Hyde Road - Run for it

From Create Your Own Story

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With the situation rapidly spiraling out of control you decide it is best to cut and run. You aren't sure exactly what you were thinking, how could you be so stupid. You practically leap up, which evokes a shrill scream from the petrified woman. You brush past her knocking her out of the way as you grab a hold of your bag and make for the door.

As you rush from the building the cold wind hits you, you forgot your coat, and it's blisteringly cold, you glance over your shoulder and a large burly patron from the shop seems to be in pursuit, you can't go back now without a fight, you'll just have to grin an bear it.

You are quick on your feet and you are across the road quickly. You hear in the distance the sound of a siren. The burly fellow from the coffee shop is not far behind you as you start to run down the street, you are passing lamp post after lamp post, clasping your bag to your chest to stop it flailing around. The snow is falling thickly, large clumps of snow clinging to you as you run. You look over your shoulder and can see you have made some distance on your pursuer, it's difficult to make him out in the snow. As a flurry picks up you duck between a pair of cars and hide yourself.

You crouch behind the car, heavy footsteps come running past, he hasn't seen where you went and he races past you, breathing heavily as he goes. You watch him as he reaches a corner and looks left and right trying to figure out which way you may have gone. You can see his frustration as he raises his hands in the air before leaning forward and resting his hands on his knees, his deep breaths condensing as he takes the moment to recuperate.

You can hear the sirens down the road, you suspect they have reached the coffee shop as does the large burly fellow who, now looking a little dejected, begins his walk back. You can see the annoyance in his face as he passes you again. You are glad to see the back of him.

With all the police around, you don't think it would be a wise idea to try retrieve your car parked across the road from the coffee shop. Jack sits down on the bonnet of the car you are hiding behind. "Well I am glad to see you are starting to use your brain again," he says with an air of condemnation in his voice. His voice startles you, although it probably shouldn't have, you look up at him with some annoyance, "I don't need your patronizing judgement right now, Jack."

"Yes you do, Hart." He sounds angry with you.

"We need to get out of this cold," you say giving up on the argument. "I'll never make it back to the house on foot without my jacket."

You look at the cars around you, you are pretty sure you could get one of them started, although you aren't sure you have enough time to get away with the police out looking for you. Perhaps trying to hide in one of the buildings and waiting for a more opportune time would be better?

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