Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 5f - Keep the pair of fours

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“Three sounds good to me too,” you say, as you distribute new cards to everyone.

“Good cards… good cards…” you hear Claire murmur to herself. She quickly grabs each card as you deal them out. The disappointed look on her face tells you that none of them helped out her hand. “Well, at least I have a pair of tens,” she says.

Lin frowns hearing this. “I’ve only got nines,” Lin sulks.

You take a peek at your new cards. The first two are disappointment, but the third turns out to be another four. “Three fours, girls,” you say, turning over your cards. “Time for you to join in the fun, Lin.”

You turn towards her expectantly and Lin sighs. She starts unbuttoning her blouse, and then hesitates. Lin looks at Claire, but seeing her dressed only in a bra and panties, senses no sympathy from her and sighs again. She opens her blouse and lets it slide off her hands and onto the floor. You’re only half-surprised to see that Lin isn’t wearing a bra under her blouse. Instead, you’re treated to a nice view of Lin’s petite tits, each crowned by long, brown nipples that poke out like towers.

You peer over at Claire’s tits for comparison and she catches your gaze. “Just seeing how they compare. It’s hard with your bra in the way.”

“Too bad for you,” she quips. “You’ll just have to wait.”

“Don’t worry,” you say. “I don’t think I’ll be waiting long.”

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