120 Minutes Remain- Reach for your switchblade

From Create Your Own Story

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You reach for your blade, just as something whistles past your ear. A bullet. Quickly you bring the weapon up and it presses against something solid. Without thinking, you press the button.
The blade flies out and embeds itself in something, You can tell by the sound it makes, that it's flesh. A startled grunt issues from beyond all the background noise, and the solid mass slips off your body.
For the third time in a couple of minutes, you become paralyzed with shock. You've just stabbed the man.
Even without any vision, you know it was the man, the one with the deep voice. Crap.
You sit up and, as you do, another bullet whips past you. What the hell is going on? Who's shooting at you?
These thoughts barely register in your brain, when there is a horrible screech, and the explosions and bright flashes are cut off.
Silence descends once more, but at the same time it doesn't. You can hear a faint noise. A... Munching noise...? Unease settles in your stomach.

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