:27] <MarissaInaba> Pretty good.

[18:27] <~NiteBrite> *walks over to the new pony* *pokes*

[18:27] * MarissaInaba is actually much better than she should be all things considered.

[18:27] <MarissaInaba> Here, help me up.

[18:28] <Anthrax> *helps her into her chair*

[18:28] <MarissaInaba> Thank you. Now let's go check on the new pony before NB accidentally kills her.

[18:28] * Whiteout takes the opportunity to count noses, sighs in relief. "And all of us still standing. *grins at Marissa* Well, as close to it as we were."

[18:28] <Anthrax> Does it hurt here? *gentle prodding of ribs*

[18:28] * SolidGear looks down at Nod, "Just hang in there, Nod. You don't need to sleep if you don't want to."

[18:28] <MarissaInaba> OW OW OW DONT DO THAT OW OW OW

[18:29] <Anthrax> Hmm, seems you've hurt a few more.

[18:29] <Anthrax> *wheels over to NB and Luna*

[18:29] <~NiteBrite> Hey, you alive?

[18:29] <MarissaInaba> Ow. NB, please don't poke her.

[18:29] <~NiteBrite> *poke poke*

[18:29] <~NiteBrite> What? Why?

[18:30] <MarissaInaba> Because she might be hurt.

[18:30] <MarissaInaba> and poking her'd just make it worse.

[18:30] <Anthrax> Right.

[18:30] <Anthrax> No touch!

[18:30] <Anthrax> Touch bad!

[18:30] <Anthrax> Now sit here with marrisa and make sure she's okay while I examine this filly

[18:31] <Anthrax> *looks Luna over, she appears to be alright*

[18:31] <Anthrax> My little pony? My little pony can you hear me? Please wake up

[18:32] <Luna> Mmmwa? *peeks her eyes open*

[18:32] * Whiteout wanders over as well, blinks. "Okay, did I go blind in that flash, or does she have wings and a horn?"

[18:32] <MarissaInaba> ... you okay, hon?

[18:32] <Luna> W-where am I?

[18:32] <SolidGear> Dusty: follows over as well, "Yeah, she looks...kinda like a younger Nightmare Moon..."

[18:33] <Anthrax> *offers Luna a hoof up*

[18:33] <Luna> *is helped to her feet.* Where's Celey?

[18:33] <nod> *trys to steady himself. fails and falls on to SG* i think i need to sit down now

[18:33] * MarissaInaba is going all motherly up in here

[18:34] <MarissaInaba> We need to worry about you first, hon.

[18:34] <Luna> *seems to be crying a little*

[18:34] <Luna> *sniff sniff*

[18:35] <MarissaInaba> Come on there. Chin up, honey.

[18:35] <Anthrax> What's wrong?

[18:35] <Luna> I miss my sister.

[18:35] <MarissaInaba> ...

[18:35] <Luna> Has anypony seen her?

[18:35] * SolidGear stays as sturdy as she can, blushing as she's forced to sit down with Nod partly on top of her, "All right...I'll stay here with you, Nod."

[18:35] <MarissaInaba> What does she look like?

[18:37] <Luna> L-like me, but white with a pink mane and with the sun for a cutie mark.

[18:37] <SolidGear> (right, I'll be away for a bit, so just assume SG is helping Nod and Dusty is with the others for Luna.)

[18:37] <MarissaInaba> No. Sorry, hon. I've not seen her.

[18:37] <Luna> (Note: The others probably don't know what the sun looks like)

[18:37] * MarissaInaba has no idea what that means

[18:38] <Whiteout> A whatsit for a cutie mark?

[18:38] <~NiteBrite> TARDIS: Whir, Whir, *dematerializes on its own*

[18:38] <Luna> *snif* the sun

[18:38] <MarissaInaba> Come on. We can help you look for her.

[18:39] <Luna> It gives light and warmth to all of equestria.

