WF: Male Saurus

From Create Your Own Story

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The whole tunnel is warm and tight, and touching it sends pleasure shooting through your body, especially touching the lumpen bit of flesh at the back. You can feel it start to grow and throb in your hand, and you look around, wondering if there's anyone else watching you. The chamber is dark, but your eyes adjust eventually. You keep your hands out of the slit until then. There are about a dozen other things like you, the word Saurii come out of some part of the hindbrain to present itself to you, standing in the dark with you. It looks like none of them noticed that little experiment. You're glad, since you're not sure they would have approved, and like you they seem to be built for war. You notice a water-filled pool behind you, that looks like it's slowly cooling off after boiling. Perhaps that's where this body of yours came from? It would make as much sense as most of the other things that have been happening. You stand in silence for a few moments, before a crack of light splits through the darkness. It's just your luck that it hits you square in the eye. Standing in the doorway (that's as good a word for it as any) is another Saurus, except this one seems more experienced and tougher. The other Saurus wordlessly walk out, following him.

Your Character
Species Saurus Equipment:

Claws and fangs

Gender Male
Arousal Slight
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