Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 6g - Keep the pair of eights

From Create Your Own Story

< Girl Scout Cookies
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“Three cards for me too,” you say as you hold onto your pair.

“I only need one card,” Lin says quietly as she deals out new cards for everyone.

You peek down and see the queen of clubs. “Pair of eights,” you say.

“Well, I’ve got a pair of aces,” Claire reveals, tossing her cards on the floor.

“Two pair,” Lin says with a smirk. She looks relieved that she won’t have to undress again.

“Hurray! Looks like that’s the end of the road for you,” Claire says triumphantly.

You stand up and peel off your underwear. Your cock is still at attention from enjoying the sights of the girls’ bodies.

“Since we still have five pieces of clothing on…”

“Four,” says Lin quietly.

“Oh… four pieces, you owe us for 12 boxes of cookies,” Claire figures. Lin takes your money, while Claire gets dressed. “Any chance we could play another game?” you ask hopefully.

“Nope, you had your chance,” Claire responds. “But it was fun. I hope you enjoy your cookies.”


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