Ease the captain's death by shooting him rather than leaving him to be eaten alive

From Create Your Own Story

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"As you wish," you reply. "But let me at least spare you the torment of being eaten alive by piranhas." You draw your pistol and shoot the captain between the eyes. His body sinks to the deck of the galleon mere moments before it sinks beneath the waves.

You told the galleon's crew they could join up and you're not about to go back on your word now. Besides which, the Midnight could certainly use the extra hands. Roderigo grabs your arm to get your attention.

"What do we do about her?" he asks, pointing at Maria.

That's a good question. You could ransom her, or put her to work with the rest of the galleon's sailors.

Ransom Maria and force the sailors into service

Force all captives into service

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