Have your men board the doomed galleon and help loot the cargo, giving the galleon's men a chance to join your crew

From Create Your Own Story

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"Okay, ye scurvy rats!" you call out. "Board this ship and help our new crew members get the cargo off it."

Your men pour onto the galleon, followed by yourself, Roderigo and Raquel. The Portuguese sailors are still standing around, stunned by the sudden turn of events.

The captain of the galleon is the first to recover. "You!" he says sharply, staring you in the face. "You wrecked my ship!"

"If you and your men don't want to become fish food," you say in the best Portuguese you can muster, "help unload this ship before it sinks. We can use extra hands, if your crewmen wish to join me, or they can stay on this hulk."

Some of the Portuguese crewmen are offloading the cargo onto the Midnight already, with Raquel and Roderigo watching like hawks to ensure no funny business. Others are talking amongst themselves, trying to decide what to do.

It isn't long before the galleon's holds are empty. You retreat back to the Midnight with your men. A few of the galleon's crew are on board with you. The water is lapping at the deck of the galleon.

"Hurry and get on board!" Raquel yells to the galleon's remaining crew. All but the captain scramble onto the Midnight.

Some of your men are examining the loot. It appears to be a rich haul -- rum, Maya plunder of incalculable value, and a well-dressed young lady who appears to be about 18 years old named Maria who says she's the daughter of a rich merchant and her father will pay handsomely for her safe return. Your men are quite happy with the results of the raid.


The galleon's captain still stands on his sinking ship.

"Come aboard, now!" you say to him.

"No!" he replies. "I'll go down with my ship!"

Step across with Raquel and Roderigo to haul the captain to safety

Go ahead and sail away, leaving the captain to the piranhas

Ease the captain's death by shooting him rather than leaving him to be eaten alive

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