Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 4d - Keep the three clubs

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Drawing the middle card of a straight is hard, so you decide to keep the three clubs instead. “Give me two cards,” you say.

“Three for me,” Lin says with confidence.

Claire also quickly says, “And two for me.” She tosses her discards aside and deals out everyone’s replacements.

You peek at the cards you were dealt: the queen and seven of clubs! “I’ve got a flush,” you announce triumphantly.

The crestfallen looks on the girls’ faces indicate that you have them beat. Lin is the first to recover saying, “Well, I’ve got three nines.”

“What?” Claire shouts in disbelief. “Nines?” Her hand slips to the ground showing three sixes that she was dealt.

“Not so easy to finish me off, is it, Claire?” you say as you wait for the show to begin.

“It’s only one hand. You’re still one hand away from losing this match,” Claire declares. She stands up and unfastens the clasp holding her skirt in place. As Claire slowly turns around, she unwraps the skirt revealing a pair of thin, pink panties. She finishes, holding her arms out sideways, giving you a full view of her curvy figure. “Ta da!” she says before dropping the skirt on her blouse and sitting back down on the floor.

“Okay, enough staring,” Claire says, pushing the cards towards you. “And that goes for you too,” she says towards the bulge in your underwear. “It’s your turn to deal.”

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