LoL/(M)(GAF) Use the stone and get the hell out of there

From Create Your Own Story

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Clutching the stone in your hand, you smash it down onto the stone beneath your feet, releasing the magic inside. There's a flash of light and a gust of wind. For a moment, you feel dizzy, and then you blink and you're standing in the middle of the mayor's office. He looks up from some paperwork and seems surprised to see you.

"Well, well, young man," he says, rising from behind his desk and striding over to you. "Congratulations on getting through the labyrinth. Did you bring any treasure back with you?"

You open your pack and pull out the gold and platinum crown studded with jewels. The mayor's eyes widen. "Well, well, I'll say you did. This is the most impressive artifact recovered in nearly a century. Well done!" He shakes your hand, then summons his secretary from the other room. You are given a bath and new, fine clothes, and then the mayor presents you to the town. Everyone cheers and the next day the town throws a feast in your honor, where you meet the person you decide to marry. You live happily for several years until you catch your spouse cheating on you, after which you live alone, but are still fairly happy. Every now and then, even when you're an old man, you find yourself wondering what happened to the sepiman, Cuttle.


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