Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 5g - Keep the tens and the ace

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“I want two cards,” you say. You distribute the new cards.

Claire’s faces lights up when she looks at what she’s been dealt. “I’ve got three eights,” Claire yips, throwing her hand down.

You take a look at your new cards and are excited to see another ten among them. “I’ve got three tens,” you reveal. “Sorry, Claire, but your eights don’t cut it here.”

“That’s just not right,” she says.

Lin has been quiet during this exchange and the long look on her face explains why. “I didn’t get anything,” she mutters.

“Tough luck,” you say sympathetically. Inside, you are anticipating seeing Lin reduced to just her panties.

Lin sighs. Tentatively, Lin reaches down to her waist and unclips the fastener on her skirt. Then she pulls it off, revealing a pair of plain white panties. She is still sitting with her knees together, so you can’t see much. Still, seeing Lin clad in nothing but her panties is quite a distracting sight.

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