
From Create Your Own Story

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Hello!! Please bear with me as this is my first attempt at something like this. This story could have many, many, many branches. So... let's do this!

The ship moved with steady speed towards its destination. The movement could barely be felt, its gravity systems working as they should. As they had to be, really, because at the speeds the ship was moving at, any passengers aboard would be dead from the sheer force instantly upon departure. What one was more likely to feel was the steady thrum of the engines below deck. They were powerful things that allowed for space travel between galaxies. Even with her impressive engines, gates were used for the further distances, in order to shave off months of travel time. This was referred to as ‘pond jumping’. Darius Shaver, pilot and Captain of the ship called Torrid, sat in the cockpit. Their destination was only an hour or so away. The large space station, Arcadia, was not in view yet, and would not be until it was almost upon them. That was the trick to travelling at these speeds; if you weren’t paying attention you might not realize you had arrived until it was a split second too late. By then you’d be nothing but a jelly smear and dust.

“No thanks,” he grumbled to himself as he pulled a sip from his coffee. His co-pilot, Jaimie, was currently in the back, checking the cargo with the roster. Four checks was Darius’ policy, once before boarding, once after boarding, once before arriving, once after arriving. The last was really just part of the delivery though. He knew Jaimie thought it was a make-work project. He also knew that Jaimie had never been on a ship with missing cargo. Thanks to me, he thought as he finished the sludge they had for coffee. Missing cargo was bad for business, sure. Missing cargo could also be bad for your health. Especially when the cargo you were shipping was sentient beings.

Torrid was a slave cargo ship. Mostly legal, Darius didn’t like dealing in stolen property. He had been in the slave trade for a long time. Long enough to know what was smart in this business and what wasn’t. Sure, a fast buck could be made on property that had been acquired by questionable means. Often slaves without papers were dirt cheap in comparison to ‘legal’ slaves. But they often brought trouble with them. If it wasn’t someone looking for them, (original owner or loved one for example), it was unbroken stock. They could be unruly, likely to try to run off, or fight. Papered slaves usually had been such since childhood. They were submissive, obedient and easy to manage. Much more his pace, especially since he had been seriously considering retirement. Darius looked over at the clock and realized Jaimie had been gone for a while. He waited another ten minutes before deciding to check up on what ol’ Jaimie was up to. Despite being lectured about it before, Jaimie had a tendency to ‘try out’ some of the female slaves. An indulgence they did not have time for. Darius put the ship on auto pilot, making note of the time, and headed back to Cargo.

Jaimie indeed had been having fun with one of the slaves. The burly six foot three man with dark hair and darker eyes had been led around by his cock just about his whole life. It was just as well, when it was hard it probably had as much blood in it as the rest of his body. At least, that was his joke in the barroom. He’d found her sitting with the rest of them, gagged and chained to the floor. A pretty blond haired blue eyed bitch who’d had small tits and a tight pussy. He’d stripped her in front of her friends, evaluating her before deciding to take her to the other room. This was something that happened often, and she’d allowed him to do so without much resistance. He’d led her into the dining area without much fuss. It wasn’t until he’d pulled out his semi-flaccid cock that she started to get shy.

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