[18:39] * nod wasint paying attention

[18:39] <MarissaInaba> ...

[18:39] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[18:40] * Whiteout gives Luna a blank stare. "Um, you mean the moon? Roundish white thing, generally up thataway?" *gestures with a wing*

[18:40] <MarissaInaba> ... No, that seems to be her Cutie Mark.

[18:40] <~NiteBrite> TARDIS: On the moon! A long awaited reunion

[18:40] <MarissaInaba> If her sister had the same mark she'd say it.

[18:40] <Whiteout> ... huh. So it is. Sorry!

[18:41] <MarissaInaba> ... wait your cutie mark is the moon?

[18:41] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[18:41] <Luna> I raise the moon, *sniff* at night and Tia *sniff* raises the sun during the day.

[18:41] * MarissaInaba asdf wat back up a bit there

[18:41] <MarissaInaba> Hold on you do what now?

[18:42] <Luna> But, I-I got so jealous. Everypony loved her beautiful day so much... I- *starts to tear up again*

[18:42] <MarissaInaba> It's okay honey.

[18:42] <~NiteBrite> TARDIS: *rematerializes*

[18:42] <~NiteBrite> *on the school roof*

[18:43] * MarissaInaba makes an attempt to give her a comforting hug; fails miserably and falls out of her chair. "Gah!"

[18:43] <MarissaInaba> Ow.

[18:43] * MarissaInaba is prolly on top of Luna right now

[18:43] <MarissaInaba> Er... sorry.

[18:43] <~NiteBrite> You okay?

[18:44] <Luna> oof

[18:44] <MarissaInaba> Can someone help me off 'er please?

[18:44] * Whiteout winces, moves to offer Marissa a hoof up. "That probably hurt."

[18:44] <Luna> ha, I'm *sniff* ha okay

[18:44] <MarissaInaba> Thank you *takes the hoof*

[18:44] <DrMoon> *walks out of the TARDIS with Derpy*

[18:45] <DrMoon> Hello hello!

[18:45] <MarissaInaba> Heya, Doctor Moon.

[18:45] <~Sweetness> Is that me?

[18:45] <DrMoon> Derpy: *derps*

[18:46] <DrMoon> Congratulations all round!

[18:46] <MarissaInaba> Sweetness. No touching yourself again.

[18:47] <DrMoon> What? No! This is my assistant, Derpy Hooves.

[18:47] <~Sweetness> Grandmare?

[18:47] <MarissaInaba> Oh. Oh! Cool!

[18:47] <~Sweetness> Is it okay if I give you a hug?

[18:47] <DrMoon> Derpy: I don't see why not!

[18:48] <DrMoon> Derpy: 9_6

[18:48] <~Sweetness> *huggeth*

[18:48] * Whiteout braces for the incoming explosion.

[18:48] <~Sweetness> Narrator: no explosion this time. They aren't the same person, pay attention :P

[18:48] <MarissaInaba> Woo.

[18:49] * nod notices dr moon but does nothing

[18:49] <MarissaInaba> Anyway! We won! Yay! Now we have other priorities.

[18:49] <Luna> ?

[18:49] <Luna> *is a confused pony*

[18:49] <Luna> Who are you?

[18:49] <MarissaInaba> Like fixing up Nod and helping... uh... this pony here whose name I've not asked find her sister.

[18:50] <DrMoon> Oh where are my manners, I am the Doctor. And you must be Princess Luna

[18:50] <Luna> Y-yes.

[18:50] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[18:51] <MarissaInaba> Wait woah back up a bit what was that?

[18:51] <Whiteout> o_O

[18:51] <DrMoon> It's been so long since I've last seen you like this

[18:51] <Luna> H-have we met?

[18:52] <DrMoon> Yes and no. Its all very relative

[18:52] <nod> *lies down so tired*

[18:54] <MarissaInaba> Uh... Nice to meet you face to face, Doctor Moon.

[18:55] * DrMoon closes the RP, cut log here.

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