Step across with Raquel and Roderigo to haul the captain to safety

From Create Your Own Story

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As the three of you step over to the sinking galleon, the captain draws his sword and swings wildly at you, nicking your flesh. You grab his sword arm, preventing him from swinging it again, and Raquel and Roderigo grab his legs. The water is over your ankles as you start to drag the captain from the galleon.

With his left hand, he reaches for his pistol. Before you can react, he places it under his own jaw and fires. The galleon sinks to the bottom of the sea along with the captain's corpse. Roderigo, Raquel and you all suffer one or two piranha bites before you safely make it back to the Midnight.

"That was courageous," Raquel says, shaking the water off her body, "but rather stupid. Next time, just let him die."


You told the galleon's crew they could join up and you're not about to go back on your word now. Besides which, the Midnight could certainly use the extra hands. Roderigo grabs your arm to get your attention.

"What do we do about her?" he asks, pointing at Maria.

That's a good question. You could ransom her, or put her to work with the rest of the galleon's sailors.

Ransom Maria and force the sailors into service

Force all captives into service

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