Cupboards on the left

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:11, 9 April 2017 by SlenderSlayer24 (Talk | contribs)
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You open the cuboard and find all that is in there is a small and strange ornate box. You try to open it but the box is locked. You feel around the cuboard to see if you missed a key some where. Your hand brushes some unseen trigger and a small slot in the back of the cuboard slides open to revel a key with a note tied to it. You turn the note over and find some writing on the back. It says "To my son, if I die before I have a chance to explain please take this key and open the box. Inside is an amulet. Take it and look for Garrett."

You have no idea who this Garrett guy is but this note is in your great grandfather's hand writing. What ever this amulet is it must have been forgotten when he died. You use the key on the box and it clicks. You open the box and inside you find a blue amulet with a lion painted on it. You pick it up to inspect it closer. Suddenly it starts to glow and before you can react a bright light fills the room and and you fall over unconscious.

A new reality

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