You ask to be set down and promise you'll keep running

From Create Your Own Story

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"I'll run," you say.

"Here," he replies. "Drink."

You feel a vial at your lips. You tilt your head back and he pours the contents into your mouth. You feel revitalized.

"What was that stuff?"

"Do you care? I call it my anti-tired juice. Now start running."

"Count off my start."

"Three... two... one... GO!"

You bolt out of your stance like an Olympic sprinter. You slow down after going about a hundred yards and settle into a pace you can sustain.

The slasher appears -- by your side, not behind you. "Good."

He's put his weapon away, and he takes your hand. You feel strangely comforted. The two of you jog (or run) through the cold, misty woods, on paths going who knows where, for what feels like days but your watch records as seven hours and forty-six minutes. Finally, your legs tire, and you slow and then stop.

"Bravo!" the slasher says. "I'm almost tempted to make you into a slasher as well. But you wouldn't like that. Ready?"

You nod, as you're still trying to get air back your lungs.

"Quick and painless," he says. "Now!"

One quick slash, and your head is separated from the rest of your body. He did indeed make it quick and painless.


Slasher's Body Count:
Live:No one
Dead:Nikki, Tomas, Andrew, Chris, Jackie, you
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