Stay in the car and wait to be found

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You decide to stay in the car and wait to be found.

Well, you're not going to be stupid about it, though. You hobble back to the trunk first and pull out your luggage. You have some dry clothes in there. You drag some of them into the back seat, which is only damp. Some you use to dry yourself off, and you change as best you can in the cramped space. The movement makes you nauseous. You lie there shivering, but you remember that you're not supposed to go to sleep. However, you're increasingly tired, and you do drift off.

The next thing you remember is a rapping sound. Rap rap rap! Rap rap rap! You open your eyes again. A man is staring at you through the rear window, hitting the car with his hand. "Miss? Miss? Are you alright? Can you hear me?

"Yes" you manage. "I hit my head" You sit up. The world spins.

He opens the door. "Can you walk? There's no phone service here, so we'd best drive you ourselves. Jeesh. Your car's really banged up"

"Yeah. I think I can." You say. He helps you up to the road, and into the backseat of his car. A woman sits down beside you, and talks to you as you leave the crash scene. You loose track of time and eventually drift off again.

When you wake, you're in a hospital bed. You learn that you're being treated for concussion, hypothermia, and a mild pneumonia. Needless to say, you won't be continuing the Furchstam case.

Within a week, you're doing well enough for them to send you back to America. While you're still on rest, you quit your job as a lawyer. Life's too short to spend it doing something you don't love. You set up an apprenticeship at a local greenhouse that will start as soon as you can work again.

You look forward to your new life with satisfaction.

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