The Tale of Lilly Flamehawk - Prelude

From Create Your Own Story

"So" the man pauses and thinks for a moment, "how did you get yourself into this situation?"

You respond, "Well that's a long story, Hmmmm guess I should start at the beginning..."

"I am from the noble house Flamehawk. The title was awarded to my great great grandfather for helping close the great portal, which ended the Orcish invasion. Obviously to close the portal that means my great great grandfather was a mage." You look down as to not look at his reaction. "Anyways, my house house also has a long line of magic users in it, and as such it has stayed a minor house since the stigma. This changed 5 years ago."

You continue with the story saying, "The Brotherhood made a push in the south into Dominion territory while three tribes of barbarians united and invaded the north province. The Cadeyrian Dominion amassed an army to counter but a surprise attack killed off the officers in charge of the northern army. The governor of the Northern territories then appointed his son as general to push back the barbarian threat. This was a little shocking to many who had put in many years of service and were pushed aside for the governors son, and that included my father." You smile. "Lord Flamehawk, decided to take revenge on his fallen friends by the barbarians and do an unsanctioned attack on the barbarians."

"So father took four of his best men and dressed in garb of fallen barbarians. During the night they easily walked into the enemy camp and did some recon. No one heard any bragging from the the tribes, but then again, most spoke in a crude tongue. What they did find was the enemy commander. The man holding all three tribes as a cohesive force was the chieftain of the Blackfeet, Shojir the Black. Father immediately challenged him to a duel, in which Shojir accepted. Barbarians are a moronic yet honor bound people and father exploited it." You really start to radiate as you tell the tale, proud of your fathers accomplishments. "It is told the battle was quite short but decisive, Shojirs maul had shattered your fathers leg. The fight wasn't over though, Shojir turned to show his men that he won and the next thing he knew his calf was sliced and he immediately fell onto fathers blade, impaling him. The savages immediately fought for dominance over each other. The fighting turned personal and ended their alliance, when the fighting stopped there wasn't a force left to fight the Dominion so the threat disbanded."

"The next day the army attacked, and found the battle was already over. Fathers fame then grew and transcended the invisible wall on house Flamehawk. The next thing you know the King himself proposed a marriage alliance between House Silvershield and House Flamehawk. I was then betrothed to to Marcus Silvershield, the dreamy son of the governor. Since, well you know... when the King dies a conclave is summoned and the next King is elected from one of the three governors, and you know Lord Silvershield would pass his title down to his son, sooner rather than later. Also they rarely pick the same house twice, so it was more like a fifty fifty chance I will be Queen."

"That leads us to the day before my wedding..."

Chapter 1 - The Calm Before The Storm

I got up like normal and decided to continue my normal routine.

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