The balcony

From Create Your Own Story

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As you leave the room you notice that less and less of the guests are unspoiled. This should be finished soon and you will be able to make your big announcement. Adam has left the Asian girl and is heading toward your room to take care of the group of "refugees". Anna, your first victim and a girl from the couch are devouring the toothless guy on the floor. Lily is feeding Colin her blood while stroking his limp dick. And Charlotte has found Ruth and she's giving her some pleasure before turning her.

The night is hotter than the previous. There are no clouds and the moon is full. In a corner you spot a couple kissing on a deckchair anda guy is smoking looking at the park across from your place. None of them seem care much about the screams in the penthouse. Considering somebody played some random heavy metal from Sweden earlier it's not that amazing.

You close the sliding doors behind you and walk to the guy.

"Enjoying the party?" you ask.

"Nah, actually it's not as much fun as I though it would be, I was told it was going to be messy and so far nothing seems to indicate that's going to happen" He answers.

"Don't worry, it's about to." You muffle him and bite his neck. He fights for a bit but you manage with little effort to control him long enough to drain him to the edge of death and feeding him some of your blood you turn him. For a moment he lays still in your arms.

"Oh yeesss I can see it now, It's going to be really messy." Grinning, he reveals his newly formed fangs.

The couple is still unaware of their impending fate. You pull them apart and without mercy you strike. Him taking care of the girl and you taking care of her companion. Their blood is filled with lust and you take great pleasure of this little meal.

When you enter the living room you spot Adam coming back from your room accompanied with four newly turned, beautiful, ladies of the night. Your army is awaiting for your instructions with great impatience.

You smile to the audience.

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